Getting Back to Your Hunger for Hope

Too often we get stuck in the stage of perseverance and don’t proceed to the steps that follow; character, and hope. But how do we find the hunger that is required to move from persevering to becoming and then actualizing hope in our lives? Pastor Sarah teaches on this and more in her recent message […]


Blinded by Potential x Sarah Jakes Roberts

It’s about that time for a heart check. You may need surgery but this type doesn’t need a doctor’s appointment. God says, “If you move, I’ll heal…” tap in sis! ___________________________________ REGISTER for WE23: Stay plugged into the Woman Evolve community: download the app from any mobile device’s app store, first 7 […]


Swerved But Still Saved x Sarah Jakes Roberts

Sis, this year we’re focusing on our journey, goals, and what makes US happy. No need for unnecessary detours or comparing ourselves to others. Embrace your path, be true to yourself, and enjoy the ride. We’re rooting for you all along the way! ___________________________________ Watch the full “Stay In Your Lane” Sermon on the TD […]

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