In this Gospel Partner episode, learn how to hear the voice of God and make Spirit-led decisions. About Gospel Partner Gospel Partner is a publishing house committed to advancing the gospel of grace. Our mission is to find ways to make Jesus-centered, grace-based teaching resources completely free for those who cannot afford them. If you would like to join us in this global publishing mission reaching over 150 nations, and receive access to more than 1,000 sermons by Joseph Prince, visit:

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#gospelpartner #josephprince #2023sermon

God wants every believer

to be led by the Spirit!

Many of us want
the spoken word.

“How come God doesn’t
speak to me?”

“How come…”

No, when you
open the Book,

God will speak to you
from the Word.

You will hear the word
that says:

“This is the way, walk you in it.”

The first thing you do:

Ask God for wisdom

and start doing

the next thing.

This is where the Holy Spirit

starts leading you.

When you do something

and you don’t have peace,

don’t do it

because the Holy Spirit teaches

on the wavelength of peace.

You can be busy outside

but you are restful inside.

That’s what God wants for you.

You are a child of God.

You know His voice!

“My sheep hear My voice.”

He didn’t say:

“My sheep learn to
hear My voice.”

Hi, this is Joseph Prince.
Thanks for tuning in. I just

wanted to know that you are able
to watch this sermon for free

today because of the support of
our Gospel Partners. So to all

our partners, thank you for
making a difference. As you

watch this video, feel free to
navigate to different points

using our chapter headings.
Please also leave a comment to

share what you have received and
how you’ve been touched by

today’s sermon. Be blessed as
you feed on God’s Word today!

I wanna address an issue that’s
been on my heart for some time,

and I believe that the time has
come. And we had a great

leader’s meeting just a few days
ago, where all the leaders came

and we had a special time of Q&A
with Pastor Prince, Amen. So

they can ask anything they want
to ask, Amen, except for that

million-dollar question, “Does
Adam have a belly-button,” ok?

So they ask me all sorts of
questions and we, we had a great

time, really. I enjoy answering
the questions. Before I know it,

the night was over, ok. So we
might have Part Two. And also,

in one of the questions that was
asked, I realised, in fact I was

smiling at Gideon, who was on my
right, Pastor Gideon. And,

because we’ve been discussing
this among the leaders, you

know. One of the things about
people who receive grace is that

sometimes they go…you know, they
receive grace but they

misunderstand the idea of works,
or being diligent, or being

hardworking, Amen. God expects
us to be diligent. The Bible

says time and time again, “The
hand of the diligent maketh

rich,” Amen? The Bible says that
Joseph was a diligent man. The

Bible says that, as employees we
should serve our masters,

our…and the context there in Old
King James, they say

“employers,” we’ll say
“employers” today, alright. And,

you know, the Bible says, “With
eyes,” not with eye-service,

just for them when they’re
looking at you, to impress them,

but with, “singleness of heart
to the Lord.” The context there

is in terms of employee and
employers. Back in those days,

there were servants, and there
were masters. And whatever you

do, do it heartily as to the
Lord and not to Man. So whatever

you do at your workplace, do it
as to the Lord, Amen? You’re

sending emails, you know, even
though it’s the mundane, daily

task, the daily grind of work,
do it as unto the Lord. Say,

“For You, Jesus,” Amen? Amen.
Say under your breath, “For You,

Jesus.” When you do something
that is…a menial task, even,

you feel like, “Why am I doing
this, why am I in this job?” say

it, “Lord Jesus, from now on,
I’m going to have this attitude;

it’s to You.” Knowing…say this,
“knowing,” you gotta know this

for verse 23 to happen, you
gotta know this. “Knowing that

from the Lord,” not from your
boss, and sometimes your boss

don’t even notice what you’re
doing. And sometimes your boss

reward the wrong person, Amen?
So, knowing that from the Lord

you will receive the reward of
the inheritance. You see,

“Knowing that from the Lord,”
not from your boss, “you will

receive the reward of the
inheritance, for you serve the

Lord, Christ.” “You serve the
Lord, Christ.” We’re talking

about reward here, Amen. God
will bless you, God will reward

you, alright; it will not pass
unnoticed by our Lord, Amen. But

many a times, we don’t have this
idea, we forget that God teaches

us to profit. In fact in Isaiah
48, it says here, “Thus says the

Lord, your Redeemer,” now,
talking to believers, right?

