Is grace a license to sin? What is the Bible’s definition of true repentance? How can believers live right each day?

Find out the answers to these burning questions and more in this exclusive interview of Joseph Prince on TBN’s Praise The Lord Program. Hosted by Pastor Phil Munsey, Joseph was accompanied by his wife Wendy, and Pastor Joel Osteen—of Lakewood Church, America’s largest church—and his wife Victoria.

Not only will you be encouraged and inspired by Joseph’s insightful and heartfelt sharing in this interview, but you will also gain a better understanding of how a revelation of God’s grace and goodness is His chosen way of gloriously transforming lives, and allowing His people to have a loving relationship with Him.

Finally, receive and be tremendously blessed by the prayer that Joseph prays at the close of his first-ever interview in the United States.

from New York City

our masters at Lakewood Church Joel and

Victoria Osteen senior pastor and

president of Joseph Prince ministries

Joseph and windy Prince Grammy

award-winning worship leader is real


now you’re home

give a warm welcome for a wonderful man

who got his wife pastor Joseph and Wendy


all right over here premier fantastic

come on wow what a joy well your love

brother yeah yeah what a privilege to be

here well I I’m just thrilled to be here

tonight to be with with these two great

voices of the hope and grace that God is

broad and I want to start with you first

of all it is an honor to have you in

America and we we sincerely are thankful

for the message you are

but I want to tell you personally and I

know I speak on behalf of hundreds if

not thousands of pastors the influence

of your teaching is trickling down

throughout the whole body of Christ and

making incredible and Wendy we all

wanted to see you because we never get

to see you and just real quickly I what

what happened and when did it happen

that God has taken you and just brought

you into this place to where you’re

carrying such a mandate upon your life

to release this message

well first feel it’s a joy to be here

and to be all of you finally get to meet

our TV audience face to face and it’s

one thing to have you know God you

gather the people together

yeah it’s nothing they have the same

spirit the benjamine generation having

the same mother we have the same

heavenly father and the same mother

grace amen

and our mother is not law and it’s one

thing to have everyone gather together

under the same roof yeah and Joe’s

ministry is also a ministry that

ministers righteousness you know in 2nd

Corinthians 3 he tells us in verse 9 if

the Ministry of condemnation had glory

now there were some glory in all those

past revivals like Finney where they

will elucidate man’s sins and they were

preached Hellfire and brimstone until

you know you feel like the fire of hell

is burning up your posterior and yet

I’ve come running to the front to repent

and all that and the Bible tells us that

Ministry of condemnation had glory mmm

we’re not taking anything away from that

yeah now if the Ministry of condemnation

had glory how much more the ministry of

righteousness were exceeding loud

we ain’t seen nothing yet we have not

passed this way before God is raising

ministers of righteousness that are

positive I like you know Joel’s message

she gets right to the point he gives you

hope again a positive expectation of

good where we we you know and and

sometimes people have people have met

something so complicated like holiness

for example you know until we are so

fearful of God when actually if you read

the Bible you find that the first two

groups of people that go into the lake

of fire are the fearful and unbelieving

and here you have a man preaching people

out of fear and unbelief yeah come on

yeah the Bible tells us whatever is not

of faith is sin so we should judge the

doctrine and ministries by the fruits

yeah they produce yeah we can preach

help fire and brimstone and preach

against sin all we want and many times

preachers that preach strongly against

sin are struggling with sin themselves

hmm if the truth was known and and just

you know looking at Joel and the way he

loved his family and he’s a he’s a very

humble man no matter man more humble

than Joe yeah both of you have

experienced something I think is so

supernatural the way you were both

thrust into such a demanding role on

this side Joel and Victoria have have

been so used of God to bring the message

of hope and certainly has have we have

discussed that this country really in

many ways has lost its faith and the

only way to get people back to faith is

to give them hope hope is always faith

is the substance of things hoped for so

when people are able to hope again and

have hope then faith draws them in and

that’s what I love about you know and

then you know even though this is all

about Jesus certainly the revelation of

grace the unveiling of grace is so

crucial just briefly as we get ready to

