In the beginning, the first thing God declared bad was loneliness, and it still plagues humanity today. In this two-part message, Dr. Stanley first explains how we find ourselves in the desolate landscape of loneliness, challenging us to confront ourselves and the behaviors contributing to our isolation. Then, in the second part, he lays out a clear-cut path to overcoming this involuntary solitary confinement


loneliness is a big issue it’s an

awesome issue it’s for many people is an

inescapable issue but you can’t escape

it you can be cured of it you can get

through it you can conquer loneliness in

your life if you’re willing to be honest

with yourself and honest with God


four decades ago we started in touch

ministries to lead people worldwide into

a growing relationship with Jesus Christ

throughout the years we’ve seen God’s

greatness his love and his blessings in

such awesome ways that we just want

everyone to know him so let’s open God’s

Word and seek Him together next on

InTouch dr. Stanley begins a special

two-part message about loneliness and

how to overcome it today’s message

living in the shadows of loneliness the

title of this message is loneliness

living in the shadows of loneliness you

recall the very beginning of the

scripture the Bible says that God said

it was not good for man to be alone and

if you turn to that second chapter of

Genesis and you’ll notice after God had

created everything there was something

missing created man and he said the Lord

God said that is not good for man to be

alone I’ll make him a helper suitable

for him loneliness is not God’s plan for

us and yet many people are living in the

shadow of loneliness they can’t tell you

why they just know something’s not right

and they know that things around them

are not what they ought to be something

is missing in that life you can have

everything in the world money can buy

but if you and lonely there’s something

missing and that’s what this message is

all about that is where people are today

in their relationship to each other in

their relationship to family

relationship to friends people on the


everywhere you turn there are people who

are very lonely don’t know what the

problem is but loneliness is the issue

it’s like a shadow that covers them and

so I want to think about that in this

particular message and I want to say

first of all distinguish between

loneliness and solitude loneliness is

one thing solitude is something else and

you’ll remember

Jesus after he had been healing people

and feeding the 5,000 went up in the

mountains and he sent his disciples away

he said and I’ll meet you on the other

side that’s when they got in the storm

so the Bible says he was there alone in

solitude now he wasn’t lonely but jesus

knew how to worship the father to be

alone with him and the sense the

presence of Almighty God on the other

hand you and I would define loneliness

like this loneliness is a separation


if something happens a separation

anxiety brought on by the feeling of

being disconnected out of touch it’s a

loss of intimacy or feeling of belonging

something has happened when the person

is no longer connected solitude is

something entirely different it’s a time

that you pull away from everything to be

alone talk to the father listen to God

and to be rejuvenated in your own mind

in art so what I want to talk about is

living in the shadows of loneliness

because that’s what loneliness is all

about and a confession of someone in

this shadow may go something like this

it may be I want somebody to listen to

me or I feel like I’m in a dense fog

somehow or I feel isolated shut out by

myself I feel unimportant I feel empty

I feel purposeless I feel incomplete I

feel inadequate there’s a feeling

there’s something that goes on inside of

you that does what well those things are

true you’re not close to you’re

separated from and millions and millions

of people are live in that shadow of

loneliness something is not right

separation doesn’t even begin to

describe how they really feel and so

when you think about it you can’t

adequately define it probably but it’s

the inability to find on a human level a

relationship that is satisfying that’s

lifting that’s motivating that brings

happiness and peace and joy in your

heart it’s not there so if I should ask

you today you a happy person would you

say that you’re contented that you have

joy you have great friends that you’d

like life the way it is you can make

some improvements but you feel like you

belong and that sense of belonging is a

great sense of satisfaction to you most

people don’t have that and I’ll show you

why as we go through this message and so

it leaves us with a feeling of being

abandoned disconnected something’s not


and yet God destined us when he created

us to walk together not alone that’s why

he said it’s not good for man to be

alone or woman to be alone

and so loneliness is a big issue it’s an

awesome issue it’s for many people is an

inescapable issue but you can’t escape

it you can’t be cured of it you can get

through it you can conquer loneliness in

your life if you’re willing to be honest

with yourself and honest with God and so

what happens when people feel these ways

they just build a wall and you know

people like that they build a wall you

can’t get to them and what they don’t

realize is this wall they built it shut

you out also shut them in they don’t

