Experience the liberating Spirit of grace and the tangible love of your heavenly Father in this anointed message preached by Joseph Prince in Lakewood Church. Be blown away by revelations shared as Joseph unveils biblical secrets to walking in spiritual maturity, heirship and sonship, and victory over sin and addictions. Learn also why God is not just Almighty God, but also your Daddy God, and how simply crying, “Daddy, God!” is itself a most powerful prayer. Packed with revelatory new covenant truths, this message will deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father and empower you to beat all the odds in life!

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excerpt from Joseph Prince calm Jesus

came to reveal one name about God Father

say father look up here Romans chapter 8

but you don’t receive the spirit bondage

again to fear but you received the

Spirit unship we’re yours by home we cry

out Abba Father now the Holy Spirit

alright purposefully deliberately

refused to allow the translators to use

the Greek word potere only Pateras

father but the Holy Spirit deliberately

left the word Abba which in Hebrew and

Aramaic which Jesus spoke the language

am i leaving his day Abba is not father

Oh father is the what daddy daddy amen

you know Jesus came to review Abba

Father but back then the Jewish people

knew his name is Elohim if you study the

first chapter of Genesis Genesis chapter

1 and Elohim said let there be light and

there was light and Elohim saw the light

that it was good and Elohim said let

there be a firmament in the heavens and

Elohim said let us make man Elohim

Elohim Elohim Yahoo a wasn’t there yet

chapter 2 when men came on the scene

Lord God Yahweh Elohim Yahweh the

covenant-keeping god because man has

come on the scene Elohim is Prieto

Yahweh is the covenant-keeping god he is

now Yahweh Elohim right then you go on

he revealed himself to Abraham when he

was 99 years old as I am Almighty God in

the Hebrew I am El Shaddai you see to

Abraham he’s always been mighty but not

all mighty because Abraham helped to

produce a child so God was mighty in his

life I wasn’t almighty when at the age

of 99 when he cannot perform

trying to find a kosher work for

sudden-like audience God waited until

them the dude was dead and God step in

and God says I am Almighty God in your

English Bible in the Hebrew i’m el

shaddai a man what before me God said

within the year

Isaac king and then the revelation of

God went on and on you have Jehovah

Jireh way array Yahoo a seat can owned a

lot of righteousness you know on and on

and on and we think that that we are

being deep studying the names of God I

don’t that people teach I teach the

names of God is very important I just

show you some of the things that I

taught in my church but the greatest

name that Jesus came to reveal the

encompasses all these names is the name

daddy God Abba it was only bowed to the

spirit sonship you see in Romans 8 says

you did not receive the spirit bondage

again to fear why does it say again to

fear this pure bondage again to fear is

not fearing snakes or fearing you know

some crime or no it’s not nothing to

that it’s got to do with fearing God the

whole context you have not received a

sphere of bondage of the Old Testament

again but you have received a spirit by

which you cry daddy Abba you know

something you may have had a bad

childhood you may have grew up in a

family where your father has been either

physically or emotionally abusive but

listen the father God is not like that

and he wants to be your father I don’t

care how old you think you are you

always be a child you will always be a

child in his eyes he says they’ve got a

saying to you you will always be a child

in my eyes

when you need some love my arms are open

wide and even when you’re growing oh I

hope you realize you will always be a

child in my eyes amen

and if only we can just stay in his

presence even when we don’t have a

prayer and I only press daddy God daddy

God I’ll tell you this fierce Gil

depression will melt like butter on a

hot day in the presence of Daddy God

even you don’t have a don’t have the

Alec one just say daddy God daddy God

when Jesus talking to the Jewish people

this day he says don’t worry what you

shall eat what you shall drink on the

mountainside how you shall be clothed

your heavenly Father loves you more than

all this if your father cloth the lilies

of the field and he feeds the birds of

the air he told them your father he

didn’t say my father he was building the

sense of your father loves you that’s

how Jesus preached your father who feeds

the birds of the air which neither sow

nor reap nor gather into bands how much

more will he feed you are you not more

valuable than the birds

you always say is your father’s good

pleasure he never said my father he says

your father is your father’s good

pleasure to give you the kingdom from

what I see he didn’t come run saying is