hear another song but what has been your

take on on what Hope has done between

the two of you what is it that

see when you’re out there touching the

people when you the response to hope has

been what

well people people just respond when you

speak to them that the seeds that God

has placed on the inside when you know I

always tell people feel people have been

beaten down by enough in life is enough

pushing them down when they come into

our churches or when when they hear my

message I want to do something to lift

them up and tell them that they can you

know they can dream again or they can

become who God has created them to be

and so there’s just something you know

Joseph and I we were talking about last

night that the scripture says it’s the

goodness of God that leads people to

repentance and sometimes you know we

think well if we just you know tell them

how bad they are long enough they want

to repent but you know what we tell

people that you know what god is good

he’s on your side and had a great plan

that if you’ve made mistakes you can

still get to where God wants you to be

God can restore you I think that’s why

to fill about half the people that watch

our ministry don’t go to church they

weren’t raised like us they were you

know either unchurched or maybe they

went to church at one time but you know

when you when when people hear that God

is for them that he’s on their side and

some of these people you know they tell

me Joe I’m not religious I don’t even

know anything about this but there’s

just something that comes alive on the

inside well that’s that’s the seeds that

God’s placed on the inside and sometimes

you just got to speak that faith to to

get that seed lit so we just seen people

all over the world respond to it you

know Phil it’s interesting because

people feel like God’s mad at them you

know they feel like you know I have to

work to make God proud of me I have to

work to get a reward from God and the

truth is is that God loves us just the

way we are yeah nothing comes to

surprise you know God’s not surprised at

what’s happened to us but we just need

to look to God you know instead of

trying to work to God we just need to

realize that all we have to do is look

to God and you know it’s interesting

because people are just bound up because

they feel like that God doesn’t have his

arms stretched out to them and he does

and so it will just release what’s in

our hand and just stretch our arms out

to God it’s amazing the freedom that

from that and you know what we say is is

so big that’s what we try to tell people

you know you just got it you just got a

release your past and just look to God

and and he’ll free you and he will he’ll

just he loves you I think that’s the

biggest thing it’s hard to believe how

could God love me yeah you know look at

all these people or look what I’ve done

how did they even know because he

created each one of us and the scripture

says he knew us before we were formed in

our mother’s womb and he already

approved us yeah and that’s the amazing

thing that I don’t have to find my

approval for men and I think we know

well here that you just simply believe

it aren’t you’re loved by Almighty God

yeah is a hope right there you’re

kidding I’m loved unconditionally yeah

yeah I’m daddy’s yeah and that’s you

know what are you experiencing with this

you know and I’m going to come back in a

few moments and talk about you know just

what turned it for you what what

paradigm shift happened to you that

released you to do this but you’re

getting the same kind of response aren’t

you people need and and want you know

the what repentance like Joel said is

from the Greek word Metanoia which

literally means change your mind and

every time like Joe made preaching the

word without using the word repentance

sometimes but people’s minds are being

changed all the time from thinking this

way negatively to thinking positively

from depression to having a positive

expectation of good you know repentance

is going on all the time in Joel’s

church in my church and hopefully in

your church as well and you don’t have

to have this brass beating shell oh

Jesus Jesus you can come down to the

open call and cry your eyeballs out and

go away the same yeah because you have

not heard something that it cost you to

change your mind

alright so it’s a goodness of God that

leads us to repentance under the Old

Covenant you have to repent first before

God blesses you but under the under

grace the New Covenant is the goodness

of God that leads one to repentance when

Peter you know his first encounter with

Jesus she said let’s go fishing right

and he caught a net breaking boat

sinking lot of fishers

all right and he realized who the man

was in front of him he fell at Jesus

feet and said depart from me I’m a

sinful man now question which one came

first mmm his repentance are God’s

goodness Wow Wow there’s a goodness of

God that leads us to repentance now

here’s what I’m gonna do first of all I

