Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

the hallmark of a hero bravery integrity

selflessness they saved the day ask for

no reward and ride off into the sunset

the Bible also tells the stories of

heroes but they are always brave good or

simplice in many ways they’re people

just like you and me missing the mark or

dropping the ball what is it that in

Abraham or a sermon or a Moses have in

common that we should be telling their

stories even today what makes them

heroes abraham believed God and became

the father of many nations Sara believed

God and became a mother in her old age

Moses believed God and became the

deliverer of the people in bondage

they’re all connected by virtue of their

great faith the harbor


most people even Christians decide what

they’re going to do by what they see

first and if you decide whether you’re

going to do what God says do on the

front end because you see it then you’re

not exercising faith and you have

canceled out seeing God move so we

regularly cancel out the supernatural

cuz we got to see the natural first many

of us are controlled by circumstances

than the devil because we’re waiting to

see first before we obey first

nullifying the movement of God faith

must precede sight if it’s going to be

biblical faith now having explained this

he now comes to his culminating section

his culminating point in the book he

said if I had some time if I had the

time I tell you about Gideon barracks

Samson just for David Samuel and the

prophets but I don’t have time on time

space to go and all these other folk I

haven’t gone into so since he didn’t

have a time I’m gonna take a minute to

tell you about these folks he didn’t

have time to go into detail on like he

did all the previous people in the first

31 verses of chapter 11 he starts off

with Gideon in verse 32 Gideon was a

judge but Gideon was not scared he was

third he was he was a passive guy and

then God called on him because Israel

was being invaded by the enemy and he

said Gideon I want you to go out there

and I want you to take care of the enemy

of my people so get in as scared as he

was without an amassed an army of thirty

two thousand men to which God said you

may need them I don’t

your arm is too big so I want you to

shrink it down shrink it down again

shrink it down again until you get down

to 300 God you got to be kidding me you

want me to fight an army that’s huge

with 300 men no get in I want you to

fight an army with 300 men and me so

guess what he did he dropped logic what

he could see comparing his 32000 with a

group that he was going to fight he

dropped his logic and he obeyed God when

he obeyed God he routed the army with

300 men because God joined the 300 when

he obeyed what he couldn’t see if you

asked him to logically figure it out he

couldn’t do it he had to do what God

said do even when got what God said you

made absolutely no sense at all so since

the author of Hebrews didn’t have time

to tell you I just thought I’d tell you

that by faith Gideon routed an army even

though he was scared to do it the next

name you get is Barrett if Gideon was


berrak was weak he was a weak man he was

a man who ran from difficulty and ran

from trouble

in fact he got his strength from a woman

named Deborah and with the encouragement

of Deborah who had heard the word from

the Lord and transferred it to Barrett

he believed that word even though he was

a weak man and God used him by faith to

rout the enemies of Israel Gideon was


berrak was weak and samson was a player

samson was a man who had moral dilemmas

when he was willing to operate by faith

God would supernaturally invade him and

use him to take care of the Philistines

so that the Bible says he killed one

thousand men with the jawbone of a

donkey and that is ending days he killed

war in his death that he had killed in

his life because when God got his

attention he would see the supernatural

enter into the natural the man had some


the man had some issues but he still

shows up in Hebrews 11 it didn’t know

about the consequences but what it did

say was when you’re ready to operate by

faith you can see God show up Japheth

let me tell you about Japheth I’m only

telling you because the author of

Hebrews didn’t have time Japheth was the

son of a prostitute he was in a messed

up family situation but when God was

looking for somebody to deliver his

people he went over to Japheth and said

Japheth I know that I know that your

background in the best I know that your

family situation is it preferable but if

you will do what I tell you to do I’m

gonna use you in spite of your past I’m

not gonna let your past control your

present or what I’m gonna do with you

and your future but you got to do what I

tell you to do Japheth obey God and

routed the enemies of God in spite of a

poor background then there’s David

David’s David’s short David small

David’s young David’s inexperienced but

he runs into this mammoth man named

Goliath of Gath and in 1st Samuel 17 he

takes a slingshot

and five smooth stones and brings the

Giant down to his level and below how

did he do that because David said well

everybody else was looking up here and

how tall Goliath was I was looking down

there and notice he hadn’t been

circumcised says that man is an

uncircumcised philistine he hadn’t been

to the doctor

because it’s uncircumcised there is no

