Bill Johnson teaches two keys for spiritual growth in every season, and explores the reason why churches grow under persecution but often become complacent in seasons of peace and blessing. God’s plan is for the church to thrive and grow in every season – both under persecution and in seasons of peace. In the early church of Acts we see the church grow under persecution, but also continue to thrive and increase after they came into a time of peace and blessing. Bill Johnson teaches two keys to not becoming complacent, found in Acts 9, that will ensure that we always experience spiritual growth in the Lord in every season. Bill Johnson’s sermon follows a time of healing ministry. 6:04 Words of Knowledge for Healing 11:09 Prayer for Healing 24:11 Testimonies 29:48 Sermon: Two Keys for Spiritual Growth In Both Blessing and Persecution Subscribe for weekly videos:

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Scripture References: Acts 2-9 Ephesians 3: 20 Romans 3: 23 Psalm 67 Philippians 4: 12 Originally shared at Bethel Church, Redding California, on January 14, 2018.

in the scripture God is so kind to give

us this simple verse with two bits of

instruction that ensure the people of

God can step into a sweet spot of

blessing and not fall prey to

complacency loss of focus turning

attention from seeking first the kingdom

to seeking the things the benefits of

the Kingdom Jesus didn’t get any of his

disciples by sharing with them the

benefits of the


bless the worship team please blessing

go thank you thank you yeah yeah is this

on yet yeah there we

go well good to see you I uh I don’t

know if we can get a camera shot of

this if is it possible get up on the

screen car car’s Revival group decided

to give me a

gift now




Eric there’s



here’s my daughter


Leah so good I’ve never received one of

these before this is a I didn’t even

know you could do that that’s awesome

thank you I

have I have something I’ve never had


for people ask what do you get for the

person who has everything this this is

what you get you you get this it’s so

cool thank

you my cins my friend he’s with the

Randy clarks’s team why don’t you stand

up so everyone can see my friend

Mike bless

you so good to have you here he has a

such an unusual Grace on his life for so

many things leads the school of min

Ministry there in Harrisburg

Pennsylvania Mechanicsburg uh but also

uh unusual Grace on his life for seeing

people healed of P

PTSD and uh I don’t know how many it is

now but it’s 10,000 at least



wow is this mic

on something that is

incurable 10,000


Wow Come On Let’s stand up and give a

shout of thanks to the Lord

10,000 wonderful Jesus bless the Lord

bless the

Lord bless the

Lord thank you God something they said

could not be fixed Jesus is fixing in


wow okay I just feel better now that you

stood go ahead and sit

down we’re going to have such an

outrageously good

week a a number of our folks just

without any prompting at all have just

felt called of the Lord to

fast uh this next week this last week

some of them been been fasting for a

while in anticipation of this week um I

asked some of our students this week

just Excuse me while I have my


just remind you I’m still


yeah um every once I’m asked the

question if you could spend an hour with

anyone in history who would it be and

there’s a lot of folks I’d love to spend

an hour with you know a lot of Bible

characters and stuff but probably the

person I would pick would be John G Lake

he’s just my my personal hero he had

such a clear understanding of the

Kingdom to me 100 years ahead of anyone

of his day I haven’t found anyone with a

Clarity of the understanding of the

kingdom of God that he had and uh I was

talking to the students this last week

and I said how many of you would love to

spend you know a week with John G Lake

or AA Allen or some of the heroes of the

faith that we have of course all of us

raise our hands you

know and this week you have a chance to


that this is exactly what you have a

chance to do 100 years from now ry’s

name will be put in the the same group

as these Heroes that we’ve honored

through the years and the Lord has used

him to initiate fires of Revival all

over the world more than any other

person I know and uh and he’s in reading

this week in

Reading just show up and get in the line

of fire that’s all you got to do is just

get in the line of fire and just

say mess me up

Jesus some eloquent prayer like that

mess me up Jesus Beyond recovery and uh

it may I never be the same I I’m coming

hungry I feel such a a personal need for

more uh I really do I feel like I feel

like I I feel like we are right on the

edge of a very significant breakthrough

I want to talk a little bit about that

tonight but uh what you don’t want to do

is Miss Divine

opportunities and uh find something else

to do so if it’s a possibility for you

join us this week it’s going to be



right does does anyone have metal in the

right side of their jaw does anyone have

metal I saw is it right right over here

you have in the right side of your

jaw the whole face I actually saw it

looked like an x-ray earlier in the

prayer room and I just saw something

highlighted on the right side of the jaw

so we’re going to pray for that um

anyone have

issues okay okay anyone have just issues

with the jaw especially on the right

side it may be both sides but especially

on the right side it could be TMJ could

be any number of things but all right I

want you go ahead and stand if that’s

you there’s also a number of individuals

here uh this is kind of strange when

when this when I when I see this I saw

it in the left hip but I felt it in the

right so as far as I’m concerned it

includes both sides if you have an issue

in the joint of your hip I think it has

to do with some sort of a a bone disease

I’m just guessing but that’s kind of

what it looked or felt like so if you

have issues in uh one or the other hip

or both stand if you’re able to and

we’re going to pray for you um detached

retina is there anyone who uh has that

um has damage to the eye where they’re

concerned uh with that that’s you as

well so this is all about you tonight

then and and you have the hip

too my face they took a bone out of your

hip for your

face it was it the right side yours is

the right side cuz that’s the one I feel

but I also saw something in the left

joint all right well this entire meeting

is really for you

tonight that’s awesome all right well

let me just declare of you Jesus makes

all things new he is the one who makes

all things new I just want you to stand

there in the anointing because he he is

going to recreate he is going to

recreate there are individuals that have

inflammation right under the kneecaps

could be on one or both sides but

there’s inflammation if that’s you stand

up the Lord’s going to heal uh there as

well there’s tendon damage and I believe

it’s the right ankle it’s in the ankles

but I can specifically feel it in my

right ankle there’s tendon damage there

um I think it happened quite a while ago

but it’s just never fully recovered if