want to say a Victorian drill thank you

we love you we’re praying for night of

hopes that happen every month we’re

proud of what God is doing in your life

and I want to say to you Pastor I’m

going to bring pastor Joseph Prince back

in just a few moments Israel’s going to

come and sing a song speechless and

we’ll be coming back and speaking some

more about what God is doing let’s give

it up for a great man of God we all love

Israel always


Oh God




you believe that I’m geez


you see


we’ve seen


I promised you that I’d bring back our

special guest and and here he is I feel

very honored to be able to be here today

to introduce to not to America as far as

his ministry it’s it’s been received

with incredible open heart in and

literally have is his feet on the ground

and and ministering the first interview

that he’s ever done here in the United

States and of course he’s going to be

speaking at Lakewood Church and I’m just

so honored and so grateful for the

message in the mandate that he has from

the Lord would you welcome him again

pastor Joseph


I’m a I’m a tweeter salt I love the

tweets you know that for me that’s my

that’s my television ministry I don’t

have one right now so I tweet and

Facebook but today I said this and I

don’t know how you’ll take this but I

said man I said because we had a few

minutes together and I said this guy’s

the real deal

if you cut him open he bleeds grace and

I actually have a word out to be very

careful when I say it but I I made up a

word called graces and you really have

opened up be careful when you say that

word but I think I like it it’s a clever

word I think about anyway but I just am

so thankful that God and I want to go

back just a little bit because people

that have read your book know the story

how did this happen how did God take

because I know that you know you you

were influenced by a lot of the same

mentors that everyone else had but yet

something unique happened take us back

to that moment and then let’s talk about

this well I’ve been a word of faith

preacher all the years before I

encountered this grace revolution you

know and I remember in 1997 I was just

driving up the Swiss Alps on vacation

with Wendy and she was sound asleep

beside me and I was just minding my own

business enjoying the Swiss Alps you

know the snow and just driving quietly

and I heard the voice of the Lord Nam

careful about saying the voice yeah and

it’s something just in impression but

this was the voice of the Lord on the

inside and he said this to me you’re not

preaching grace hmm that’s it water I’m

a grace man I preached faith I preach

grace he says no he says every time you

preach grace you try to balance it with

the law and therefore you neutralize

grace and I said but Lord is a low blow

what whatever do you mean you know and

he said that unless you preach radical

grace lives will not be radically

transformed Wow

so that mark the journey of grace and I

went back in a study at all I can about

God’s grace and I remember you know

having a word of faith background I’ve

always you know been intrigued by how to

develop your faith and I’ve listened to

all the tapes and I’ve been Hagin eyes

and caps

then you know read all the books in but

one day as I sitting on the floor I

heard something I never heard anyone

teach or preach the Lord spoke to me

again Isis would you like to know the

secret of great faith that’s it of

course you know as then he says the you

know that there are two in the

scriptures that I said had great faith

you know when Jesus was on earth there

were two he mentioned had great faith

one was a Centurion and the other was

that woman of us of Canaan yeah

the son of Phoenician woman and to the

Centurion he says

I’ve not found so great faith no not in

Israel right and to the Canaanite woman

whose daughter was demon-possessed he

says a woman great is your faith so only

two had great faith so he told me this

he said this to me what was their secret

and I said well I know the answer to

that because the Centurion he’s a man of

authority he understood Authority he was

a soldier you know and I had all the

sermons before I just gave him the yah

yah the Panthers today and he says what

about that woman mmm she was a homemaker

nothing could be more different any

states that if you study the common

denominator between these two yeah

you’ll find a secret of great faith yeah

and I studied as much as I can for the

next half an hour on the Centurion and

the woman trying to find a common

denominator one was a man one was a

woman yeah and one was a soldier yeah

there was a homemaker

I mean nothing could be you know for the

pan and after about half an hour my

lightning-fast mind as the Lord Lord you

know I don’t know the answer tell me and

he says both were Gentiles both were

Gentiles and and I’ve never heard anyone

say that and I said what do you mean

Lord is he that they were not law

conscious did even know the Ten

