Are you ever grumpy? Today on Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer, learn to embrace God’s compassion and discover the power of living with a tender heart. Get Today’s Offer From Joyce: 1-800-709-2895

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– – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife#AreYouGrump

three two


I do what I do because I’ve seen God’s

power transform my own life and he will

do it for you the key to everything is

found in God’s word

I’m Joyce Meyer and I’m

I’m God can heal you

you and whatever you hurt


well welcome to Enjoying Everyday Life

and you know something God does want you

to enjoy your everyday life

not just when you’re going on a vacation

or you’re getting to do something

special but just your everyday Monday

Tuesday Wednesday normal everyday life

and you can do that but only if you live

according to the principles in God’s


and today’s teaching is going to be

really I think just a reminder of one of

those principles that’s very easy to


I’m calling today’s teaching are you

gracious or grumpy

and everybody around here has been

laughing and saying well it depends on

brother I’ve had my coffee yet or not it

depends on what time of day it is it

depends on what’s going on but actually

God wants us to learn how to be stable

no matter what is going on

and to be gracious means to be


and I want to talk to you today about

receiving God’s compassion for you

and about being compassionate toward

other people

you know God does not want us to be

hard-hearted he wants us to be


so to be gracious means to be gentle

and I’m going to start off with a little

bit of honesty about me

I was raised in a very harsh household

and it has taken me a long time

to learn how to be gentle

it’s amazing how the way we’re raised

affects us and how long it takes us to

get over some of the things that we

learn I always say sometimes you have to

unlearn the wrong thing before you can

learn the right thing so when is the

last time you heard a sermon on

gentleness or compassion Isaiah 42 3.