divine covering so I got him I may be

smaller I may be shorter and I may be

younger but in the name of God we gonna

turn this thing around so he didn’t let

his size determine where this battle was

gonna wind up so just because the author

of Hebrews 11 didn’t have time I thought

I’d tell you about the dead man Samuel

he says Samuel Samuel had a problem

samuel was weak as a father we find out

something was weaker the farther in and

when he was weak as a father we’re told

in 1st Samuel chapter 8 that his sons no

longer followed the Lord and so Samuel

had some flaws as a dad he didn’t even

win his own sons but when he was willing

to operate by faith the prophet Daniel

would be anointing the king of Israel

setting of the nation of Israel on a

spiritual course that would lead them to

a new direction now why does he go

through those names and why did I go

through those names because each one of

those folks by faith achieved greatness

wound up in the Hall of faith are one of

our heroes and Hebrews chapter 11 even

though they had flaws in their lives

every one of them had weak spots every

one of them had areas that they hadn’t

developed yet every one of them had

places that needed to be shored up and

strengthened but when they were willing

to operate by faith God graduated them

to our Museum the Hall of faith and made

them one of the heroes I don’t know

about your yesterday I dunno if you’ll

live by faith today God can still use

you tomorrow and recognize you for what

you are done and achieved by faith but

it must be by faith and faith must

precede sight if you’re waiting for say

it’s no longer faith when you face it by

faith God joins you in it when you face

it by sight

you take care of it he comes up the

airburst at the other verse 22 and says

and in the profits there’s so many am I

even gonna name him he said but let me

tell you what faith can do verse 33 it

conquered kingdoms performed act of

righteousness obtained promises like

Daniel and the Lions then shut the

mouths of lions like the three Hebrew

boys quenched the power of fire escaped

the edge of the sword and weakness were

made strong became mighty in war put

foreign armies to flight

he says faith watch this it’s

unprecedented in its power because it

can route whole nations it can turn it

can put out fires it can it can it can

make Lions keep their mouths shut he

says you don’t understand the power of

faith but you must be operating by

biblical faith which means faith must

precede sight let me tell you something

else about faith verse 35 women receive

back their dead by resurrection that’s

what Elijah and Elijah did they raised

up the dead sons of the widows they they

they they raised them up now let me tell

you how bad how bad meaning good faith

is faith can flip the natural order of


he says by faith God flipped the natural

order of things so that that which died

became alive some of you have

testimonies of what it looks like when

God comes out of nowhere and flips it

and you wonder where it came from the

way the Bible does that is with the word

immediately the God just came out of

nowhere and turned something he says and

others somebody say others verse 35 were

tortured not accepting their release so

that they may obtain a better

resurrection and others verse 36

experienced much

and scourgings yes also chained and

imprisonment they were stoned they were

sawn in two they were tempted they were

put to death with the sword they went

about in sheepskins goatskins being

destitute afflicted ill treated he says

now let me tell you about others this is

not the kind of testimony folk one of

here so let me tell you the truth the

whole truth and nothing but the truth so

help me God

anybody who tells you okay go live for

Christ and you will not suffer has lied

to you they’ve told you half of the


they’ve only told you half because he

says and others there are those who were

penalized for their faith he says

something very interesting that it’s uh

you might miss he says uh not accepting

their release that’s interesting he

talked about all this negative stuff and

then he throws in they’re not accepting

their release well now if you tell me I

don’t accept my release that means one

was offered to me okay if I didn’t

accept something I mean that rejected it

so they could have gotten out of their

torture they could have gotten out of

their mocking and scourging and negative

repercussions but they chose not to get

out of it they chose to say no I’d

rather die I’d rather be sawed in half I

rather be mocked I’d rather be scorned

thank you for offering me released but I

turn it down now why would they do that

nobody wants to go look for persecution

only a fool goes and looks for pain only

a fool turns down the opportunity not to

be in pain but he says they turned it

down two things you need to know they

turned it down one because of the reason

they’re going through

they’re going through it because of

their association with the Lord their

association with the Lord has put them

in this mocking predicament we not talk

about people who are stealing and

cheating and robbing and and and evil

and killing no no they didn’t accept

their release in other words the folks

causing them trouble was saying if you

deny the Lord if you deny your faith if

you compromise your character if you do