Commandments but they were Jesus

conscious they knew who was standing in

front of him

now if you ask an average believer today

all right what voice faith they probably

give the answer sin Iman sin you know

but if you study the Scriptures it says

if those who are of the law Romans for

those who have the law be heirs faith is

made void and the promise made of no

effect mmm so it is it is the law that

voids faith and makes the promises of

God of no effect

hmm and I’ve never heard that preach

what I hear is that that revival stopped

because of sin

now if sin can stop because of revival

it would never have begun hmm because

you know revival happens where there is

sin and where sin increased grace super

abounds yeah I’ll tell you why revival

stopped is because man comes in and puts

in their laws and legislations yeah and

they revived the law it kills baby shuts

up faith hmm

so that woman as well as the Centurion

all they were conscious of is how great

Jesus is they were not even conscious

how great their faith was they weren’t

even conscious with your own faith ah

but your conscious were great Jesus and

he turns around says a woman great is

your faith yeah

he sees your faith Wow so that so when

you when you talk about grace I love in

your writings that you don’t really

separate it from Jesus to you and really

I think when the veil is removed right

grace is Jesus Jesus is grace yes and

someone you know that people always talk

about different Jesus well to me when I

read your book I get there’s two

different Jesus’s there’s the Jesus of

grace and then there’s the other one

yes another Jesus that’s the Jesus that

we want to embrace right and why do

people battle with this why is it that

it’s so good I’ve watched this with Joel

and the message of hope and I’m watching

this message when I read your book it’s

just so liberating it just it’s just

like it’s like getting into an ocean and

you’re just like overwhelmed surely

God’s not this good are you kidding me

there’s got to be a hook here there’s

this is extreme what’s your reaction to

people that are that maybe come in

and in with caution and say be careful

that you’re not too extreme with grace

what what are they saying and what is

your reaction Durst and your fears and

many at times when I hear people say

that I’m encouraged because the same

accusations were leveled against the

Apostle Paul hmm and I remember reading

a Martyn lloyd-jones dr. Martin

lloyd-jones the English theologian he’s

passed away now Westminster Abbey

pastor and he said this in his series on

Romans he says how come today we don’t

have the same accusations leveled

against us

there was leveled against Paul hmm they

accused Paul of saying shall be seen

more that grace may abound hmm the

accused Paul of saying that now Palmer’s

had preached radically where sin

increased grace super abounds yeah

he must have preached that strong enough

for them to misunderstand him right all

right then he says this I submit to you

he says that we are not preaching the

same message to Paul is preaching mmm

because if we are preaching the same

gospel the same accusations we level

against us so today when I hear people

accuse me of that

I have rejoiced I’m in good company yeah

yeah man yeah so the ideal that God’s

grace is so abundant that God’s grace is

so much greater than any of our works or

anything that we can do right are wrong

um the first reaction to the mind is

this is too good to be true and are you

saying that we have a license to sin and

you’re actually saying that’s that’s the

entrance to getting how great Grace’s

the Bible is very clear I mean I wonder

sometimes if people can read you know

isn’t the Bible in Romans 6:14 very

clearly says for sin shall not have

dominion over you for you are not under

law but under grace nice when you’re

under grace sin has not the meaning over

you all right so the opposite is true

when you are under law guess what

sin has dominion over you yeah the more

you try not to do something the more you

try the worse it is yeah you should not

be trying to be resting and just trust

the Lord he is

righteousness is your wisdom he’s your

holiness he’s your redemption yeah

just rest from him now the scriptures of

hoteles in Romans 5:17 by one man’s

offense death reigned by one much more

those who receive abundance of grace and

the gift of righteousness will reign in

life hmm by one Jesus Christ now if you

know that these two gives of God the

abundance of grace notice if someone

asks a question can you push too much on

grace it is by the abundance of grace

that you reign onions we need an

abundance of teaching on grace Wow to

receive abundance of grace Wow and when

you receive abundance of grace and the

gift mmm notice is a gift not a reward

yeah the gift of right when you receive

this – guess what your reign in life and

when you reign in life the devil doesn’t

yeah when you reign in life sickness

doesn’t yeah when your reign in life

