The people trying to silence you are not the ones with your answers. In this lesson, I explain how Jesus will ask us questions that He already knows the answer to, so He can help us focus on what is truly important. Watch the full Focus5 course in our free MessengerX app:

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the people telling you to be quiet are

not the ones that have your answer so

don’t give them your voice don’t give

them the arguments don’t get engaged

with that don’t waste your time or be

diverted from your

focus when my oldest son was young I

used to love to act out different

passages from the Bible with him and

this is the one that I’m going to talk

about when I talk about being blind but

focus it was the story of blind bardus

now this is what I love about blind

bardus he is sitting on the side of the

road he is a beggar he’s got like legal

grounds to be a beggar but he hears

something leaving Jericho he’s heard

some rumors that Jesus has been in this

the city and now he’s hearing a crowd

and there’s joy and there’s hope and

there’s sound of their voice there’s

something different about this crowd

it’s because Jesus is in the midst of

the crowd and so what does he do he

begins to cry out it says okay so I’m

going to read it from Mark chap 10 verse

46 we meet him it says that he was the

son of tamus sitting by the roadside so

we’ve got Jesus we’ve got disciples we

got Bart and then we got a big crowd

these are the different actors in this

story and it says in verse 47 and verse

48 that blind barus cried out when he

heard that Jesus was leaving the city he

cried out Jesus Son of David have mercy

on me and many rebuked him telling him

to be silent but he cried out all the

more more son of David have mercy on me

now I want to highlight a couple of

things that maybe you know maybe you

didn’t know but when blind Bemus said

Jesus Son of David he was actually

saying Jesus the Messiah he wasn’t

calling him good teacher he wasn’t

calling him healer he was saying Messiah

have mercy on me and he’s yelling on the

side of the road and it says that many

rebuked him telling him to be silent but

he cried out all the more see when you

have a

revelation of who your focus is you will

not be silenced by the people around you

and so I used to play out this with

Addison and he would be blind barus and

I would be the crowd saying sh quiet

don’t bother the master quiet quiet and

he would just yell even

louder I want you to know that there is


about understanding that you can be

relentless in your focus and you can say

Jesus you’re the one I’m not looking for

the crowd to approve I’m not looking for

the crowd to be my source I’m not even

looking for your disciples to notice me

Jesus you’re the one I’m going to cry

out to all the louder I love that see

the people telling you to be quiet are

not the people with your answer so you

don’t want to engage and argue with them

they are a distraction it doesn’t say

that blind bardus when they told him to

be quiet he didn’t say stop yelling at

me don’t you know I’m blind don’t you

know I want to get healed no he didn’t

even engage with them the people telling

you to be quiet are not the ones that

have your answer so don’t give them your

voice don’t give them the argument

don’t get engaged with that don’t waste

your time or be diverted from your focus

and it said Jesus stopped and he said

call him and they called the blind man

saying to him take heart get up he is

calling you imagine what that moment

felt like everything was about to change

all of the sudden this man who could not

see knew that everything was going to

shift and he was is going to be able to

see but then this kind of random thing

happens he comes up to Jesus and Jesus

says what do you want what do you want

now I’ve always thought it was a little

confusing that Jesus would say to a

blind person what do what do you want me

to do for you but I think he was

modeling something see Jesus will ask us

questions that he already knows the

answers to to help us to focus on what

is important and blind bardus said I

want to recover my sight see when you

and I get in the presence of Jesus when

we’ve Cried Out Jesus Son of David have

mercy on us when we say we’re not going

to be troubled with the crowd that’s

okay with me being a beggar I’m not

going to be troubled with the crowd

that’s okay with me being blind I’m

going to keep pressing into Jesus there

comes a point when Jesus says what is it

that you want want and you can say to

him I want wisdom I want recovering of

sight of blind I want my focus back and

he says okay be it unto you according to

your faith your faith has made you whole

when we place our faith in Jesus when we

actually understand that he is worthy of

our Focus then we recover our purpose we

recover our sight we recover our

Direction and we can can leave behind

the grave clothes and the beggar shroud

and we can step into those Robes of

righteousness I want you to know that

this is the time for you to cry out to

Jesus and make him your focus don’t be

denied until he asks you what it is that

you want him to do for you what area of

life that he needs to touch do not draw

back until you hear him speak Direct Le