that’s you stand up CU tonight is your

night uh there’s somebody who has broken

the right rib ribs on the right side it

may be a fresh break it may be an old

injury that just aggravates and if

that’s you just stand up because Jesus

is going to heal that right now right

now in fact put your hand on your own

rib just put your if that’s you put your

hand on your own

rib yeah we just declare the healing

Grace of Jesus right now there is a

hearing loss specifically in the left

ear if that you stand

up I mean obviously if you have an

either ear that’s great just get in on

it but uh uh but I can see just

specifically uh issue in the left ear um

also is there anyone here who has

growths of any kind in the abdominal

area it may be cancer it may not be is

it you you have is it benign is it

cancer do you know

don’t they found a MK okay you don’t

know what it is yet all right all right

so if there’s anyone else over here as

well all right listen Jesus wouldn’t

show these things for entertainment or

merely to give you hope he reveals these

things because of his full intention to

release his Miracle his touch his

grace the Lord is able to actually lay

his hand declare his word over each one

of you at the same time church I want

you just to extend a hand towards these


now for those of you that are

standing if you’re able to just put a

hand on the part of the body that is

Afflicted so that the people around you

will know what to pray


there’s also uh something the Lord is

doing in healing it almost feel like

he’s um purging or uh rotor

rter bad picture uh the whole sinus

cavity up in the forehead there’s

something that he’s purging he’s

cleaning out and uh I’m not sure it may

may be just an infection but it felt

like it was it was uh some sort of a

disease or Affliction of some sort

anyway if that’s you just stand up uh in

any measure just stand up all right now

Church begin to pray I want you to lay

hands on them declare the healing Grace

of Jesus we just ask holy spirit that

you would come now in power that you’d

release your Miracle of

healing we declare Jesus makes all

things new we speak to the right jaw be

healed now in the name of the Lord Jesus

all infirmity Affliction

loose in Jesus

name loose in Jesus name I ask for the

fire of the Holy Spirit to go through

that sinus cavity and permanently uproot

all Affliction all continuous Affliction

and pain this ongoing nonsense Ends

Tonight in Jesus name inflammation in

the knees and throughout the body I

rebuke you I rebuke you in the name of

the Lord and I command you loose

people’s bodies now in Jesus

name disia just keep see the letters

just um there’s a word of knowledge for

the healing of

Dyslexia so if you have that lay your

hand on your own forehead just lay your

hand on your own forehead and we just

ask Lord Lord rewire brains right now

there’s nothing you did wrong you are as

intelligent as anybody else around you

there’s just something that’s broken and

Jesus has come to repair and to fix it I

saw I’ve seen as many as 16 cases of

Dyslexia healed in one evening proven by

standing up and doing what they could

not do in front of a thousand people so

we declare that healing word right now

in Jesus name some of you are being

healed I want you as you’re being prayed

for just examine yourself slowly but

examine yourself and some of you that

are sitting down the healing Grace of

Jesus is called collateral blessing he

is touching people that aren’t standing

and uh and I believe that people are

being healed uh that uh that aren’t even

standing there’s somebody who has

something in the right sciatica that

Jesus is touching right now if if if I

were you I would stand up right now and

check it out if you had the issue with

the knees start Bend them examining them

do whatever you can do to check yourself

out thank you

Lord thank you Lord

Jesus peanut all peanut allergy is a

word of knowledge for peanut

allergy who is that peanut allergy

peanut algae man that’s just wrong

peanut algae you know Peanut allergy

chocolate allergy both are just illegal

they’re just from the devil so we just

declare no more peanut allergy honestly

let’s go after this food allergies are

wrong it’s the enemy mocking the liberty

of the believer to Delight in God’s

provision we call an end to food

allergies in this room right now in

Jesus mighty name we rebuke that lying

Spirit we rebuke that lying spirit that

just says food allergy is just a part of

life it is not a part of life there are

those watching online listen receive

these words over your own body we

declare that healing word write us when

the Lord touches you too let us know cuz

we need get encouraged by the by the

stories thank you

Lord I this is what I’m going to do

everyone that stood for prayer be

standing again right now if you sat down

stand again I this I I’ve not done it

like this before but I want everyone

who’s standing to put a hand up and I

want everyone else to stand right now

and face somebody with their hand up and

extend your hand towards them I feel

like there is a corporate anointing that

we are supposed to tap into for miracles

right now a corporate anointing it’s not

about an

individual it’s about his body his

Spirit upon his body we declare that

healing word right now that healing word

over your body in Jesus name

ears open in Jesus

name limbs be mended now in Jesus

name those with a jaw issue just start

moving your jaw around those with a

hearing issue have somebody examine you

uh check things out for your uh for your

hearing the the left eye the uh uh

uh issue with the eye with the sight

examine yourself right

now okay Church stop praying I want

everyone that receive prayer to test

yourself right now try to see what you


do who there’s a word of knowledge about


dizziness who who has who has that put

your hand up high lay hands on these


quickly uh who has vertigo wave your

hand at me if it’s vertigo man that is

that is a tormenting thing I’ll tell you

lay hands on these folks right now for

that may be an inner ear infection lay

hands on them right now we just declare

this thing Ends Tonight Ends

Tonight okay everybody be praying right

now everyone be praying now everyone

that put your hand up right now check


out examine yourself and as soon as you

realize you’re at least 80% better I

want you to wave both hands over your

head like this so we can see who you are

are do that for about 15 seconds I want

people around you to see who who you are

look around the room glory to

God glory to

God now turn and Pray Again turn and

pray again unless the person is 100%

then of course leave him alone but turn

and Pray

Again go after a church the anointing is

upon you to bring healing and Recovery

to Broken conditions someone I think

it’s her right heel the heel was like

chipped the bones chipped there’s a word

of knowledge for a chip in the right

heel is there anyone has some sort of a

chip or a fracture a crack or something

in that in the right

heel if that’s you put your hand up cuz

I want to see I want to see who you are

I see a hand way in the back I don’t

