Mary was called highly favored of the Lord, but that favor came with both blessing and challenge. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson talks about favor and our need for it. If Jesus increased in favor with both God and man, then we certainly need to.

it says if Jesus he increased in favor

with God and with man


it’s amazing

I understand why he needs to increase in

favor with man

because it’s going to be Zacchaeus it

welcomes him into his home it’s going to

be it’s going to be the Pharisee that

invites him you know to his house to

where Mary washes his feet it’s going to

be these people that give opportunity

for Jesus to step in but how is it that

Jesus the son of God was absolutely

perfect in every possible way how is it

he has to increase in favor with God

I I don’t know I don’t have an answer I

just know if he did

you and I might want to consider our

need for increased favor with God as



and now the Lord this Angel of the Lord

appears to Mary and says Rejoice highly

favored one

this favor

would cause her

to be valued and celebrated for all of

eternity everywhere the gospel is shared

there is celebration for this woman who

said yes and the Miracle produced Jesus

she is celebrated but she was also


and favor does that to our surroundings

I I exhort strongly

do not make excuses for the favor of God

simply embrace it and give him the honor

and the credit for I I’ve shared this

even in recent weeks but you know the

whole point is

is when somebody comes to you and they

celebrate you and they thank you and

they tell you did such a great job

please don’t say it wasn’t me it was

Jesus because you know

besides it being nauseating

for the rest of us

I come to somebody and I say it’s a

beautiful song You’re just sang They

tell me

it wasn’t me it was Jesus I’m thinking

yeah it wasn’t that good it was

it was

it was good

it was good but let’s be honest if Jesus

saying that universes would be created

you know if it just is declared word

would have just changed everything so it

wasn’t that it was good but it was not


when someone comes to you with a

compliment receive it

if if you don’t know how to receive

honor you’ll have no Crown to throw at

his feet


you have to know how to receive honor

then when you get alone with the Lord

you just say look what was given to me

that belongs to you

it’s a part of the process so back to

the story

Mary is called this highly favored one

and she had both blessing and challenges

because of the favor and favor will do

that I uh the subject of favor is not

our subject today so I’ve got to go

quick on this but a favor is um

favor is the difference between some

people fulfilling why they’re alive and

others who don’t in the issue of favor

people can have a call of God on their

life but never learn the need for favor

and so they never increase in favor and

thus never have the appropriate open

doors to support whatever is needed to

be able to accomplish what God has

called them to do favors the issue

it says if Jesus he increased in favor

with God and with man

it’s amazing

I understand why he needs to increase in

favor with man

because it’s going to be Zacchaeus it

welcomes him into his home it’s going to

be it’s going to be the Pharisee that

invites him you know to his house to

where Mary washes his feet it’s going to

be these people that give opportunity

for Jesus to step in but how is it that

Jesus the son of God who is absolutely

perfect in every possible way how is it

he has to increase in favor with God

and I don’t know I don’t have an answer

I just know if he did oh

you and I might want to consider our

need for increased favor with God as

well and don’t think that what you have

is enough because part of what you need

is what you can obtain through

faithfulness with what you have

so we’ll leave that there let’s move on

down to this uh verse 32 it says in the

last half of the verse the Lord God will

give him the Throne of his father David

that’s strange because in verse 35 it

says he will be called The Son of God

but in verse 32 he’s called the son of



these this is one of the things that is

has marked me is to see

God look at this man David

who God said

he has a heart after my heart

the Lord looked at this man David and


I’m going to call my son your son


how do you obtain such a place of favor

with the almighty God that tells me he’s

impressionable it tells me it’s possible

to to leave a mark on his heart he’s not

this robotic


is one who has invited us into this

relational Journey

and we’ve got times in scripture where

someone would demonstrate Faith the

Centurion demonstrates Faith the

syrophonish women they demonstrate this

faith and Jesus stops in the middle of

the miracle he says I’ve not seen Faith

like this in all of Israel

how is it that you have God stand up and



look at that I’ve never seen anything

like that before

see there are certain responses that the

people of God can have to him that’s not

generic it’s not apathetic it’s Unique

it’s honest it’s real it’s absolute

surrender and he stops and he says you

know what

I’m going to call my son your son

never have I seen such great faith in

all of his Israel’s history

this is a relational Journey

this is not a Christian routine where

you jump through hoops and try to


a certain regiment

I’ve been invited to know God

and in my heart of hearts

knowing him is the reason

I’m alive it’s the reason I wake up in

the morning it’s the reason I go to bed

at night it’s the reason behind

everything is this invitation to

actually walk with the one who created

all things and to come to know him

and there’s something about this

privileged invitation that makes

everything else pale in comparison

I remember talking to some young people

years ago

I was in this group of about 20 or so

and I said the claims of Jesus are so

absolutely astronomical

so extreme

that if it is true I owe him my entire


to that which is true but if it is a lie

it has made such a mark on history that

I into I owe him my or oh my entire life

to humanity to disprove that this thing

that he has claimed is true in other

words it is a line in the sand that says

choose your side

it is that demanding it is not gray it’s

not a gray area it’s not an apathetic

era it’s not an area that we stand back

and simply applaud it’s like the claims

of this Jesus to actually atone for sin

to make it to where I can have peace

forever with God where his nature can

become my own nature that I am actually

changed from the inside out that I find

out why I’m alive suddenly this becomes

crystal clear

and it becomes clear through the

Redemptive work of Jesus

and here in this moment he’s called the

son of God

but he’s also called the son of David

yeah I’m so glad that you watched this

video I do pray that it’s a great great

strength and encouragement to you and

I’ve got a verse that it really is My

Cry for all of us and it’s Psalms 20

it’s verse 4. may he grant you your

heart’s desire and fulfill all your


that’s my prayer that’s my prayers that

this would be the season of rich rich


thanks for joining us