want to talk to you that I want to share

with that life with you they’re very

critical they’re self-sufficient self

adequate they think but deep down inside

of what’s happened is because they don’t

get along because they felt disconnected

they felt out they just decided I’m

not gonna feel by the way so I’ll just

live my life for them you build a wall

you’re in the wall that is not the

solution to loneliness yet many people

think it is so let’s think for just a

moment what does loneliness affect in a

person’s life think about this for a


now if you’re lonely it has to do with

an emotion a very important emotion

about yourself worth about who you are

who you think you are who you really are

and so how does loneliness affect people

well the first way it affects you is

your health

people who lonely are prone to become

unhealthy early in life they don’t know

why they don’t relate that how much to

eat how much they drink how much they

sleep where they go what they do have

they spend their time and oftentimes

become very unhealthy a second thing is

this it has to do with their finances

when the person is lonely what are they

do they want to stroll the malls and

they look at this and look at that and

if I had this this made me happy if I

had that that’s exactly what I need

I’ve been saving my money for this one

over here and nobody else is gonna buy

this I’m getting it for myself

I am going to look like I’m somebody and

so what do they do they spend their

money credit cards don’t satisfy the

little – strolling through the mall

doesn’t satisfy long – all the people

around you does not satisfy Lois that’s

something deeper than that and yet

that’s the way people want to cover it

up and then of course there’s

relationships people that get into all

kind of relationships and the truth is

watch this they feel disconnected and so

if they can get in a relationship that

makes them feel like they count to

somebody they are valuable to somebody

somebody wants them somebody may like

them some of them may love them and so

what do they do they get into

relationships that sometimes do not work

and then of course it affects a person’s

morals how many people have gone to bed

with somebody else and began to live an

ungodly adulterous life a sensual life

trying to fill up something they listen

to me no buddy

else can take the place of God in your

life it doesn’t make any difference how

handsome he may be how beautiful she may

be how

which they maybe nobody no one the God

didn’t build us to be satisfied with sex

he gave sex as a pleasure and for

creation of course but not to satisfy a

person simply this without Christ and so

we have a whole world of people who are

living a life of immorality trying to

find something somebody that somehow

would satisfy this emptiness longing

yearning in their heart they hope you’re

not alone live but I want to give you

some characteristics of what happens

when the person becomes lonely shut down

what you think you need to look at it

and think about because in the group

this size there’s a lot of lonely folks

in there listen many long let people go

to church and the tragedy is they go to

church and nobody nobody recognizes that

they’re looking for something they’re

looking for friends don’t you think that

in the church you would find friends

you’d find somebody who cares but not

necessarily and so I want us to think

about loneliness and think about if it

happens to be a part of your life and

I’m gonna give you a long list and you

can think about it so how do we end up

in this shadow of loneliness what

happens first of all by separating

ourselves from other people and choose

them to be alone

I just don’t bother that just want to be

by myself when I go home from work I

want to be all myself

I sit and watch TV I want to be by

myself secondly feeling deserted by the

people naturally when there’s a breakup

of marriage somebody feels deserted by

the other one deeply hurt and there’s

separation a disconnect emotionally

physically and every way and likewise

when the person is forcefully removed

from a safe and secure environment

whether it’s the home or whatever it

might be they feel lonely because listen

God said it’s not good for man no woman

to be alone he made us not to walk alone

but to walk with each other to be

together to feel the awesome sense of

being wanted loved and as we say for

example when you saw is when your

children come along you hug them why do

you hug them you want them to feel

something that you feel for them you

want them to feel safe secure loved you

talk to them about how sweet their and

how loving only known you go all you

doing is building security and them

strength and the feeling wanted a

Charlie Rose have been the home unwanted

indifferent and all the rest they spend

the rest of their life unless somebody

gets to them trying to overcome that

infamous and let me just say this

fathers you have an awesome

responsibility to your family to be the

dad that and that’s a part of that

connect that makes that child always

feel he or she’s connected with my daddy

my daddy this and my daddy that you can

meet any woman any woman who is loved by

her father and she feels it you talked

to her she smiles well you have you met

my dad you met my daddy my dad did this

my dad did that because God made us this

way and the sense of security is often

found there like in no other place then