know if they’re worshiping or right is

there right here

okay right back here okay all right all

right somebody just lay hands on the on

the heel declare heel over the heel amen

heal in Jesus name all right you got

about 30 seconds everybody be

praying everybody be



it is the absolute will of God for every

person to be touched by the Lord tonight

the healing Grace of

Jesus thank you

Lord thank you

Lord all right you did good now yeah

stop praying for him everyone that

received prayer I don’t care if you felt

anything or not everyone who received

prayer right now examine yourself to see

what the Lord has done if there’s

anything you can do to check yourself

out do it right now and everyone who is

at least 80% better in any part us

prayed for wave your hands over your

head like this so that we can see who

you are we can celebrate with you thank


Lord bless the Lord

look wow wow wow wow


come on lift up a shout lift up a shout

we give you thanks

God we give you thanks

Lord we give you thanks

Lord go ahead and be



as simple as those kind of moments

are we’ve been doing this for a long

time many many many

years 20 years

plus and what I’ve noticed is there’s a

tremendous increase in the number and in

the significance of the Miracles when

the people of God doing the do the

praying yes we have great stories when

the prayer teams pray pastoral staff

healing rooms great reports but the ones

that impact me the most is when I have

the church pray and sometimes as in

tonight there’ll be pain leave

somebody’s body very simple minor to

everyone except the person who had the


and other times it’s an absolute

creative Miracle we have one with us

tonight that had extraordinary Miracle

um let stand up so everybody can see was

it a year ago no it was just in May it

was it it was last May almost year yeah

yeah yeah yeah eight months ago eight

months ago absolute healing throughout

your body we’ve got a video that we’re

going to be doing or have done a the you

it’s already been filmed I think it’s

last week or so she had a uh little spal

spinal cord stimulator pack uh to

shoot the take the pain away in the

spine and and and you couldn’t do a lot

of things and you got baptized tonight

and your head almost came off I noticed

and you couldn’t do that before like

that would have killed you yeah yeah she

couldn’t do any of that because of the

metal and stuff in her

neet such a glorious thing yeah we’ll

we’ll hear more

we’ll hear more on this maybe testimony

or something this week such such a great

story but here’s the deal in these

simple moments where the church is the

church from the simplest things to the

most profound breakthroughs happen in

these kind of situations don’t ever

become weary of them don’t lose focus

don’t lose appreciation it’s not the

time to use the restroom it’s the time

to dig in to see breakthrough if you’re

not seeing breakthrough and you pray

scoot next to someone who is join your

prayers with them and when a

breakthrough comes just pretend like it

was all your

prayers just go yay God I give you glory

I give you thanks I give you praise it’s

just what we do we just draft on

somebody else’s Faith it’s a time to

increase it’s not a time to become

Spectators it’s a time to intensify s in

time to refine it’s a time to refine

Focus it’s a time to refine Focus

because the Lord is about to release

greater increase to those he can trust

with greater increase and uh I I hope to

have a little bit of time to talk to you

about that just in a few minutes I would

like to hear from three or four people

that had the Lord do something very

significant in your body tonight I would

like three testimonies minimum of

something Lord Jesus did you can help me

out come on up to the front here and um

I want to

hear what Jesus

did come on

down all right just’s come on down let’s

have at least at least

three sometimes it’s all men sometimes

it’s all women tonight it looks like

it’s all women come on down all right I

got to have one guy in this mix just

just because come come on down is there

is there is there a man did Jesus touch

men tonight or did he just ignore all of

you all right all right now don’t come

down for a miracle come down because

he’s already touched you and if that’s

you come on down all right tell us what

Jesus did tonight well I was standing

for a friend and my

grandson for the word of knowledge you

you called out and I wasn’t standing for

myself but I got healed of the flood in

my eye



when the the floater in your eye is that

what you said yeah floater in my in my

eye and it what happened to it it’s gone


gone that’s


awesome come on Jesus testimony of Jesus

Spirit of proph prophecy if you have

floaters in your eyes lay your hands on

your own eyes and just say floaters be

gone if you don’t know what a floater is

good may you never know may you never

know right here go ahead what did Jesus


yeah okay what happened uh hi my name is

Tara nice to see you and uh I’m just

visiting this weekend



um a year and a half ago I was diagnosed

with breast cancer and I’ve been in

chemo and radiation and I almost um

died as an allergic reaction

and it it caused a lot of pain in my

jaws and my teeth from the chemo and

um uh I had to have emergency surgery to

pull out some teeth because of all the

metal in

them and this whole jaw here um this

whole side here is all

cracked um and I’m uh teeth are all

chipped and uh having chemo I last my

job so I don’t have any

insurance so I’ve just been enduring

this pain in my right

job my last treatment

was October so I’m just a few months out

of this okay what happened tonight the

pain is gone it’s been


thank the

Lord thank the

Lord thank you

Lord I want a couple of you girls take

her over here and just pray for the Lord

to absolutely do a whole overhaul

rebuild head to toe yeah just minister

to her bless the Lord good once you guys

scooted over this way get more towards

the middle so more folks can see you

well beautiful what did Jesus do for you

so um a while back I fell straight on my

tailbone on concrete and I broke it it’s

what it felt like I didn’t go get it

checked because they said there wasn’t

anything they could do for it when when

Todd White was here People Prayed for me

and it was healed within seven days and

I’ve had this ongoing joint pain it

feels like every joint but my elbow has

been in pain for such a long time and uh

tonight when Pastor was talking about

the hips both my hips can you guys hear

sorry hear okay I can’t hear up here

okay okay so uh both my hips were in

especially my left hip was in so much

pain and I was I was saying Lord I know

you healed my tailbone you can heal the

rest of my joints and I want to be able

to stand and I want to be able to

worship you and I don’t want it to hurt

and I want to go for walks and I don’t

want it to hurt and so I stood um for

that and I said cover the places that

hurt I was like I don’t have enough

hands but Jesus you know so I just my

hands and I put my fingers down cuz I

was like Lord you know all the way down