that then we will let you keep your job

then we will let you stay then we’ll

give you a raise then we’ll we’ll do

that you just gotta you just got to not

be Christian you got to go along with

the crowd you got to be secular and they

say I ain’t doing that

we’ll make it okay as long as you are no

longer a follower of the Lord no longer

a Christian go to church be religious

but don’t be a follower of Christ and

bring those Christian values in here as

long as you do that everything gonna be

okay they said no not accepting the

release not accepting the compromise

there’s a second reason they said no

they said no watch this now because they

saw a better resurrection okay that’s

what it says not accepting their release

because of a better resurrection what

will give you the ability to keep your

stand as a Christian and keep living by

faith is if you see something better see

one of the reasons we compromised our

faith is we don’t think there’s

something better so we’ll really go and

God will remember these principles we’re

all tempted to do it we’ve all probably

done it on some level or another in our

lives and we’ll do it because we’re

scared there’s nothing but when you

understand that God is a God of

Resurrection then you understand that

that situation does not have final

say-so in your life cuz God knows how to

give you

something better they saw something

better so radically that even the ones

who were threatened with death did not

renege on staying alive because heaven

was so real they were willing to give up

earth cuz they looked up like Stephen in

Acts chapter 7 saw Jesus standing on the

right hand of the Father and said I see

something better so go ahead and take me

up out of here cuz God has let me see

see the reason you’re gonna be able to

or we all ought to be able to die with

dignity it’s cuz at the point of death

he gives you dying grace and dying grace

means he lets you see heaven is for real

why you’re on this side so you don’t

mind crossing over that outside cuz he

lets you see something better that’s why

Paul says whether to stay here or go no

he said cuz to stay here it’s gonna help

you but to leave here gonna help me and

I don’t know which is better cuz he lets

you see something better see see what

the enemy wants to do is not let you

live by faith so you don’t get to see

anything better and as long as you don’t

see anything better you stay stuck where

you are and you stay stuck on what your

20/20 shows you and if your 20:29 show

it to you anymore you’re not gonna risk

it cuz you don’t see anything better cuz

you ever learn to live by faith but what

you learn to live by faith God lets you

see that he can resurrect situations

that you think are gonna kill you if you

make the right decision in it he says

and others are willing to risk being

fired willing to risk losing that

relationship winning the risk because

they they are gonna operate by faith in

their families as women as well as many

of you many of you will never see

financial victory in your family because

you’ve chosen money over spiritual

priority and hope if we rob god of

giving we say to God whenever you give

to me I’ll give back to you that’s not

faith that’s sight that he’s already

given it to you first he says no you

honor me first then you will see what I


with your bonds you won’t see it without

faith so you can pick any category it

operates in faith that he concludes here

ya 38 men of whom the world was not

worthy wandering in deserts and

mountains and caves and holes in the

ground okay let me say about folk for

whom the world is not worthy there are a

few people in the congregation right now

who this world is not worthy of what

makes the world not worthy of certain

people because they live so high in the

spiritual realm even though they’re

living physically in the earthly realm

that the physical realm doesn’t even

know what they talking about physical

realm think they’re weird the physical

realm thinks they’re crazy the physical

world thinks they’ve lost their mind the

physical world thinks that that they’ve

become fanatic the physical world thinks

that they’re psychotic it says the world

evening worthy of those kind of folk who

lived this way and the reason why many

of us don’t live this way is we don’t

know anybody who does we don’t hang out

with anybody who does we only live with

folk who live by sight and so we’d never

get to grow the faith cuz we hang out

with folk who the world is worthy of not

who the world is not worthy of because

they don’t live in this world they live

in that world while walking in this

world and what you want in your circle

of influence are some folk who live up

there even though they walk down here

they operate from Heaven’s point of view

consistently faith is how they wrote

it’s not a place they visit and so he

concludes he says and all these having

gained approval through their faith

watch this did not receive what was

promised because God had provided

something better for us so that apart

from us they would not be made perfect


you may not get that when you first look

at it so let me I’m explaining Lucy he

says in all these all these Old

Testament Saints he talked about gained

approval by God by faith watch this

having not all received the promises so

son or many of the Old Testament Saints

didn’t get what they were looking for

