Can you thank God “even though” it’s not going according to plan and this is not what you expected? This is the first step toward expressing gratitude in every situation.

when you graduate from just an attitude
of gratitude to a way of life that is

grateful you say thank you Lord yet to
really graduate from the kiddie table I

don’t know about you but I don’t want to
sit in this heat the rest of my life I

don’t want to be the kind of Christian
who only thanks God when he’s serving me

I don’t want to be a grown man talk
about bang bang this is the table called

thanks where I thank Him for His
provision but to graduate touch somebody

say it’s time to graduate it’s time to
graduate it’s time to graduate to

graduate we need David because Moses was
teaching the people to relate to God on

the provision level David was a little
bit different because of his experience

he was raised up as a shepherd in
Jesse’s house to be king and anointed by

Samuel he had a remarkable ability to
remember where he came from and it

always made him thankful and made him
grateful even though his life was very

dysfunctional he was driven by a sense
of returning to God who had given all

the blessings to him and and David comes
in to give us a deeper understanding of

mature gratitude it’s not mature
gratitude to thank God for what He’s

given you that’s just manners
that’s just that’s just good manners

that’s just politeness so David comes
along he says I want to move you from

the kiddy table to the banquet table
bring out the banquet table David who

was not only a subject of the king but a
king of the people had spent some time

as a shepherd and so while Moses is
teaching the people to relate to God on

the most basic level when He blesses you
remember Him when He blesses you obey

Him when He keeps His covenant with you keep His commands that it may go well

with you this is basic David’s steps in
and takes it a little bit deeper let’s

go deeper David says the Lord is my
shepherd I shall not want He makes me

lie down in green pastures he leads me
beside still waters have you heard this

before maybe you heard it at a funeral
maybe you heard it in a time of

mourning David wrote it in a valley yet
he says something interesting in Psalm

23 and this takes us to the next level
of praise some 23 verse 4 he says even

though I walk through the darkest Valley
I will fear no evil for You are with me

Your rod and Your staff they comfort me
Moses teaches us how to thank God for

the but David comes along and teaches us how to thank God even though even though

even though this is a graduated form of
gratitude this is the remedial level

thank you for the but this is the place
where you learn to praise God even

though even though this is where you can
have all hell breaking loose in one area

of your life but say it is well with my
soul when peace like a river attendeth

my way when sorrows like sea billows roll whatever my lot you have taught me to say it is well

even though my heart is broken it is well even though I lost some people it is well even though I’m going through it is well

even though even though this is the
table where you learn to thank God for

what you can see this is the table where
you learn to trust God with what you

cannot even though I walk through the
darkest valley now Church it’s one thing

for professor Moses to tell us thank God
for the good land but now we got to

decide what kind of Christians we want
to be are we only gonna thank Him for

the food are we only gonna thank Him for
the finances are we only going to thank

Him for the fiance or are we gonna thank
Him even though I’m single

where you want to sit

am I only gonna thank Him when I can see the evidence of His presence even though

recognizes His presence in the presence
of enemies this is the stage of praise

where you’re no longer thanking God for
His provision only oh you carry that

over you’re still grateful for the
provision that’s a starting place but

now I’m thanking Him for His presence
you’re gonna need this if you want to be

a big boy and you don’t want to be a
baby you’re gonna have to sit in this

seat and learn to eat with enemies all
around you can you keep your eyes fixed

on the presence of God in the presence
of your enemies because at this table

David said God isn’t the only one seated
I got enemies all around me you prepare

verse 5 a table for me in the presence
of my insecurities in the presence of my

deficits in the presence of my
addictions in the presence of my

confusion in the presence of what I’ve
lost in the presence of the threat that

I won’t make it in the in the presence
of my enemies I’m looking straight ahead

would you do me a favor would you touch
the person next to you and tell them set

the table because when you learn to have
a heart of praise in the presence of

enemies you set the table that’s what
they’ve had said right you prepare a

table for me in the presence of my
enemies and if you can walk with God in

darkness enough depending on the light
that He showed you in the last season

you’ll learn to read your enemies as a
sign that it’s time to eat David said

God made my enemy serve me my entree God made the things that conspire to take me

out feed me for the place He was
bringing me into I got a seat at the table

I’m a big boy I can handle trouble I can handle tests I can handle it

so I’m sitting down in the middle of all kinds of nonsense but I got my eyes fixed on

the presence of the One who is within me and greater is He that is in me

wouldn’t it be great if you could turn
the tables on your fear today and make

the thing that was coming after you
serve the purpose of God in your life

David said you can do it you can do it
if you can eat in the presence of

enemies if you can be blessed under the
weight of burdens if you don’t always

need me to bring it up to the table and
set it before you but if you can sit

see when I praise God through pain
everybody shout even though no no shout

it like you want the devil to hear even
though you came at me I’m still standing

even though you set an ambush against me even though you tried to make me born kinda wild I’m still sitting at the table

when you praise Him in pain it is
preparation for provision and you can

keep your seat hey thank you for
watching make sure you subscribe to this

channel so you don’t miss a single video
or live stream and share this video with

a friend and don’t forget you can join
me live every Sunday thanks again for