to the job and as everybody was praying

for me all the the really bad pain that

was in my left hip tonight was


gone it

just it just feels like um like shivery

water on my joints wow so God’s just

doing a really great work and I’m so

thankful for the name of Jesus yes amen

amen amen

whoa whoa

whoa hi my name is Jerry and I’m

visiting from Utah it’s my husband and I

um 17th anniversary actually next Thurs

Saturday wow happy anniversary thank you

and my first time here ever welcome love

it had um sciatic nerve and hip pain for

27 odd years um that’s how old my oldest

is and um God healed it it’s gone it’s


wow all

right I have an area that I want to


on I’m hoping to be able to do something

more extensive

in the future I will take a little bit

of time tonight to do it I plan to do it

again um I feel like I I by the grace of

the Holy Spirit I found the needle in

the haast stack I found something that I

I never

knew if it existed I had hoped that it

did I had believed that it could but I

couldn’t ever remember finding a place

in scripture and possibly even in church

history where a particular thing

happened it’s going to seem

oversimplified to you perhaps but let me

mention it is to see the church endure

persecution go into increase endure

persecution go into increase until they

come into a place of blessing and then

in the place of blessing experience a


increase is the rarest thing in the

world to find because once blessing

comes complacency comes many people

wouldn’t have a prayer life if they had


problems on the motivation to pray is

the devil’s work the devil’s attack


situations that involve their personal

life personal pain becomes the single

motivator for a prayer

life when that happens we actually


our motivation for prayer we actually

give place

to the kind of

circumstances that prompt us and

motivate us to seek the

Lord in the book of Acts is where we’re

going to go I’d like for you to turn to

Acts chapter 2 I’m going to take you

through just a series of scriptures

maybe four or five we’ll see see how we

do and then I want I want to take you to

the one verse and I want to talk to you

about this one verse that uh shows me


possible I uh I I don’t know if if it

encourages you but I’ve been I’ve been

looking at the church the last well I’ve

been in pastoral type Ministry for 40

plus years um but in the I’ve been here

for it’s 22 years this next month and

I’ve been watching the outpouring of the

spirit I’ve been watching the increase

I’ve been watching the increase of

pressure the critic ISM the people

leaving the people coming all the stuff

that just goes on when there’s a move of

God I’ve seen the increase of Miracles

I’ve seen people Prosper that never

prospered before I’ve seen marriages get

healed that were a mess I’ve seen

people’s bodies I’ve seen people dying

uh no hope to live get healed and come

into a place of blessing and peace and

increase and what you do in your moment

of blessing actually determines how

significant your your next season will

become I don’t mean that as any kind of

a threat I don’t mean that as if we

don’t respond correctly then God

punishes us it’s not that at all it’s

just simply the Lord is constantly

testing us to see what measure of Glory

of weight we can live under the glory of

the Lord resting upon an unsanctified

life will crush it the glory of the Lord

resting Upon A Sanctified life will

establish it so he’s constantly looking

for the stability of heart it’s not self

it’s not this self-willed maturity it’s

this maturity that comes from surrender

it’s this maturity that comes from

yielding it’s this maturity that comes

simply from from allowing the spirit of

God within us to do his work to make us

into the image of the Son of God Jesus

Christ and he is constantly performing

that work in Us in Ephesians three one

of my favorite passages says now to him

who’s able to do


abundantly above and beyond all it’s

like how many more words can he put in

there exceedingly abundantly above and

beyond all that we could ask or think

ask is our prayer life think is our

imagination so he’s made a covenant with

us to work beyond the reach of my prayer

life on my greatest day and he’s

covenanted to work in my life beyond my

reach on my day of greatest

imagination but there’s a clause there’s

cause and effect there’s it’s a there’s

contingent or there’s a there’s

something connected to This Promise he

says now unto him who is able to do

exceedingly abundantly beyond all we

could ask or think listen to the phrase

according to the power that Works within

us so his

his his commitment to go beyond our

reach in prayer and

Imagination is parallel to the Liberty

we give him to work deep within us the

deeper he goes Within Me farther he can

go beyond my prayer life the deeper I

allow him to work in me the farther he

goes beyond my imagination why it’s not

punishment it’s not manipulation of

course it’s not control

it’s simp simply the Lord continuously

testing us not to find wrong but

continually testing to see what weight

of Glory can we live under because we

are being restored to the original

purpose and designation for mankind the

scripture says all have sinned and

fallen short of the glory of God sin

means to miss the goal or the target so

if I were an Archer and I were shooting

an Arrow at that water bottle sin says

the arrow didn’t even reach the target

it fell

short but what was the Target in God’s

creation of you of me it was for

Humanity to live in the glory of God all

have sinned and fallen short of the

glory glory was the original design that

you and I would live in the Manifest

presence of King Jesus when you were

born again you were reinstated to Divine

Purpose you were reinstated and when

Jesus in John 15 talks about the

privilege of abiding in Christ he is

reconnecting us to our original design

of dwelling and living in the

glory there’s there’s a cycle that takes

place in the book of Acts and it’s like

it’s almost like a road map someday I’m

going to try to chart I’m not a chart

person but who knows I may be inspired

one day to step outside of my limitation

here but there’s there’s this thing this

that happens if you can just follow this

Acts chapter 2 we’ll read a verse in a

moment there’s this outpouring of the

spirit there’s dramatic increase and

there’s dramatic


outpouring blessing

increase disciples are added


persecution they make it through the

persecution without becoming

bitter they become more refined in their

focus they become more bold in their

witness in the midst of persecution

which does what it brings greater

increase greater

persecution greater

opposition again they refine their

focus they don’t become complacent with

draw they don’t decide to stay home now

because they may be criticized by their

friends they refine their focus they

give themselves more completely to the

work of the Gospel which brings greater


again which results in again greater

persecution to the point where we now

have a a guy in charge of the ministry


persecution and his name is Saul of