a bruised Reed he will not break

in a smoldering Wick he will not snuff


in faithfulness he will bring forth

Justice now you know it’s very possible

to read a lot of these scriptures and

never really pay any attention to them

because what is a bruised Reed what is a

smoldering Wick and what in the world is

he talking about

well a bruised read in ancient times

Reeds were sometimes used for musical

instruments but when the Reed became

soft or cracked it became worthless and

was tossed aside


this is actually being applied to us

like if you were a bruised Reed

Jesus would not just toss you aside and

throw you away he is into healing and

restoration and I want you to realize

today that no matter what you have done

no matter how bad you may think it is

God is willing to be compassionate

toward you

gentle and forgiving

and he will restore you but you have to

be willing to receive that and a lot of

ourselves a lot of us punish ourselves

for things that God has already forgiven

us for

we need to learn how to receive the

things that Jesus died on the cross to

give us

and he died there yes so our sins could

be forgiven and we could spend eternity

with God

but he also died for other things and we

need to learn how to receive those

things a smoldering Wick

refers to when a candle burns all the

way down

the wick begins to smolder

and is no longer of any value

but like the bruise read or the

smoldering Wick broken people are often

cast aside

but not by Jesus people may cast us

aside but Jesus does not

to be gracious

means to be compassionate

and I want you to hang on to that word

because we’re going to talk about

compassion a lot today

compassionate merciful and gentle

compassion is a term that’s related to

gentleness not just gentleness and how

we talk

but gentleness really in our attitude

toward people and their faults and their

flaws and their sins everybody has


that’s not right about them every single

one of us have faults and flaws and we

really have a bad habit of getting into

judging one another while you this and

you that and you don’t and you should

and you shouldn’t

but we do it without remembering that we

also have weaknesses we we judge people

in the areas where we’re strong

but we forget about the areas where

we’re weak I know I have weaknesses and

man if you’re somebody who doesn’t have

any then I hope you’ll pray for me but I

think we all have weaknesses of some

kind if we didn’t have we wouldn’t need


as a noun the difference between

compassion and gentleness is that


I want you to hear this because this is

important compassion is a deep awareness

of the suffering of another person

coupled with a desire to relieve it

it’s deep

awareness of somebody else’s suffering

but also a desire to do something about


while gentleness is just a state of

being gentle now the interesting thing I

find and I’ve got

four scriptures here I’m going to read



moves us to do something about a

person’s problem

it’s not just feeling sorry for them

well I really feel for you man I feel

sorry for that person but it’s what can

I do about this to help the person

and boy that is really what we need in

the body of Christ

we need people that are willing to help

one another and who will actually think

okay I heard about this person’s problem

God is there anything I can do to help


well one thing we can always do is pray

so if if there’s nothing else that you

can think of that you can do on a

practical level

prayer is really important prayer is

really powerful

and we should always pray for people

when we hear that they have a problem

don’t ever think that your prayers don’t

make any difference because I was

talking to somebody this morning and I

said every day that I live I am more and

more amazed by the power of Prayer

so I want to just encourage you today to

pray about as many things

as you can and you don’t have to wait

until you pray you can pray anytime

anywhere about anything and I think we

should pray right away when we hear

about something

Mark 1 41. and Jesus moved with


put forth his hand and touched him and

said unto him I will be thou clean now

this was a leper who had come to Jesus

and said if you can

will you heal me well of course Jesus

could and so he said I will be thou


Jesus didn’t just say man I feel sorry

for you that you’re a leper he was moved

with compassion to do something about it

Matthew 14 14. and Jesus went forth and

saw a great multitude and was moved with

compassion toward them and he healed

they’re sick

Matthew 15 32. then Jesus called the

disciples unto him and said I have

compassion on this multitude

because they continue to be with me now

three days and have had nothing to eat

and I will not send them away fasting

lest they faint along their way you know

it’s interesting Jesus was always

thinking about

the condition of people they’d been

listening to him teach for three days

and he said I’m not going to send them

away on a journey to go all the way home

since they haven’t had food so we’re

going to do something about it so they

don’t have a problem later on

Matthew 20 34 last one

so Jesus had compassion on them

and touched their eyes and immediately

their eyes received sight and they

followed him now I really want you to

think about the difference in feeling

sorry for somebody and having compassion

on them

and I don’t know maybe this is something

you’d never thought of

I know I hadn’t when God first started

showing me this

it doesn’t cost you anything to feel

sorry for somebody

that’s very easy to do I feel sorry for

you but if you’re moved with compassion

to do something

that’s going to cost you some time some

effort some money something

and we are selfish

that’s one of the biggest problems in

our world is selfishness and

self-centeredness and in our Western


it is even more of a problem than it is

in some other places and I might even

say especially today

it seems like people are more and more

wrapped up in themselves now as


were in the world but we’re not supposed

to be like it

now remember that you’re in the world

but Jesus said not of the world that

means we’re not supposed to be like the


don’t be conformed to this world but be

transformed by the entire renewal of

your mind

this book right here

the Bible

is full of God’s will for our life

and it’s full of things that we should

do and things that we should not do


selfish people just want to do what they

want to do

but you know just because I want to do

something doesn’t mean it’s going to be

good for me to do it

and the thing I want you to realize

about the word of God is that everything

that God asks you to do or not to do

it’s not really for him

it’s for us

I’m going to have my best life and

you’re going to have your best life if

we do

things the way God tells us to do them

so he’s telling us that

to be compassionate is a good thing

it’s going to help me if I’m

compassionate I’m going to feel better

about my life if I’m compassion

when you see hurting people

or you see somebody in need are you

moved with compassion

or do you just say I really feel for you

I’m sorry for people doesn’t cost us

anything but helping people does

Psalm 116 5-7

the Lord is gracious and righteous

our God is full of compassion

well I don’t know about you but I am so

glad today that I serve a god that is


he’s not legalistic he’s not harsh and


but when I make mistakes he’s


he’s long-suffering

slow to anger and moves with compassion

and I just have a feeling I thought

about this before I started even

teaching today

I’m sure there are people today watching


you’ve done some things in your life


were really bad things that you just

wish you wouldn’t have done but you

can’t go back now and undo them

but you can receive God’s compassion

you know there’s a story in the Bible


a guy that we call the Prodigal Son

and it was it’s about a man a wealthy

man who had two sons and

The Inheritance that he was going to

leave would have been split between

these two sons there was the older

brother and the younger brother

well the younger brother came to his

father and said I want my inheritance

now well in that culture

that was like a really bad thing because

it was equivalent to saying I wish you

were dead

now you know our children know they’re

going to get whatever we have

when Jesus takes us home but

I sure wouldn’t want him to come now and

say I wish you were dead so I could have

whatever you’re going to leave me

and that was actually basically

how they came across to his father but

his father gave him his portion

of The Inheritance and he went away and

he wasted it on loose and Reckless


he ended up

wasting all the money

