In this special prayer moment, Pastor Bill leads us in asking the Lord to give us the gift to pray in a way that would have an effect on the course of history.

we’re going to pray something a little

bit different

in that today i want you to pray about


i feel like the lord would release over

the whole bethel family tribe gathered

around the world really

a fresh fresh mantle for prayer

i was uh i’m writing a book right now

on on revival so i’ve been reviewing

stories that

you know just they just ignite my heart

they messed me up to be honest with you

i was reviewing again this morning

and earlier this week this story about

in wales this uh

this couple was traveling by train into

wales and they wanted to know

where the revival was and the conductor

said you’ll feel it

just told you’ll feel it when the train

came into the area

they knew another story they were

asking people in the community where is

the gathering taking place

where is the revival meeting so to speak

where are they meeting

he said well just go down this street

and they said well how will we know

you’re there

we’re there i said you’ll feel it you’ll

just become aware

of something happening there are so many

stories like this through the

ages really of when god begins to move

it actually changes the climate

of a city in some cases the climate of a



and we need the climate of a nation to


it’s not because we get a majority


is because we get his people praying

it’s because we come into agreement with

the heart of god

we lift up our cries we make decrees and

we lay ourselves down

as an offering unto the lord the verse

that came to mind

a couple verses but one i’ll mention to

you said to pray for rain in the day of

latter rain it means one of two things

either you’re praying for rain while

it’s raining

which is to have an impact of increase

and sustained outpouring

or you are praying in the season of rain

but it’s not raining yet

either way that’s what we’re to do and i

want to ask you right now we’re going to

take just a moment

but i want you to invite the lord to

actually give you

a gift to pray in this season

that would actually have an effect on

the course of history

for the nation of the united states and

for the nations that are represented

watching this video now so i want you to

take just a moment

and pray just say these words god give

me a mantle of prayer

just say it out loud make the

proclamation give me a mantle of prayer

teach me to pray let me pray with the

energy of god

with the life of god with the heart and

mind of god

to decree a matter and to see it happen

we pray

merciful god change the climate

of the nations from anger

to love from fear to great peace

that you would transform us as a people

of god

to be agents of revival for this next


we pray this in jesus name we pray

that people would feel it on the train


they would feel it walking down the

street again that hearts and minds would


changed by simply stepping into the

atmosphere of grace

we ask for this over this nation now in

jesus name

everybody said amen amen amen

oh my we’ll be together soon

don’t know when but soon don’t hold your


take some breaths but it is soon

love you guys so much