it is Elohim now nothing wrong with the

names of God please understand that

please understand where I’m coming from

but it’s wrong with the thing to know

the names of God of the Old Testament is

greater than father are you with me you

know when my daughter was very young

Jessica about three years old she would

have nightmares when she has nightmares

all right

she don’t shout Oh senior pastor of new

creation Church director of Joseph

Prince ministries Oh best-selling author

da who feedeth and clothed me without

hits enough thyself off to me if in this

moment of nightmare off’ or whatever she

don’t speak the language

all she does and she gets up crying is

daddy and I’m telling you daddy’s dead

at one go and if there is a monster

under the bed is the last time you’ll

frighten any child I’ll send it back to

monster school you know was an eloquent

prayer oh yes what an eloquent prayer

you know when Israel was I asked got one

time I said why didn’t you deliver

Israel before they became slaves you

know Joseph had a good thing going with

Pharaoh and then there are rows of

Pharaoh who knew not Joseph and there’s

the time you know the children Israel

are multiplying God’s people always

fruitful all right and they’re

multiplying and then there was a pharaoh

who knew not Joseph I’m slave so that

they were not multiply further and

become stronger than they the Egyptians

so ask God why did you wait for so long

to bring up I mean Moses or deliver them

from Egypt why did you wait until they

become slaves why didn’t deliver them

earlier do you ask questions like that

when you read the Bible I do may at

times he won’t answer me immediately but

in the future sometimes you know you go

into something the answer comes I read a

verse that says and God heard their

groaning and their cry came up to the

God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and God

remembered his covenant with Abraham and

God sent Moses now listen carefully they

did God was waiting for them to even

grown even a grown will reach his throne

i’m in i mean sometimes we are so strong

will not even mutter anything I can

handle this I can handle this you know

maybe a hurting I can handle this I can

handle it you’d be surprised how many

people were not drawn not in saint grown

to one another

oh man I’m telling you no no but when

you’ve grown to god it’s a prayer God

heard their groaning and when Steven was

sharing this about the tree of Israel in


groaning the Greek word used for

groaning is the same Greek word used in

Romans 8:26 the Holy Spirit helps us

with groanings which cannot be uttered

so even when you go Oh Lord the budding

still great Lord I don’t even know how

to pray Oh Lord that’s a prayer but me

at times got too strong but even grown

when God heard the groaning God send the

deliverer first he says God remembered

his covenant the groaning activated the

covenant are you with me people amen

so we now have sonship we call god

father our father we sent this level you

say father you sent this love nice it’s

alright to say god please don’t

misunderstand me something when I

worship God you know your father can be

a famous judge or whatever it is you

know when you I miss in his court

you behave even though he is your father

are you addressing as your honor

alright you can call God during times of

worship there are times I call him

Elohim there are times I say else should

I sometimes say Almighty God but once

you come back to your your default mode

in your relationship with God it’s

always father that Judge is my father he

might pass a sentence on someone but

he’s my father

he loves me this excerpt is brought to

you by Joseph Prince calm to get the

full message visit Joseph Prince calm

once you’re safe you have the Holy

Spirit but there is in you something

taught the flesh it is not your body it

advice in your body is called they’re

part of you that wants to do wrong the

self life all right just like a pebble

in this in the shoe can trouble you so

that’s the the flash is there is the

part of you that wants to do wrong now

you are not flesh if you are a believer

you have the flesh but you are not the

flesh you are in the spirit

didn’t just die for us Jesus died SS

pastor I am struggling that is not your

true self your true self before God in

God’s eyes is the man at God’s right


we all want victory amen god only be

bound to anything all right there’s no

condemnation the Bible says it clearly

in all that we are sharing understand

this Jesus took your condemnation at the

cross he brought your condemnation God

will never condemn you for your

prediction never the way to overcome our

thought life is not even to try trying

makes it worse it’s like a man in a

quicksand the more you try the more he

goes in so does it mean we just indulge

of course not all right the whole idea

of falling back into the arms of the one

who was raised from the dead is that he

will cause you to walk in victory