“Your Redeemer.” “I am the Holy
One of Israel, I am the Lord,

your God, who teaches you to
profit; who leads you by the way

you should go.” Remember this,
God, when God teaches you, He

always teaches you to profit.
The Bible was written for your

success, it was not written for
His success. Because He is very

successful already. So He wrote
the Book of Wisdom, in this year

of hesed-wisdom, Amen, I hope
that you are spending time in

the Book of Proverbs, asking God
for wisdom every day. So

whatever you are faced with, God
has a wisdom for you; in His

word, by His Spirit. And these
are the two main ways, through

His word as well as by His
Spirit; leading you, guiding you

every day. But remember this;
whatever He teaches you, whether

from His Word, or when you’re
hearing the preaching…and the

preaching is from His Word,
because I’m preaching the

Word…nothing but the Word can
help people, Amen. Nothing but

the Word can profit you. Nothing
but the Word can prosper you,

the Bible says. God told Joshua,
who has a big pair of shoes to

fill-in after Moses died, “This
Book of the Law shall not depart

from your mouth, but you shall
meditate on it day and night.

And you shall make your way
prosperous,” Amen, “And then you

shall have good success.” Good
success means you don’t lose

your family in the in…along the
way. You don’t lose your health

along the way, Amen. Good
success, “You shall make your

way prosperous.” Meditate on
God’s Word. And by the way,

have…did you realise that, He
didn’t just say, “I hear God, I

hear God, I don’t read the
Bible, I hear God for myself, I

hear God.” No. In fact, when God
spoke to Joshua, he was probably

thinking, “Aw, this big pair of
shoes I have to fill, I mean, I

don’t feel I have the capacity;
I don’t feel like I’m really at

the level of Moses, you know,
I’m so full of fears,” or

whatever. And, you got this
three million people to lead in

the wilderness, into the
Promised Land. But what was he

doing? He was reading his Bible,
or his scroll, in that time,

alright, they had the scroll.
And for God to say, “This Book

of the Law shall not depart from
your mouth,” that means he was

reading it, for God to say,
“This book.” God didn’t say,

“That book that you’re not
reading, on the shelf.” God

says, “This book,” that means he
was reading it. And while you

are reading God’s written Word,
he heard God’s spoken Word. Oh,

that was good, that was good.
You came in all the way here

just to hear that; it’s good.
Notice God was talking to him,

God says, “This Book of the Law
shall not depart from your

mouth,” why? It was an open book
for him, opened scroll, he was

reading the Word, the written
Word; and then, God gave, God

gave him the spoken Word. Many
of us want the spoken Word. “How

come God doesn’t speak to me,
how come…” No, when you open the

book, get cracking, open the
book, Amen, listen to the Word,

God will speak to you. And even
if you’re listening to a

preaching…a preached sermon,
Amen, if it’s full of the Word,

God will speak to you from the
Word. You will hear that Word

that says, “This is the way,
walk you in it.” So,

what…however God teaches you,
alright, through His Word or by

His Spirit…and these are the two
main ways…it is always to teach

you to profit. Say “profit,” say
“profit.” Everyone wants profit;

you work in a company, they hire
you because they think that you

will help them to profit, Amen.
Executives sit down together and

discuss, and they have their
fortnight meetings or whatever,

you know…why? To discuss what?
How to lose? No. How to make

profits. So God says, “I am the
Lord, your God, who teaches you

to profit.” But when God teaches
you to profit, you profit in

every area. You profit in your
family life, in your social

life, in your health, in every
area; can I have a good Amen? So

that’s the first thing you need
to know, God, when God teaches

you, He teaches you to profit.
It is for your own good. Can I

have a good Amen? And that’s
why, sin is always, always

something that destroys profit.
When you are on drugs, alright,

and that, that is sinful because
you are destroying the temple

that God has given you. You only
have one temple, you know,

people. You only have one house
you live in, you know. Take good

care of it! There is no such
thing as…once you check out, you

check out, you know? Once you
leave this house; it’s not like

Singaporeans, you know, “I can
buy another property,” you know?

