Psalm 78 tells us that the Israelites tempted God by forgetting His power and the miracles He had performed amongst them. In this full sermon, Bill Johnson challenges us not to forgot the miracles of God. Keeping testimonies of God’s power in our minds and hearts keeps us locked into His goodness and we remain positioned to receive the promises and breakthroughs He wants to bring us into. Don’t be one who tempts God by forgetting His power.

we don’t limit god by failing

to imagine what he’s capable of doing

we limit god

when we lose the wonder for what he’s

already done

wow a good uh no is it still morning it

is no

no it is not good afternoon

good afternoon nice to see you

we only have a few minutes um

and it was worth it just to spend that


wow i just i’m i’m a mess

i i hope a good one but but i know it’s

what i am i am just an absolute mess

i’ve been a mess for a while

and it’s getting worse


i it’s it’s a interesting season

uh tears are much like the kingdom

they’re always at hand

always within reach but uh for me


tears are turning from tears of pain to

tears of thankfulness and uh so so glad

so glad

i’m just in this bubble of grace that is

just uh



really good so

i’m i’m just thankful that’s all i know

to say

i should probably read some jokes so

that i get my uh

stop the tears

you come from dust you will return to

dust that’s why i don’t dust it could be

someone i know


well this one is true of me

how strong do you like your coffee

i want it to show up on a drug test

i i tell people my coffee is so strong

you can walk on it without faith

saw this one where this

little girl comes to her mother and says

mommy i’m confused

you said we were made in god’s image but

dad says we came from monkeys

and the mother said well honey

i was telling you about our side of the



everyone has the right to be stupid

it’s just that some people abuse the


this morning i accidentally changed the

gps voice excuse me i changed the gps

voice to mail

now it just says it’s around here

somewhere keep driving


one more

a friend suggested

i put a horse manure on my strawberries

i’m not doing that again i’m going back

to whipped cream

all right

uh yeah yeah i know i know

i had to have at least one that met my

third grade sense of humor i didn’t want

that one that one did it

i’ve got uh

i’ve got eight minutes according to the

clock is that right yeah eight minutes

and i’ll probably take ten so

um i i can’t do

even what i did in the other two

services so far today just time doesn’t

permit so let me

let me mess with what i have and let’s

just see

what we can do i here’s what i here’s

what i sense i sense that the lord

is going to give us the opportunity

to redefine

probably many things but specifically

three words

two of them are biblical words

biblical definition is accurate enough

it’s just christian culture has

redefined them in a way that’s not

healthy and i believe he’s going to give

us an opportunity to redefine them

because he has intention and purpose the

first one

the most offensive one is prosperity

i believe the lord’s going to enable us

to redefine because prosperity is

basically more than enough

and if i tell people all the time say

listen if you’re not hungry for more

than what you have then you’re being


if you can exist in the middle of the

world problems that we have right now

that just are simply asking for a dollar

and you can look at that and not be

moved to cry out for more than you’re

then you’re too self-centered

there is a a pursuit of more

that is holy

it’s true and i i i know why people are

offended because it’s been so abused but

it’s in the bible so get over it

it’s it’s it’s a biblical subject

and uh the bible teaches pretty clearly


the lord’s intent

and uh we tend to measure prosperity by

what we have instead of what we’ve given

away i’d like for us to adopt the second


it’s about what we’ve given away so

um so that i believe the second one

is a holiness

holiness you know is


it’s the

absolute holiness is the beauty of god

it’s the gorgeous

essence of his person

i i wrote something let me i was

thinking about this yesterday

said there are attitudes words and

behaviors that violate the essence of


they can

and must be avoided at all costs

yet holiness is more about what you can


than what you can’t

holiness is the beauty of god

and that beauty is to be explored with a

childlike heart of adventure and


holiness is the art of god filled with

color contrast and perfect design

to involve ourselves in these things is

to return to our original purpose and


it is in the pursuit

of holiness that we cannot get rid of


but instead self must be sanctified to

his heart which is in part uh consistent

with our original design where we

express him accurately i hope that makes


it is the exploration of his person his

presence his being his nature

that is art itself it is the essence of

all beauty all beauty stems from the

nature of his own holiness

and to reduce it to what we can’t do is

an actual violation of the invitation of

god to come and co-labor and partner

with him in such a way that he has

represented well and represented


the third one

is patriotism

this is the one i’ll have the most fun


but not today

just enough to create a mess and that’s

all and that’s it’s just a gift that i


the enemy is working to erase lines

between male female

between nation and nation

between race and race i don’t want

all races to be the same i want us to

celebrate the uniqueness and the beauty

of each race

the other is a it’s a horrible


uniformity is not unity

unity requires diversity

and if we don’t work to protect that