Abraham never got to own the land God

promised he got the one door on it he

never got to own it although it was a

promise so they got to see God worked

but they didn’t get to see everything

God said he says the reason that some of

the Old Testament Saints didn’t get to

see everything God said was that God was

waiting on us who’s the US us in the New

Testament Christians that’s you and me

they’re theirs before the Christ before

Christ Old Testament then there’s after

Christ New Testament he said in the Old

Testament they got a bunch of stuff we

see miracles in Hebrews 11 but they

didn’t get it all because they had to

wait on us in other words they have some

stuff we don’t have you and I many of us

would love if we could go back to the

Old Testament and see Lazarus raised

from the dead sea crossing the Red Sea

crossing the Red Sea II see them

crossing the Jordan River see Elijah

raising up they had the dead woman’s son

we would love to see and say I want that

miracle but a lot of them would love to

be what else because you and I get a

freedom they didn’t have living under

the law you and I get some privileges

they didn’t have in the Old Testament so

he says the reason God

I told them and so they they could catch

up with us so the idea is they supposed

to learn from us we’re supposed to learn

from them so that we get the whole

package of what God’s promises are for

his purposes in our lives so you and I

are supposed to learn from Hebrews 11 in

order that we might learn faith so that

we can experience based on their example

much of what they experienced until God

brings us all together around this

throne and men command Abraham have a

conversation you will hook up with Rahab

y’all be talking it somebody gonna be

talking to Sarah and somebody gonna be

talking about David and David oh hey let

me tell you about that David and Goliath

story let me give you some details that

didn’t have time to go over in first

samuel and you’ll be able to talk about

what God did in your life by faith so

we’ll be able to take the Old Testament

Christians and the New Testament

Christians and have a conversation about

the power of faith on both sides of the

cross I don’t know about you but you

ought to be motivated now to live by

faith that’s why we don’t want to see if

I had time the author of Hebrews told me

I don’t have no time but if I had time I

read to you the first line of Hebrews 12

therefore see whenever you see therefore

you got to ask what it’s there for

therefore since we have so great a cloud

of witnesses come on you’ve been in

church long enough to know when the

preacher says do I have a witness as

easy is that

do I have a witness is anybody who can

testify that God by faith responds is

there anybody here who can testify then

I trusted God when I didn’t know the

result and I saw what he could do is

there anybody who can testify

that if you’ll trust God in the dark

he’ll bring you to the light is there

anybody who can testify that the God of

the Bible does not lie and he tells the


the author of Hebrews says do I have a

witness in fact he doesn’t want a

witness he wants to know do I have a

cloud of witnesses that’s a whole bunch

of folk who can testify that if you

trust God God is able to enter into your

situation even when you don’t see the

result and he’s able to turn that mama

out do i heavily is there somebody who

can testify that faith works in the

hands of God’s people



the Bible abounds with people who

triumph through faith a whole litany of

people who decided to trust God over

themselves over other people and over

their circumstances the beauty of faith

triumph is that you get divine approval

it doesn’t mean everything goes smoothly

but it says of all the others who are

people of faith that they triumph

because they got a divine okay they got

a god stamp of approval and when you get

the highest approval possible in

creation then that means you are

victorious and you are successful

regardless of all the circumstances are

at any given moment I wish I could tell

you that a life of faith means a problem

that’s light but that’s not the world in

which we live that’s heaven on earth

there gonna be ups and downs but you

still can be approved where God says you

did it and there’s nothing that will

make you feel better

or be better than the divine approval of

God so let’s get divine approval because

we’re going to believe him even when

believing him is the last thing we want

to believe walk by faith not by sight so

that you can be part of the others who

are approved of God

the Bible tells stories of people that

today we call heroes they sought to

inspire humanity for over 3,000 years we

also have a story and is connected to

these heroes by virtue of our faith my

CD series heroes of the faith including

twelve sermons and two bodies but you

can have that your gift of any amount

rubbish it’s my way of saying thanks for

helping us with God’s words to a good

indeed visit our website at Tony Evans

org and request your copy today hello

this is dr. Tony Evans inviting you to

join me and my wife and and our ministry

family along with Salem radio for a

wonderful trip to Israel November 7th

3/16 I want you to go online and

register right now so that you can be

with us as we enjoy the sights and

sounds of the Bible coming alive in