There is no other property. So
take care of this property you

are in. Don’t let it run down,
Amen? Don’t put things in it

that’s not good for you, Amen?
Don’t be smoking and all that,

and keep on saying that, “I can
stop anytime I want to.” No. You

need the Lord’s grace, Amen. You
need to know there’s a problem.

Don’t keep on pumping yourself
full of drugs, Amen, whether

it’s…even if it’s prescribed
drugs and all that. By the way,

a disclaimer here; unless the
doctor tells you, “You must be

on this; be very careful, don’t
get off this because there’s

going to be a rebound effect,”
or whatever; consult your

doctor. But what I’m saying is
that there are things that you

are choosing to take; even
Panadol, almost every pain only,

Panadol. Why not you just fight
it? Amen. Fight the headache for

a while, Amen. Ask God to touch
you and then believe God;

because if you always refer
to…all these things, you know,

it comes with a disclaimer also,
right? They also have these

side-effects. Whatever God
creates has no side-effect. When

man makes drink…a lot of
side-effects. And when…God’s

water, no one improve on it. No
one can improve on water, Amen?

Drink lots of water, praise God.
Ok, so God teaches you to profit

in every area. How does He do
it? Through His Word and by His

Spirit. Ok, this comes to the
question, “Pastor Prince, I

believe in rest, you know; we
all thank God for the teaching

you taught us on rest, and rest
is power.” Say, “Rest is power!”

And that is true, Amen. In the
Outer Court…in the Tabernacle of

Moses, Outer Court is busy busy
busy. People will bring in their

sheep; the priest were killing,
slaying them, flaying their

skin; putting everything in
order on the bronze altar. And

then the fire goes up, and then
the smoke goes up; and the

people will go away forgiven
because they transferred their

sins to the lamb. So, busy, busy
all day long; people were

coming, you know, there was
slaying and laying the animal on

the altar; all kinds of
activities outside. But when you

come in the…into the Holy of
Holies; perfect calm, no

activity. So likewise, you can
be busy outside; but you are

restful inside. That’s what God
wants for you. I’ve not

teach…I’ve never taught that,
you know, do nothing. Sit down

and say, “I’m relaxed, brother;
relax,” you know, and do

nothing. The Bible actually
says, and the Apostle of grace,

Paul said, “If any would not
work, neither should he eat.”

Aw, you all didn’t hear that, so
I’m going to say it one more

time, on this level. “If any
would not work, neither should

he eat.” In fact, the Bible says
to…in the same passage, “He’s

worse than an infidel who
doesn’t provide for his family,”

Amen. So get this idea…” You
know, Pastor Prince, I’m just

relaxed; I’m entering into His
rest.” No. I’ve said time and

again, and this is a definition;
if you hear this definition,

remember where it came from. I
shared this many, many years

ago; what the Lord said to me,
“Rest is directed activity.”

Rest is not inactivity; rest is
directed activity, Amen.

Sometimes, when you sit down,
you feel frustrated. That is the

Lord telling you, “Get up, and
start doing something,” Amen.