every nation should have a strong flow

of patriotism

it’s not this nation versus another it’s

the responsibility that we have to care

for our nation now i’m going to give you

i’ve only shared never shared this until


previous two services now

i had a dream

i think maybe six months ago could have

been eight but somewhere earlier this


and in this dream i had an encounter

with the lord and i was asking him a


it was it was a question about

something that he did and didn’t do in

his ministry and it wasn’t a question

out of offense it was a question of

curiosity if

if i could

reduce this moment to

to my own language it would be like god

i know you’re absolutely perfect

but you didn’t do this i’m not offended

by it you didn’t do this why

are you with me all right

so the question had to do

with slavery

probably the biggest black mark in the

uh american history and many other

nations is the whole issue of slavery

is such a horrible part of our history

and the atrocities that were done in in

that era

and and yet many believers use the fact


back in civil war days used the fact

that jesus didn’t teach

didn’t confront slavery openly

opposing it they used the absence of his

conversation on the subject as a

validation of the subject

so i was asking the lord in this stream

and as i was saying you didn’t you

didn’t teach

against slavery

and this is what he said word for word


but i put within you seeds of the

kingdom that would make slavery


now think think with me for me i realize

dreams are subject subjective i i don’t

ever want to equate that you know equal

scripture but i think there’s something

there that really has rocked me and i’ve

carried it for for six months that there

are times where where jesus isn’t saying

something now but he’s doing a work in


that if that work matures you will be

able to address that very thing that

needs to be addressed at a later more

appropriate date does that make any


i put within you seeds of the kingdom

that would make slavery intolerable

so what other seeds has he put in us

in john 16

jesus made the statement he says i have

so many things to tell you but you can’t

bear them now

i’m not trying to add to scripture so

you know we have folks out there that

will read into that and i’m not saying

that but i am saying

he has created a momentum in our soul

that as it comes to fruition we will be

able to address more accurately what

loyalty to our own nation looks like

it will be

not divisive but it will not be

completely inclusive

solomon was inclusive as he made

covenants with other nations and their

gods not doing that not going there

so the lord’s going to give us the

opportunity i believe to redefine

patriotism in a very very powerful

powerful way

all right

i just ran out of time how did i

how did i do that

i’m going to read two scriptures for you

and then i will wrap this up um

we tell all our speakers do not go over

because we create messes in our parking

lot when we first

went to four services

the first sunday

we went over just a few minutes



and we had friends that were stuck in

the parking lot for 45 minutes

we’ve been throwing ashes on ourselves

ever since then

let me read this to you and then i’m

going to wrap it up with it with a


um it’s in psalm 78 verses 41 and 42

yet again and again

just listen carefully yet again and

again they tempted god

they limited the holy one of israel

they did not remember his power

the day he redeemed them

okay listen to what he says

they limited god by how

by not remembering his power

here’s here’s the statement

we don’t limit god by failing to imagine

all that he’s capable of

that would be cruel

for the one who is limitless to expect

the limited

to comprehend

what he’s about to do

are you with me

we don’t limit god by failing

to imagine what he’s capable of doing

we limit god

when we lose the wonder for what he’s

already done

we limit god

when we’ve lost the wonder

this is our hard drive

we’ve all got lots of memories in the

hard drive

right here we have working knowledge

i can go back to events throughout my

life but working knowledge my wife died

eight and a half weeks ago

i don’t think about it all the time but

it’s right here

it’s right here

i’m remodeling my house which i’ve been

doing for four years

actually i’m not doing it

i’m paying people to do it

because i don’t want jesus to return

destroy it and say that was horrible

if i did it i’d have to hire an expert

after i was through

to fix what i

fixed yeah

been flying at the speed of cash for

four years


the slowness

but i now have the money to finish it’s

the only reason i mentioned

that’s not on my mind all the time but

it’s here it’s it’s working knowledge

i’ve got dreams plans things that i’ve

got going i’ve got a dear friend

touched me so deeply


working knowledge my family

some of the things we’ve been able to do

in recent weeks it’s i don’t think about

it all the time it’s right here it’s

just it’s working knowledge

the miraculous works of god

have to stay in working knowledge to

have their effect on us to help us to

see the world around us correctly let’s


all right oh jesus help us fast


help us fast why don’t you just come out

up here and add a

gorgeous face to this surface

yeah i’m so glad that you uh watched

this video i do pray that it’s a great

great strength and encouragement to you

and i’ve got a verse that it really is

my cry for all of us and it’s psalms 20

it’s verse 4

may he grant you your heart’s desire and

fulfill all your plans

that’s my prayer that’s my prayers that

this would be the season of rich rich


thanks for joining us