Tarsus and he is he holds the garments

of his workers who Stone Steven to

death Jesus is recorded in scripture as

being seated at the right hand of the

father but Stephen the first martyr of

the church when he dies the scripture

records Jesus is standing in honor of

the death of the first one to lose his

life for the cause of the Gospel as

Stephen enters that Heavenly realm Jesus

himself is standing to welcome

him Saul leads this movement in which

the entire church is terrified of one

name and it’s this name Saul they don’t

know where he’s going to show up next

they don’t know how big his military his

group is going to be that capture and

kidnap and torture and and eventually

try to kill these believers they don’t

know when and where it’s going to happen

everybody is terrified and Paul or Saul

excuse me is on a mission and on this

Mission Jesus shows

up Saul would be the Osama Bin Laden of

that day and Jesus shows up knocks him

off his donkey Saul cannot see for 3

Days the blind he was blinded

by the

glory I’m not sure that if the church

had not made it through those levels of

increasing pressure with refin focus

with a greater resolve for preaching the

period of the gospel for living a life

worthy of the Gospel I’m not sure there

would have been that measure of Glory to

turn the heart of this one man wow who

had given his life for the dest

destruction of the church and yet Jesus

showed up and the glory blinded him he

was blinded for 3 days until a servant

of the Lord laid hands on him now

remember it’s hard to find a servant of

the Lord that’s willing to pray for the

devil Saul’s not the devil but they

thought he was he is so much in

opposition to what God’s doing in the

church and when the Lord called this man

ananas to come and lay hands on him

scales fell off Saul’s eyes and he

became this vibrant minister of the

Gospel it was so dramatic and so

overnight that the church did not


it they heard reports and they thought

nope no way he’s just using a new tactic

he just wants to get into the secret

meeting so he can finded who we are and

where we meet I’ve been in RS in Rome in

the catacombs

underground where they had cubby holes

dug out of the wall where they would put

the bodies as the Believers would die

and they would meet in these underground

catacombs you have to imagine the stench

and they would meet hidden away in these

places because of the intense opposition


persecution and now the head guy of the

persecution is quote unquote saved and

the church is not buying it and and

there was a guy named

Barnabas his name means son of

encouragement so good it took an

encourager it took somebody who believed

the best about others who was always

looking for the gold who lived to make

others stronger it took a Barnabas to go

find this soul of Tarsus on and actually

verify it’s true he’s actually saved

he’s truly born again the story of Saul

or Barnabas and Saul is dramatic and

glorious is for another day but I want

you to look at just a couple verses

because I want to take you to the needle

in the Hast stack for

me are you

ready yes all right Acts chapter


verse 42 this is there’s a good chance

this is

two three maybe four years after the day

of Pentecost verse

42 they continued steadfastly in the

apostles Doctrine Fellowship the

breaking of bread and

prayers I love that the scripture gives

us an outline of what was important they

found these were the essential

things and it says they continued they

reup the contract they red devoted it’s

like it’s like a husband telling his

wife that he loves her every day of the

marriage not just on their anniversary

every day renewing the vows of devotion

and commitment and these Believers now a

couple years in after this invasion of

Heaven is it reveals what help helped

them to stay in a place of strength they

continued steadfastly in the apostles

Doctrine what is the apostles Doctrine

I’m glad it doesn’t list a list of

doctrines I personally

believe when it says Apostles Doctrine

it is referring to the present word that

God is releasing into the church for

each specific

season so they are all paying attention

to the present word you don’t get a

present word unless you’re part of a


family amen bill that was so good it was

so good they continued steadfastly in

the apostles Doctrine


Fellowship is not just hanging out over

coffee talking about going hunting as

much as I love that and that is

fellowship for

me this is referring to something that’s

much profound much more profound and

deeper it’s the exchange of Life One

member to another fellowship the

breaking of bread and in prayers

breaking of bread could be meals

together it could also be implying the

communion service I think it’s probably

talking about meals and the fact that

they they took personal time to make

sure they shared with other believers so

they did these four things verse 43 fear

Came Upon Every Soul Many Wonders and

signs were done through the apostles now

let me uh the apostolic Ministry helps

to release the signs of Wonders Ministry

into the church but it was never meant

to be something that they alone were

known for it was always supposed to be

the equipping of the Saints so that the

Saints could do this work of service

here it is recorded as initial

initiated by the apostles where they

were known for miracles signs and

wonders verse 43 again fear Came Upon

Every Soul Many Wonders and signs were

done through the apostles all who

believed were gathered together they had

all things in common sold their

possessions divided them among them all

continuing daily with one Accord in the

temple breaking bread from house to

house there’s the corporate there’s the

smaller Gathering uh with gladness

Simplicity of heart praising God having

favor with all the people the Lord added

to the church


good it is

good in Acts chapter 3 there’s a miracle

through uh Peter and John at the gate

there a lame man who is healed they are

quickly arrested they are

threatened they are uh told to never do

that again Peter asked the question

whether we obey God or obey you you

figur it out which uh was a question

they couldn’t answer when they were

released they went to a prayer meeting

which is fun to see as soon as you get

out of prison just go to a prayer

meeting and he says in verse 29 Lord

look at their threats grant that your

servants with all boldness may speak

your word stretch out your hand to heal

signs and wonders done through the name

of your holy servant Jesus when they

prayed the place where they were

assembled together was shaken and all

were filled with the Holy Spirit they

spoke the word of God with boldness

listen to me carefully Peter and John if

you read chapter 3 they were arrested

because of a miracle but also it

specifically says because of their

boldness what does Peter pray for when

he gets out of prison more


now let’s be honest the church right now

wanting to be at peace with everybody

and not taking a stand for

anything don’t ever exchange the favor

of man for the favor of

God let the favor of God bring about the