of course that people who suffer from

burnout they work and work and work

until they the health is hurting they

didn’t have time to build friendships

and so they feel very lonely they’ve

done everything you can do to succeed in

life but somehow they left it the most

important thing and that’s really our

relationships and then of course as the

loss of a loved one you’ve lived with

somebody when it’s 20 years of 30 years

of 40 or 50 and then the other person is

gone and naturally the loss of a loved

one is going to cause that feeling of

loss but you know what I meet people

who’ve lost their loved ones saw that as

a rock

they have memories that they’ll never


every relationship that not even death

can separate them because what when they

were together they genuinely loved each

other they planted something in their

hearts that’ll keep on growing past this

life you don’t have to give up and quit

because somebody you love dies but you

build a relationship while they’re here

then of course they’re people who feel

very in theory and unworthy and insecure

that’s that’s feelings I have probably

because they got that from their parents

who was skilled with them and scold them

and said well you know never meant

anything why don’t you do this and so

and what they did they tore down some of

that person’s self-image and what did

they do it it’s the billing relationship

listen if your son or daughter doesn’t

have it like you want it build them up

don’t tear them down

don’t criticize don’t tell them what

they’re that they’ll probably end up in

prison you tell somebody that more than

likely a kid that may be exactly what

happens because you’ve planted the idea

in that kid’s heart they weren’t worth

anything so therefore they let’s end up

in prison our words they’re awful

awesome results and sometimes terrifying

results and of course there’s the

feeling of being ostracized by being

different because you don’t conform you

don’t think the way certain people think

you don’t do what they do and so they

just ostracize you they don’t they don’t

have any particular care for you and so

they just ignore you and a lot of people

who feel ignored ignored by their

parents ignored by their family ignored

by the people they work with which is a

very demeaning thing everybody has some

sense of self-worth God made us that way

when he died the scripture says he died

for all of us that means every person

has worth but when a person doesn’t feel

like they do they grow through life

damaged they never reached the optimism

that God wants something to have they

never reached this stage in life that

God wants them to reach emotionally and

originally the awesome thing about

becoming a child of God is that the Lord

comes in your life in the ceilings you

as a child of God you know forever a

child of God listen you have a security

that is eternal security because God

loves you enough to save you forgive you

of your sins no matter what you’ve been

through and there there are people of

course who will judge you because of

what you’ve been through in life or

where you were all those have been

somewhere and by the grace of God we’re

where we are God wants us to sense his

love for us that we no matter no matter

what’s happened in your life God loves

you anyway and you don’t have to give up

and quit and say well I’ll never be

anybody I’ll never amount to anything if

you say that you program your mind that

programs your whole system and your

actions begin to follow what your mind

tells it then of course they have

conflict with people and

misunderstandings and instead of trying

to settle that that’s walk away and so

all of us will have misunderstandings

about some things but God God has given

you the spirit to be able to deal with

issues in life without giving up

surrendering and turning away walking

away as we said building this fence

around your life because God loves every

single one of us and he wants us to walk

together in oneness and in harmony and

yet some people never will and then of

course you choose to take a stand about

your conviction you get rejected listen

Jesus got rejected the Apostles got

rejected down through the ages people

who have biblical convictions of the

truth they’re going to get rejected and

then of course there are those people

who retire and they act like nobody

cares anymore you don’t work to return

you work the satisfy the will of God in

your life become the person God wants

you to be he may let you live to be 50

60 70 80 oh ha

but the issue is does your life count

are you giving yourself away and there’s

some people that you probably think well

I could never relate to so and so and

everyone someone I meet somebody that my

first thought maybe that and then I just

get so surprised because I can’t wait to

see them again because they didn’t let

age cuddler language anything else

define them they’re who they are that

who God has made them to be and they

have given themselves away in friendship

fellowship and they’re willing and ready

to talk about it in fact one place I

usually go once in awhile to eat I was

there not too long ago and over on this

side next to the window or a file of

elderly men they all I don’t know what –

how old they were all looked a whole lot

older than I am anyway they looked it

away but but they were having the best

time and I I thought I would just love

to get over there and listen to what’s