his life got so bad that he ended up

working for a pig farmer

and the only thing he had to eat was the

same thing that the pigs were eating

well I love the way the Bible says it it

says and he came to himself


he came to his right mind

and you know sometimes the way we live

we act like we’re out of our mind or

like we’ve lost our mind and

he came to himself he came to his right

mind and he said I know what I’m going

to do

I am going to go back to my father and

I’m going to tell him father I have


I’ve disrespected you I’ve done what was

not right

is there any way that I can come back

home can you possibly forgive me

well interestingly enough his father saw

him when he was still a long way off and

he was running toward him well in those

days older men did not run it was

considered disrespectful but he was so

joyous to see his son that he forgot

about everything except just getting to

his boy

and you know what that’s the way God

feels about you today and every single


and he received his son with open arms

he threw a big party for him he gave him

a special robe he gave him a special

ring it was a wonderful reunion and you

know what I want you to know today that

no matter how far away from God you

might be

he is running toward you with open arms

and maybe using my mouth right now to

tell you come home you’re welcome to

come home and rather you just did

something wrong yesterday and you’re

feeling bad about it today

or rather you’re somebody that

accidentally turned this program on and

you are far far away from God

let me tell you something you don’t have

to try to make the distance to get back

to him he is running toward you God

loves you and he loves you with a

perfect love and he understands you and

I love that about God in Hebrews 4 15

and 16 it says we have a high priest who

understands our weaknesses and our

infirmities because he’s been tempted in

all points just like we have yet without

sinning I don’t know about you

but as a woman it always means a lot to

me if I go to Dave and I’m talking to

him about something that’s really

bothering me and he says I understand

God understands you

there’s people that need to hear that

today God understands you and he has


on you he’s moved with compassion to

help you he wants to bring restoration

into your life and there’s nothing you

have done that’s so bad that it can keep

you separated from the love of God

my my

the Lord is gracious and righteous our

God is full of compassion

the Lord protects the unwary

when I was brought low he saved me

return to your rest my soul

the Lord has been good to you the word

unwary means not aware of possible

dangers Thoughtless unthinking and

simple minded he protects those who just

weren’t paying attention and got

themselves into trouble and

now they’re coming to him and he’s more

than ready to help you well one of our

favorite scriptures one I go to often

and I hope you do too if you’re familiar

with the Bible is Matthew 11 28-30

come unto me all you

get that come to me

all you who labor and are heavy laden

and overburdened

and I will cause you to rest you know

that could be three-fourths of our

viewing audience today

I mean the world we live in today it’s

easy to get stressed out and

overburdened and feel like you just

can’t take anymore and you can’t go on

it might not even be with sin it might

just be with your life

and he says I will ease and relieve and

refresh your souls

wow I don’t know about you but I can use

some of that almost every day

take my yoke upon you and learn of me

now here it comes for I am gentle


and humble lowly in heart and you will

find rest relief and ease and

refreshment and Recreation and blessed

quiet for your souls now you know I

could just do a whole series on just

that scripture but I won’t

my yoke is wholesome useful good it’s

not harsh hard sharp and pressing God is

not a harsh hard

God he is compassionate full of Mercy

slow to anger and always full of love

well you know in our world today

gentle gracious compassionate and

merciful is not how I would describe it

and you know many leaders many people in

leadership whether it’s

Church leadership or leadership and


their hard driven type A choleric

personalities and they have a goal in

mind and sometimes they can kind of walk

all over other people trying to reach

their goal

and I have to admit that

45 years ago when I first started in

Ministry I was like that

and I really

feel sorry and feel bad about anybody

that I heard and I know that I did hurt

some people

I just so was so full of my vision and

what I felt like God wanted me to do

that I probably just was not always as

nice as I should have been to people and

if you’re watching and you’re one of the

people I wasn’t so nice to I’m so sorry

if you knew me now I’m a different


you know what changes us I experience

God’s compassion toward me

and that has softened my heart and made

me compassionate toward other people I

have experienced his patience with me

and it has helped me to be more patient

with other people although I admit

that’s an area where I’m still growing

Paul said an overseer must be gentle

First Timothy 3 1-3

here’s a trustworthy saying

whoever aspires to be an overseer or a


desires a noble task it’s a good thing

now the overseer

the leader is to be above reproach

faithful to his wife

our husband temperate

self-controlled respectable hospitable

able to teach not given to drunkenness

not violent but gentle not quarrelsome

not a lover of money

you know there are qualifications for

leadership and my concern is today

in the church

many people are put in a position of

leadership because they’re talented

but they’re not spiritually mature

and the Bible actually says do not put a

new convert in leadership lest he

becomes stupefied with pride

and end up hurting people

Paul said in first Thessalonians 2 7

but we were gentle among you like a

nursing mother taking care of her own


so many beautiful scriptures now how

about this

we’re to be gentle with those that are

found to be in sin

are you critical and judgmental

are you compassionate toward other

people who are in sin

have you been gossiping about somebody

or judging them critically

you know the Bible says in First

Corinthians 13 which is a love chapter

that we are to always believe the best

of every person

and God has given me the grace in the

last two or three years to be able to do

that and I’ll tell you it has helped me

so much I am so much happier

and I have so much stress relieved from


when I


I believe the best about people and it

is my choice you say well Joyce what if

you believe the best and they did have

ill intent in mind well you know what

even if they did that’s between them and

God I’m happy when I believe the best

and I want to be happy I’ve spent too

much of my life being unhappy what about


are you somebody that needs to be

happier and more content than what you


well if you are then today’s teaching if

you apply it should really help you

Brethren if any person is overtaken and

misconduct or sin of any sort

you who are spiritual

who are responsive to and controlled by

the spirit and that’s what it means to

be spiritual

it doesn’t mean you have a lot of Bibles

and you’ve underlined them all and you

go to church every week it means that

you are controlled by the Holy Spirit

you should set him right and restore and

reinstate him well we like that set him

right that’s right no listen without any

sense of superiority

and with all gentleness keeping an

attentive eye on yourself lest you also

be tempted wow

you know

as an authority here at the ministry

there have been many times when I’ve

needed to correct people

and I love to start out with

things are doing right

and I like to also share with people

some things that I’ve done wrong in the


then bring the correction in

and if you season it with a little sugar

it’s much easier to swallow

you know correction is not easy because

we all have a little bit of Pride and we

want people to think well of us not not


so when you have to correct people even

if your children

you know I found it was very effective

with my children to admit to them my


be gentle with people be compassionate

be loving

the biggest thing that we need to do is

learn how to think like God thinks and

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actually is the battlefield that’s where

we win or lose the war with Satan he

said all he gets to say

today is mine you start asking God to

heal you and he will restore it’s the

God of all comfort and I am so grateful

that I know how to call on God

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thank you


