Seeing Through New Eyes | Tony Evans Sermons

#tonyevanssermon #tonyevans #KingdomVision Dr. Tony Evans emphasizes the importance of seeing life through God’s spiritual lens, urging us to put on our Kingdom bifocals. With these new eyes, we can grasp God’s riches and authority, residing in heavenly places with Christ. SUBSCRIBE:… If you would like to download two encouraging, FREE full-length MP3s of […]


How Valuable is Your Faith | Tony Evans Highlight

#tonyevanssermon #tonyevans #JudgmentDay Dr. Tony Evans dives into the concept of the Christian’s judgment day as he discusses the four aspects that God will evaluate: deeds, thoughts, declarations, and dependability. Discover the significance of attaching God to your life’s decisions and actions, ensuring they hold eternal value. SUBSCRIBE:… If you would like to download […]


This World Is Not Our Home | Tony Evans Highlight

#tonyevanssermon #tonyevans #Conformity Dr. Tony Evans emphasizes the notion of not conforming to the values and pressures of the worldly culture. We must always strive to prioritize a relationship with God over a love for the transient world, and that such worldly attachments can jeopardize a higher level of intimacy with God. SUBSCRIBE:… If […]


God Wants You to Be Victorious | Tony Evans Sermons

#tonyevanssermon #tonyevans #KingdomPerspective Dr. Tony Evans emphasizes the importance of viewing life through kingdom lenses, aligning our perspective with God’s vision. Often people see life through cultural, racial, or personal lenses, but God calls us to see it through His kingdom perspective. Even when challenges seem insurmountable, we are to break free from past limitations, […]


Conquering Your Demons | Tony Evans Sermons

#tonyevanssermon #tonyevans #JesusDelivers Dr. Tony Evans emphasizes the necessity of addressing spiritual issues when confronting overwhelming challenges. Join him for this look at how Jesus can deliver us from the grip of darkness and restore hope and healing. SUBSCRIBE:… If you would like to download two encouraging, FREE full-length MP3s of Tony’s popular sermons: […]

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