favor with man not the other way around

because you you you won’t get it I I I

have friends who who mirror the world

around them to gain favor for the cause

of Christ

you cannot G any favor you gain through

mirroring their culture you will have to

sustain by becoming like them which

means you’ve lost your

witness they prayed for greater boldness

what’s happening here we’ve got

arrest persecution threats and the

prayer for what brought on the

persecution and the threat so what

happened we’ve got about an intensity or

refining the focus see something happens

in persecution is you don’t have people

attending church to uh make business

contacts it’ll be good for my business

if I’m just seen with other Christians

that disappears as an

option when you have the possibility of

losing your

life nobody wants to have a good

business by losing their life and you

start losing some of those things but

what do you gain you gain a refined

Focus you get the favor of God the favor

of Heaven leaning and looking our way to

bring about the most significant

breakthrough I believe the Lord is fully

intent on answering the prayer that we

pray on Earth as it is in heaven but

it’s not an overnight deal he’s looking

to see who can carry

what who can carry


and he will test it in

favor he will test it with money he will

test it with anointing what do you do

when cancer disappears under your hand

how do you tell the

story not again he’s not looking for

Aries to punish he’s looking how much

can I trust them with can I give them

more the last time I use them to do to

break that impossibility

there was more of them in their

testimony than there was in The

Experience are you are you traveling

with me here on this journey all

right so we see in verse



33 with great power the apostles gave

witness to the resurrection of the Lord

Jesus and great grace was upon them all

let me make a comment here why are

Miracles necessary Miracles are

necessary for two basic reasons one it

is impossible to adequately display the

love of God without a

miracle it’s impossible to reveal fully

reveal adequately the love of God for an

individual apart from a


that’s one but the other it is the

miracle that testifies Jesus actually

was resurrected from the


dead you heard testimony tonight of the

resurrection of


chapter 5 ananas and

Safa die because they

lied verse five says great fear came on

all those who heard these things I’ll

bet it did verse

11 so great fear Came Upon all the

church and upon all who heard these


verse 12 through the hands of the

Apostles many signs and wonders were

done among the people they were all in

one Accord in Solomon’s porch yet none

of the rest dared join them the people

esteemed them

highly Believers verse 14 were

increasingly added multitudes of men and

women by the way just a side note in the

gospels when a crowd was counted it was

counted by how many men were there and

the scripture would say besides women

and children after the day of Pentecost

both men and women were

counted the gospels reveal the culture

of that day not the will of

God so when you see the woman put down

in that culture it was created by a

rabinal system that created laws against

the women exalting men it was never in

the heart of

God and when we see the day day of

Pentecost you see a Level Playing

Field you have 120 in the upper room

both men and women they were all

counted and children were never

counted and just to break that mold

Jesus used a child’s lunch to feed



adults all right you all

right chapter 6 verse one in those days

when the number of disciples was

multiplying there arose a complaint of

course there


verse 7 the word of God spread the

number of the disciples

multiplied great many of priests were

obedient to the

faith as a result of

this persecution

intensified stepen who was one of the

deacons becomes promoted in the glory of

the Lord to such a point where Saul

leads a group of people that stone him

to death it’s in Chapter 7

after that the persecution intensifies

again when you get let’s see let’s go

down to verse uh chapter 8 verse 1 Saul

was consenting to his death at that time

a great persecution arose against the

church uh which was at Jerusalem they

all scattered through the regions of

Judea Samaria except the

apostles devout men carried Steven to

his burial made great lamentation

it’s interesting the Believers made

great lamentation verse three as for

Saul he made great

Havoc entering every house dragging off

women men committing them to prison

verse four isn’t this

encouraging just hang on because it’s

going to get it ends well all right it

ends well verse four those who were

scattered went everywhere preaching the

word Philip went down to the city of

Samaria preach Christ to them multitudes

with one Accord heeded the things spoken

by Phillip hearing and seeing the

Miracles this now is not one of the

Apostles because it’s starting to get

spread through the church unclean

spirits crying out with a loud voice

came out of many who were possessed many

who were paralyzed in lame were healed

there was great joy in the city so

there’s this parallel track intense

persecution or persecution should say

intensifies and great joy comes upon

those who experience the move and the

touch of God it reminds me of Isaiah 60

that says gross Darkness deep Darkness

Darkness covers the earth but his glory

arises upon you it’s not in the same

place but it is in the same season

yeah you can Feast your eyes on either

one you can be troubled bothered and

become hopeless because of the work of

Darkness or you can Feast your eyes on

the work that God is doing and then it

will spread to the places that are

overrun with

hopelessness all right I’m just about to

The Sweet Spot all right so there’s

great joy in that City let’s see chapter

nine Damascus Road let’s just summarize


Saul is

rocked he he’s rocked he’s rocked by the

Rock of

Ages now he gets knocked off his

donkey and the Lord speaks to him in

verse four and he says Saul Saul why are

you persecuting

me now Jesus has already died

resurrected he already suffered he died


resurrected he ascended he’s glorified

he’s at the right hand of the father and

that Jesus at the right hand of the

father speaks to Saul and says why are

you persecuting me because he takes

personal what you

experience don’t ever think the enemy

has the last

laugh the Lord takes it personal and he

came to Saul he says why are you

persecuting me and Saul’s

bewildered he says who are you Lord you

you got the Lord part

right I me you know when God shows up

and you’re blinded you just call him

Lord you don’t know who he is but he’s

Lord he says I’m Jesus whom you are


long story short he gets healed gets

brought released into Ministry and

things start changing in the climate of

the church here’s the verse I want you

to see you ready the needle and the Hy

stack verse

31 then the churches throughout all

Judea Galilee and Samaria had peace and

were edified and walking in the fear of

the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy

Spirit they were multiplied Now read it

again because I don’t want you to miss

what we just read the churches now we’re

not talking about

individuals previous to this if if my

memory serves me correctly the verses we

read anyway it was always the number of

Believers that increased it was the

number of Believers that were added

except in chapter six it said the number

of Believers multiplied but now we have

a phenomenon that we’ve not seen before

earlier the church moved from addition


multiplication uh Believers excuse me

the number of Believers but now look at

this the churches throughout all Judea

and G Galilee and Samaria had peace and

were edified and walking in the fear of

the Lord and the comfort of the Holy

Spirit they being the churches were


I don’t I don’t want you to miss it it

could be

oversimplified I don’t think I’m

overemphasizing it the church has been

in this fight to increase in the glory

to increase in the measure of

breakthrough whenever opposition has

come instead of moving in hatred or

resentment or bitterness or trying to

call down judgment or prophesying

against this King and that King they

move in humility and they increasingly

step into greater places of authority

greater places of anointing persecution

intensifies they say God just give us

greater boldness boldness like that’s

going to help and it increases and it

intensifies even further and we have

this continual increase and they finally

step into this place after what they

were carrying so dramatically changed

the climate that Saul himself is

confronted by the Glorious one and the

church finds them themselves they don’t

know how many more years they’ve got to

climb this ladder of pressing in with

resolve and refining focus and giving

themselves more completely to the

ministry of the Gospel they don’t know

when the climb stops but suddenly

they’re in a sweet spot and then they

hear Saul is saved and then they see the

fruit of his salvation and then

suddenly there’s peace everywhere


peace they don’t know what it’s like to

live without the threat on their life

they don’t know what it’s like to to

gather with other believers without

having some group wanting to report it

some group wanting to come and imprison

you and now they’re in this

place history tells us that the

Believers in Rome begin to prosper they

begin to they begin to increase in in

their business uh favor their their own

incomes actually made the people people

around there provoke them to jealousy

because they were so favored of the Lord

because that happens once once you don’t

have to fight to stay alive suddenly you

get to practice what God has taught you

into everyday life and when you start

practicing what God has taught you

through the trial through the hell

through the Wilderness eventually you

step into a promised land and in that

Promised Land the Lord is looking for a

productivity that is directly connected

to the revelation of his promise in his

person among his people and the church

started entering into this place and it

says that the

churches entered into this place of

peace and then it described what I

believe were two

decisions they begin to multiply because

of two conditions number one the fear of


Lord it’s not hard to fear


in the middle of a hellish

situation it’s a lot easier when it’s

life and death you just it’s just you

know I’m all in Nothing Else Matters

don’t care about my business don’t care

about this don’t care about my house all

of a sudden all those goals vanish

because all we’re trying to do is I want

to get my wife my children alive keep

connected to other believers we just

want to keep each other safe we want to

keep each other encouraged we want to

keep praying the promises suddenly all

these things that have occupied our time

Through The Years suddenly they just

simply don’t matter it’s easy to walk in

a purity of Lifestyle when you have few

choices but something happened when this


lifted when The

Terrorizer was saved suddenly there’s no


pressure to pay a

price one of the Iron Curtain C Iron

Curtain countries that we sent teams to

minister in back in the

80s from Weaverville we would send teams

in and the churches were filled to the

rafters they would have automobiles that

they would drive in with secret

compartments they’ bring Med medical

supplies and bibles and various study

tools for leaders and they would they

would smuggle these things into the

Believers and then the Iron Curtain fell

on our same team when back to the same

church and what was once filled with the

raap rafters now was not filled at all

because people had

options they weren’t they weren’t afraid

of losing their life they now stepped

into the

luxury of having resource having time

having friends the vacation it’s not an

evil thing but something happens where

the heart becomes divided and this this

verse tells me that there was one group

that I can find now in history that

entered into the sweet spot and they

were able to

maintain the focus and the sacrifice

even though their lives were no longer

threatened how did they do it number one

the fear of God they maintained the fear

of God the fear of God is the beginning

of wisdom apart from the fear of God the

mind of man becomes exposed as a

self-centered arrogant tool that

destroys a human life but in the fear of

God wisdom is Born the Bible says the

that the fear of God is what gives us

access to knowledge the fear of God

gives us access to Revelation knowledge

it is the fear of God that actually

attracts the voice of the Lord in a

given situation so he can entrust to his

people insights for the next season

insights for the decisions that need to


made the fear of

God the scripture

says that there is no

lack for those who fear the

lord the fear of the Lord is actually

that which attracts an abundant

lifestyle but the Abundant lifestyle

apart from the fear of the Lord will

actually destroy the

life the fear of the Lord is that is

that tenderizer

gift that makes our

conscience so sensitive to

touch that we don’t need a baseball

battle over the head to wake us up to

dangerous conditions that we are in

because the fear of God

heightens the

sensitivities to the heart the mind the

values of God the fear of

God I know there are those who say there

is no fear of God in the New Testament

they just haven’t read their Bible

because it’s all through the new

test I know the verse that’s used is

perfect love casts out

fear perfect love includes the fear of

God it just casts out every other

fear and I hear people say well you

can’t have intimacy with God and fear

him at the same time and that person is

obviously not

married it’s all I need to say about

that in my

household fear and intimacy work very

well together

that’s all I’m going to

say so this this tells us as they come

up this procedure to come into a place

of what I would call Promised Land

blessing when they step into that the

very thing that have destroyed other

believers through the years to where

they it breeds complacency uh they lose

focus it you know when you don’t need to

sacrifice why