your evil addictions doesn’t mmm you

know when your reign in life you Rainman

yeah so now it’s if I were the devil

if I were the devil wish it which I’m

not here’s not this good looking but if

I were the devil guess what I’ll attack

I’ll attack these two gifts abundance of

grace and the gift of righteousness ow

and I’ll assassinate the characters of

anyone that preaches on this group so

Joel’s ministry he preaches grace hope

you know righteousness as a gift and and

and and the devil’s job you can always

tell how powerful a truth is by the

number of controversies the devil

gathers around it yeah okay when when

God restored the truth of healing the

devil put a signpost that set heresy

yeah when when God restored the true for

prosperity the devil put us sign poster

says heresy yeah and the church back off

from the truth yeah we should not back

away from the truth no no and you can

tell that how powerful that truth is by

the amount of controversies against the

truth Wow you know the people I think

that one of the biggest challenge that

people have is is that even Christians

and because this teaching hasn’t been


and because the traditions of men have

and the fear that if we preach it that

it’s it’s going to give people a license

people actually and many Christians are

actually still carrying condemnation yes

and you know so many Christians when you

talk to them you have this sense that

God has mad at them that they feel


they don’t pray because they’re afraid

to get in God’s presence why is that

people actually feel that the debt of

their sin right is still a conditional

you know and I like the way you address

the Lord’s Prayer I mean I love the

Lord’s Prayer but you have the Lord’s

Prayer it has to go through the cross to

get it but there’s actually people that

are actually feeling as if their debts

are still being right you know carried

over them talk to us about this problem

that people have of debt that they feel

awkward around the real problem is sin

consciousness yeah the sin debt on their

conscience and as long as you have a sin

debt on your conscience you always fear

God in a spear and age a slavish fear

when the scripture says in Romans 8 for

you have not received the spirit of

bondage again to fear

yeah that’s fearing God in the Old

Testament way Wow because the word again

is there you have not received the

spirit of bondage again to fear but you

received the spirit by which we cry Abba

Father yeah when I when I was in Israel

I hear little children running you learn

a lot when you go to Israel ah you know

and and there was this playground and

kids were running around shouting


that’s daddy daddy daddy now although I

teach on the names of God Jehovah el

shaddai Elohim wonderful is those names

uh he wants to be known as Abba Dead

yeah and this is pure sonship and and if

you cannot say that you have a slavish

fear of fearing God yeah now what about

the fear of the Lord people ask the

question would you like Jesus definition

of the fear of the Lord yes when he was

tempted in the wilderness

all right the devil came to him and says

fall before me and worship Me and I’ll

give you everything jesus said it is

written thou shalt worship the Lord thy

God and him only shalt thou serve

now if you look at the quotation he was

quoting from Deuteronomy you’ll find in

Deuteronomy says thou shalt fear the

Lord yeah

so Jesus defined the fear of the Lord as

the worship of God oh wow

so it’s a reverence it’s a words yes a

worship of God it is not this the

fearing God like your your snake

something oh yeah yeah talk to me about

this illustration I don’t know if it

came from your book destined to rain

rain are unmerited favor but talk to me

about this analogy of someone who always

some okay suppose I always some money

all right

and I oh that’s the $10,000 you owe to

me yeah yes you do okay all right no

whenever I see you okay I promise to pay

you back in a month’s time okay all

right so then I’m on the end okay it’s

been a mine and and it’s been a month I

tried my best to pay you but I couldn’t

pay you all right so every time I see

you guess what I’ll avoid you all right

because I have debt on my conscience all

right I tried my best to pay but I

couldn’t pay so when I

try to see you I try to avoid being in

the same room with you yeah I try to

avoid you now supposing Joel hears about

my debt yeah all right and let’s just

assume Joel has some money okay all


and Joe Joe is in a hurry to you know

have a night of hope in Paris for

example so he’s in the hurry he hears

about my predicament and he says you

know what Joseph owed you or how much

this is ten thousand ten thousand and it

gives you a million dollar check come on

all right is this just a dhikr sisters

yeah just analogy okay go ahead keep on

hoping brother okay but you know there’s

an overpayment Wow

and because he loves me so much he just

wants me to have no debt on my

conscience and to feel free around you

