Bill Johnson and Bethel Associate Pastor and Dean of BSSM Dann Farrelly discuss if Jesus was born again.

and and i’ll i’ll say things that sound

sound completely wrong

or questionable just to get people to

think and then we process it and iron it

out to where it’s it’s good


so um

it’s every once in a while i guess

you’ll say that jesus was born again

and uh i uh

i i haven’t been in the room it’s but

it’s one of those moments where i like

well i know bill yeah and i know bill’s

not saying jesus got saved so and so i’m

like i try to like lean in and try to

listen what do you mean to communicate

when you say uh

jesus was born again i think it was on a

sunday night i was i was teaching on you

know on the resurrection and stuff

and i it just occurred to me jesus of

course was born of a virgin which we

absolutely believe so he was born

and then he was raised from the dead

which is called the first

he’s firstborn of the dead

in fact it’s called a birth in hebrews i

think it’s hebrews 1 and

in in one of the gospels anyway the

corinthians anyway the point is is he

was born of a woman and he was raised

from the dead so that’s again you are

such a biblical literature

you know

i i know it irritates people

it’s not something i would announce

today again because we’re so widely

exposed but when i said it was just to

get the people in the room to think

that’s all and and i’ll i’ll say things

that sound

sound completely wrong

or or questionable just to get people to

think and then we process it and iron it

out to where it’s

it’s good but of course

the critics aren’t going to take that

part but uh but but the point is yeah is

no he he he didn’t become he didn’t

become a christian or yeah so

for the record

bill johnson said jesus didn’t become a

christian in that moment yeah

and he wasn’t born again the way we’re

born again no goodness no no no i i have

to be born again i i i have to have a

savior i have to be born again after you

be mourned in this little new life he’s

already god yeah so absolutely not but

i use the word again

because there are two births described

yeah which means the second could be

called again and it was just to get the

people in the room i would never do that

as a

as a teaching you know as a point of

theology to try to convince people of

some new truth now let’s just make

people think about the resurrection

yeah because it’s called a birth


it is

it’s it is called a birth

um you know chris who who we work with

he has a way of saying i want to propose

that and he’ll say that before he says

something like that oh and it makes

everybody like dial down like he’s just

a proposal

so are you suggesting that i don’t know

if it actually works but it is what i

hear him saying i’m like

are you saying it or not bro

i said here’s an idea so yeah yeah yeah

yeah all right let’s flip it okay we’re

on the same page jesus didn’t get saved

but it does illustrate that couple



again when i i know you sound like i

know what you’re not saying and again

this is that thing where i think when

people get to you know however we can be

known more i think even these podcasts

attempt to be known more so you can kind

of trust when you hear something like

that and go i know it’s not being said