are you alive like like are you actually

breathing air and everything yeah all

right all right you just I’ll I’ll I’ll

end it soon it looks like you need to go


so you don’t you don’t need to go home

all right well I’ll go a few more

minutes we’ll see so they come into this

place in the scripture God is so kind to

give us this simple verse with two bits


instruction that

ensure the people of God can step into a

sweet spot of blessing wow and not fall

prey to complacency loss of focus loss

of heart turning attention from seeking

first the kingdom to seeking the things

the benefits of the Kingdom Jesus didn’t

get any of his disciples by sharing with

them the benefits of the

Kingdom he didn’t say I promise these

things if you follow me he did

not he let them see the challenge

and if they could face the

challenge then they could have the

blessing and that’s the

Kingdom so here’s the two things is the

fear of

God the fear of God

is is that which keeps you tender the

fear of God is that which keeps you

leaning towards his voice the fear of

God is that which keeps us from the

arrogance of Independence and a

self-confidence that is not from the

Lord there is a faith that looks like

selfcon confidence and I believe in that

but there is a self-confidence that’s

just actually it’s human-made it’s

arrogance it’s Independence it does not

submit to the will of

God wow and then he uses the other side

which is interesting he uses this side

which which would be like the the harsh

side but it’s not the fear of God

doesn’t drive me from him it ERS me to

him we got the fear of God and then

we’ve got this other side so it’s like

these two things keep me in the straight

and narrow the fear of God and the

comfort of the Holy Spirit Comfort it’s

not just it’s not talking about just oh

you’ve had a rough day so the Holy

Spirit comes and gives you peace I I buy

into that I believe that and I’m so glad

that’s what he does he’s

describing he’s describing a lifestyle

in which the Holy Spirit himself is the

continuous source to keep us focused

to Keep Us Alive to keep us encouraged

the word here for comfort is that word

paracletes the one called alongside so

he’s saying how this church went into a

place of Peace where over on that side

they got to where the churches were

multiplying not just individual

believers they had an explosion in

growth it was no longer just addition it

was no longer just multiplying of

disciples but now it’s churches

themselves are multiplying how did it

happen fear of God one hand and learning

to walk in this abiding presence of the

spirit of God on this side is that dual

that two-edged sword that says grieve

not the spirit quench not the spirit is

that dual role of a relationship how

sensitive am I to the Holy Spirit you

can measure it by looking at do I grieve

and do I quench grieve is doing

something wrong quench is the failure to

do what’s

right so how did they make it into this

place where the persecution stopped they

actually started tasting of the promises

of the Lord they actually started

tasting of the things that others had

enjoyed for years their own forefathers

in Israel’s history had enjoyed now

they’re starting to enjoy these things

how can they come into a place of

blessing and increase and promise and

fulfillment of actual dreams how is it

possible to do that and still increase

in everything that is Kingdom the fear

of God and the continuous connection to

the spirit of God who makes me

mindful of what he’s saying and what

he’s doing and it’s these two things

they were able to live in blessing and

bring even greater increase I remind you

in Psalm 67 which for me is one of the

greatest prophetic Psalms in the Bible

at least for the day that we live in is

the this prayer says Lord bless me I

like that part of the prayer already I’m

all into that people got mad at us 20

years ago when we were praying for

blessing there’s so many things that

come to my mind right now but I’m


self-control in

measure said Psalm 67 Lord bless me

cause your face to shine upon me that

your way would be known in the

earth and your

salvation to the

Nations God bless

me help us God to step into the place of

favor with God and man but God do it in

such a way that what you do in us and

through us is a prophetic invitation for

Nations to come and to discover who you

actually are because see that has to

happen to fulfill the assignment the

assignment is to disciple Nations two

assignments one is to make disciples of

the Nations but the other is to disciple

Nations themselves and to do that there

has to be an effective display on how

you live life in difficulty but also in

blessing Paul said it I have learned how

to abound I’ve learned how to be abased

in other words I’ve learned how to be

blessed and I’ve learned what to do when

it’s not going well in both

situations I need his strength I know I

need his strength when I don’t have

enough but Paul just showed us we

actually need strength when we have more


enough so good so why don’t you



right we got a wild and crazy

week oh



H is there anyone here who’s you’ve

never made a commitment to make Jesus

Christ the absolute Lord of your life

now just everybody listen carefully and

don’t move around because this this

would be the most important part of the

evening if there’s anyone here who uh

perhaps you like the music maybe you’re

just brought here by a friend I I I

certainly don’t know

everyone but it could be that you you

don’t know what it is to be born again

in other words you’ve never had an

encounter with God where you’re forgiven

of sin and brought into his family where

he became your

father and yet it’s available for every

person in this room and if there’s

anyone in that condition and you’d say

Bill I don’t want to leave until I know

that I’m at peace with God that I know

what it is to be forgiven I’m willing to

turn from my life and follow Jesus if

that’s you then real quickly just put a

hand up because we’re going to pray for

you I don’t want to end this meeting

without giving you a chance to know what

eternal life is like is is there a hand

over here I can’t oh it’s right over

here okay great wonderful right here



excellent thank you

Lord amen is there anyone else real

quickly this is like the best part of

the day right here the B water baptisms

were pretty good but uh this is the best

part of the day because eternity begins

tonight for this

individual eternity begins tonight

forgiveness of sin

I’m going to ask for this one and any

others that would join them just to walk

down here real quickly if you would uh

come right over here to my left do you

guys have that get that banner up so

they can they can see we’ve got a banner

over here if you have a friend that can

walk with you that’s always good I see

that beautiful anyone else come down

here real quick and we want to make sure

that you have someone ready to pray with

you and and meet with you yeah bless him

would you bless him bless

It’s So Co God bless you yeah come right

over here bless you thank

you I love it come