he just blesses you not yet what has

happened here you’ve been enriched yeah

it’s an overpayment yeah now what Joel

did was that he appointed someone one of

his assistants to inform me that my debt

has been paid yeah now how well there

has been communicated to me all right

it’s important if that person come to

say you know it’s something about Joel

paying something your debt you know I’m

not too sure what the details but but

just to be safe on the safe side keep on

paying Phil now it’s a mixed message

Yeah right you bet now what has happened

is that the body of Christ we have not

heard the pure gospel hmm all right

we’re not even let alone not only the

payment but the overpayment they overpay

all right because Jesus payment to God

is much more Wow all right he’s like a 1

million dollar debt for our top $10,000

dear a payment for done and also he’s an

overpayment that’s why the Bible is much

more much much much more much more much

okay so now when I see you let’s say

someone comes a win and communicates

clearly Joseph in the middle of the

night he calls me up Joseph yeah he

wakes me up and he says good news all

right you know what you know what Joel

did he loved you so much he gave a

million dollars payment to Phil guess

what next morning I’m your yo yeah yeah

you are

I’m your front door and say hey Phil

come on you’ve been rich because of me

yeah yeah

yeah I’m no longer avoiding you I’m

Malloy you know I come on man how about

a treat come on Wow and some five-star

Italian restaurant hello bro hey come on

you know and how about sharing our

building no the thing is this when we

have we realize how much Jesus has paid

yeah our sin-debt he paid a debt him he

did not oh right I ordered that I could

never pay mmm but his payment was an

overpayment because if you know the

quality the the value of that one men

compared to all the men that have ever


he’s an overpayment and if I can say

this reverently God God has become a

gainer hmm and rich by redemption he has

gained much more from redemption than he

ever lost true Adam sinned Wow and

that’s something all believers must know

we come to God all right

he’s been enriched Wow he rips a greater

harvest of praise and worship to him

than he ever did from creation yes from

the fields of redemption hallelujah oh

this is amazing grace

so the first thing that comes to my mind

is come boldly now yeah

come boldly now when you’re doing good

cuz it doesn’t matter cuz even when

you’re in trouble right even when you’ve

had a bad day

mm-hmm come ball I’m totally talking

mercy tick because he you already know I

mean the payment has been overpaid right

there’s not enough that you can do and

and wow that’s a little staggering and

our sins are forgiven past present and

future now some people have Freight when

you when you preach debt all right and

they’ll say things like no you know I

cannot preach that in my church there’s

no telling what people would do yeah

all right so they’d rather not preach

the truth because of some fleshly fear

then to trust the power of the gospel to

change em now

obviously Jesus Jesus would not share

the same sentiments as these people

because Jesus believed whoever is

forgiven much they will love much

and like a woman you know probably a

prostitute who came to Simon the

Pharisees house when Jesus was having

dinner with him and he wept at his feet

and she wiped his feet with her hair

known and geo say Simon I have something

to tell you there were two debtors that

ordered creditor one thousand eight

hundred thousand when they both could

not pay he forgave them both who would

love him more and Simon the Pharisee

having shackles you know dollars in his

eyes you know he understand this

language yes I assume the one who is

forgiven most I came to your house you

gave me no water for my feet all right

look at this woman just not cease

weeping on my food you know why because

the one that’s forgiven little loves


yeah the one that’s forgiven much loves

much so we need to push the truth the

reason why the body of Christ is not

passionately in love with God with Jesus

you know they give lips I love you Lord

but India hearts you know is because of

this they still have this thing get on

your conscience absol and if only we

will push the truth that your sins are

forgiven past present and future yeah

rest easy all right that will not cost a

life centrist lifestyle right right

believing will produce right living e

we’ve had preaching from the pulpit all

right right right living right living

right leading character character and

yet there’s so much a there’s a lack of

character in the pews and there’s a lot

of wrong leading why is that so yeah

because the pulpit is not a place of

unveiling the law is a place of

unveiling Jesus and it’s finished work

right believing if they believe right

they will leave right yeah yeah it is

the believing yeah that’s most important

well this is this is so crucial because

what I see is that a lot of Christians