going on they were laughing and talking

to each other and carrying on and one of

them recognized me and he came up and

sat down and then it was on he had he

had to tell me about himself and had to

tell me how long he lived there what he

had done it was no thought fish – I

hunted I play God he has me all these

questions then when he found that

everything he was I went back to them

and start telling them and so here were

five men who’d retired and they had some

a job but they were happy

you know while they were happy they had

at least four other people with whom

they had a great relationship that’s

what friendships about that’s what being

yourself and opening the door of your

life to somebody and then of course we

cease to be who we ought to be because

we get betrayed by somebody

husbands and wives betray each other and

what happens to the relationship he gets

marred he gets broken and it becomes a

very very dismaying thing then there

people with whom we relate to that we a

lien eight

we are cocky we are prideful we don’t

care about them and so we a lien ate

them in the process for alienate

ourselves if you feel left behind what

happens if you left behind you feel like

somebody doesn’t care and especially if

somebody you care for doesn’t seem to

care for you that’s painful

they ignore you they don’t include you

whatever the reason making this what the

reason is if you feel shut out

uncared-for not included it’s painful

what happens emotionally there’s a

disconnect and you’re gonna feel lonely

you may promise that you will do this

and so that’s not the issue all of us

have this little bit inside of us that

needs to be fulfilled by love

understanding forgiveness and all the

rest and so they’re people who feel like

they’re shut out because of age and many

people I think probably you can walk in

some hospital rooms and some areas for

many many people there with a lot of age

on them some people feel loved and

accepted and cared for and the elders

don’t now think about this who of us is

too important

too busy to care for somebody listen to

me carefully all of us one of these days

can find ourselves in that same position

but you want if you learn to live and

forgive and forget and reach out and

smile and love and you care for and

understand and forgive it’s a matter of

attitude when I’m genuinely connected to

our Lord I can connect to other people

if I’m not I’m gonna be so

self-conscious about

I need what I want why don’t you do this

for me why don’t you do that for me

I’ll never have any joy in life and many

people who have everything but joy

happiness and a sense of fulfillment got

everything else but they going about in

the wrong way if you get so independent

you don’t need anybody you’ve made a

miserable mess of your life all of us

need to feel needed wanted loved Amen

and then I mentioned in one last thing

listen carefully by the destructive

habits of drugs alcohol illicit sex

gambling and many others people live in

the inescapable shadows of life trying

to find a sense of contentment and peace

and joy if you are miserably unhappy

instead of looking around somewhere else

ask yourself the question how did I get

this way why do I feel what I’m is this

because of the way somebody treated me

is it because I’ve allowed somebody to

treat me or I’ve allowed to be mistaken

I’ll feel the way I feel

I’m never excused by God for being

bitter never excused by God that being

hateful being insensitive and caring

because we are followers of Jesus Christ

our heavenly father has built within

every single believer that capacity to

love forgive to be loved to be

understanding to be caring for all who

are willing to accept it so ask yourself

this question are you lonely are you

covering it up the best you can

why don’t you just stop and say Lord

made a mess of my life

shut myself out built myself and so in

this wall

I made you set me free Lord if you

willin to confess your sins confess your

errors confess your failures and confess

that you’ve just made a mess of your

life and you want God to forgive you and

to cleanse you bother you on a new

beginning you want a new start

you oughta join the peace and the

happiness and the contentment that God

promised if you willing to ask him to

forgive you wash your hands of all of

that tear down the wall and say Lord

Here I am I’m asking you to forgive me

I’m asking you to begin to work in my

life help me to begin to reach out to

other people to be loving to be

understanding and see what happens God

will change your life in the most

awesome fashion if you’ll name father

how grateful we are that you love us you

care for us you concerned about us thank

you died for us and you came in the Holy

Spirit to live within us a life of joy

peace heaviness troubles trials

heartaches yes but you said you’d never

leave us nor forsake us would you feel

empty hearts today with yourself and let

those who are involved in every kind of

activity that they’ve tried to fill up

this empty place lay it all down

and trust you to be their Savior that

Lord in their life and we praise you in

Jesus name Amen


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in touch leading people worldwide into a

growing relationship with Jesus Christ

and strengthening the local church this

program is sponsored by in touch

ministries and is made possible by the

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