they really have been forgiven a lot but

they don’t know it they don’t know one

has not made them aware right that not

only and and this is what I see I I work

with Joel I’m a pastor but because I see

what God is doing and the Christian

community is stuck judging right and I

always tell people resist the nudge the

judge but there

can help themself because we judge that

which were having a problem with Jesus

made it clear it’s a dead giveaway

whatever you’re judging it’s what you

yourself need to be judged in and I

think tonight and you come in here and I

mean this I mean this this I’m saying

this with all the sincerity and whatever

equity I have I’m leaning into this your

message this message it’s not your

message you’re a facilitator so we do

the job real the gospel but someone the

Bible says how can they hear unless a

man will preach it and how can a man

preach it unless he’s sent through I

want to prophetically say to you that

for such a time as now the nations are


you must speak this word because we are

devouring one another we are judging one

another we can’t even celebrate I’ve

watched Joe

I’ve watched nearly a million people

give their life to Christ but people

can’t even celebrate that because we’re

such in bondage and I just you know in

the in the minutes that we have left

here I just want to release a prophetic

prayer that God is gonna begin to unveil

unveil and I want to talk about your

fruit for a minute because when this

happened your church just give us a

little bit of the fruit that is being

experienced at new creation Church in

Singapore I showed my experience in 1997

the prior to that the church has been

growing steadily but we heat a like a

ceiling a plateau at 2000 you know I’ve

been preaching the Word of Faith in

Singapore and Singapore’s a beautiful

country by the way excellent great place

to shop and it’s a tiny island but we

were growing until 1997 we hit the

plateau for a long time we couldn’t seem

to break through the plateau and there

was the time the Lord spoke to me about


and when I went back to my church and

preached radically about grace there was

a time that the plateau just broke and

the ceiling just broke in you know it’s

been amazing ever since like you

do you touch on a week on a weekly basis

but 22,000 people concentration in a

moment I want you to pray I want you to

just release I believe that nothing can

happen until prophetically it’s released

I just want you to just release a

blessing a prayer just because I believe

because the mantle of God is upon you

that in the two minutes that we have

just release this upon our churches

release this upon this nation we are

stuck and we need this message of grace

and I believe we’re on sacred holy

ground right now I take seriously that

God has sent you to this country

the sovereignty of God to bring you for

such a time as this and just I just want

you to look to the world and especially

this country and release a prayer

blessing you know feel I feel in my

heart a special love for pastors yeah

you know pastors want to push the truth

and I just want to speak to the past

this for a while you know Galatians

chapter 1 tells us if we preach any

other gospel if we are an angel from

heaven not an angel from hell an angel

from heaven preach any other gospel than

the gospel of grace then what we have

preached to you let him be anathema

accursed and if that is not enough he

repeats twice if we are an angel from

heaven preach any other gospel let him

be accursed now I want to challenge you

pastors when you preach the gospel of

grace the opposite will happen you’ll be

doubly blessed yeah because the Bible is

so clear that is the gospel of grace

that unveils Jesus grace is not a

teaching grace is the person of Jesus

Christ if you are watching this right

now wherever you may be going to

encounter the person of Jesus when you

touch him you touch your healing when

you touch him you touch your prosperity

your provision yes when you touch him

you touch your emotional wholeness and

your broken heart will be healed I want

to pray for you right now

stretch your hands to a Stevie mmm

father in heaven you said Lord when you

bless the people in these words I’ll put

my name on them mm-hmm and I will bless

them yes the Lord himself blessed you

with the blessings of Deuteronomy 28 and

the blessings of Abraham yes the Lord

make his face shine on you protect you

from all evil protect you from this

economic downturn you are in the world

but you are not of the world your


off from his riches in glory yes and I

release upon you the abundance of heaven

yes I release upon you I reaches of

Jesus oh Jesus I release upon you

abundance of grace Wow and the gift of


now reign in life yes reign over your

addictions Rainn Wilson reign in life

Amen Jesus has qualified you amen amen

get on the phone let us know that grace

is alive and well you know that you

received it

you god bless you please can you