Amen? Start looking for a job or
whatever. So if you are…and

sometimes, for example, your
child is getting by with murder,

you know, doing all kinds of
things, being rude to the mum,

and not because he is tired.
He’s just rude, and he’s saying

things he shouldn’t be saying,
and learning things that, you

know, from school or whatever.
And you realise that…” Oh never

mind, I’m going to show him
grace.” Well, something inside

you tells you, “No, no, you
better do something.” And

you…the more you don’t do
discipline, ok, you don’t

discipline him, the more
frustrated you become. So

notice, you are…you think you
are resting, but the Spirit of

God is saying, “No.” So when you
act on it, there’s rest. There’s

rest in your spirit, there’s
rest in your wife’s spirit. Even

though you don’t like it
outwardly, but there’s rest. And

finally, the Bible says in
Proverbs, “Correct your son, and

he will give you rest.” Now
there’s rest for everybody, and

there’s even rest for him. He’s
crying for discipline. Because

in the child’s mind, you know,
in their emotional make-up, they

feel like when you discipline
them…not torture them. So don’t

go around here and, saying that,
“…abuse and all…Pastor Prince

is teaching.” You can say what
you want to say, alright. “Say

what you want, say what they
want.” We rejoice with the Lord,

Amen? But, I’m teaching about
discipline. Children know when

they are disciplined; they
really feel loved. So you’re

giving him rest. Can I have a
good Amen? So, number one

principle is always to remember
God teaches us to profit. And

how does He do it? He guides us,
He teaches us. And teaching is

not always pleasant, you know,
Christians are so…especially

Charismatic Christians…you know
they are so flaky sometimes. Not

all of them, thank God. Not many
in this church, hopefully. But

they get flaky, you know, they
come and say, “Well, God is

telling me to come to this
church.” I always get worried

about people like that. “So do
you enjoy the sermon, do you

enjoy…do you feel at home here?
Do you…in your spirit, do you

feel like God is speaking to you
in this church?” Instead of

saying that…all those things,
they say that, “God told me to

come here.” “Do you enjoy Pastor
Prince’s sermon?” “Eh, no. Not

exactly, in fact I have my own
views about it.” “Then eh,

why…why are you here?” “God told
me to come.” I guarantee you,

God will also tell him to go,
one day. Amen? And you know when

God will tell him to go? When
he’s being taught, and when he’s

being disciplined. Or when he’s
being corrected, he will go. And

all of a sudden, he’ll tell
somebody else, “God told me to

leave lah,” alright. God’s name
gets abused. Amen? Why don’t you

be…just man-up and say, “I
decide to leave.” Amen? God

doesn’t…you know, how do you
know a church is for you? When

you’re in the church, there’s
life. And you find that God is

ministering to you. You find
there’s answers, you find that,

you know, you are stronger when
you leave. You feel fed, Amen,

there’s feeding going on, Amen.
You are being fed. “Even Pastor

Prince’s rabbit trails sometimes
speaks to me, you know. And I

feel like he’s talking to me.”
So that is…that means I’m your

pastor, Amen? If not, there’s
another church for you. And

there are many good churches in
Singapore, Amen? I’m very

concerned about…you know, I
shared with the leadership the

other day that there is a story
in the Bible where there was a

group of people that came to
David when David was in the

wilderness with his mighty men,
Amen. He wasn’t king yet, he was

in the wilderness. And this man
came, and one of them called

Abishai. And Abishai says, “We
are yours, we are for you,

David.” And David said this,
“Are you for me or are you for

my enemies?” Now, David should
have said, “Are you for the

Lord?” So David wasn’t
spiritual, was he? No, he was

smart. He says…he didn’t ask,
“Are you for the Lord?” They

would say, “Yes, I am for the
Lord.” But, no, a good leader

says, “Are you for me?” Sounds
like, you know, you are

self-seeking; but it is not,
it’s wisdom in leadership. “Are

you for me?” And the Bible says
the answer is that, the spirit

came on this man to answer
David. Why should the spirit

come on him to answer this? And
this was his answer. He said,

“We are yours, David, we are
yours.” And they became part of

the mighty men. Amen? Because
you know why, God uses people.

You say, “I’m for the Lord,”
Amen, then you know what? You

can do whatever you want to do;
there is no accountability,

there is no responsibility,
there’s no one to answer to,

Amen. But in the church
environment, when there is

trouble, before you think of
going for divorce; you consult

another couple, you consult the
pastors; you consult your

counsellors, you consult your
care-leaders, Amen? You talk to

them, why? Because God uses
people! And many a time we want

God to speak to us, direct; and
sometimes God wants to humble

you, and God wants you to learn
humility, God wants you to learn

teachable-ness. In fact, right
in 1 Kings 3, right after

Solomon asked God for wisdom;
the very next chapter, alright,

it’s chapter 4, because 4 comes
after 3. You know what I found

in chapter 4? Nothing but an
account of his ministers, in his

government. And one of them is a
man…the Bible says “his friend,”

the king’s friend. He even put
priority on friendship, Amen.

And…but more than one of them
are recorders, Amen. They are

people who are…one of them is
literally in the Hebrew,

“remembrancer,” to remind the
king. There are people who take

down whatever happened, and then
they remind the king. And years

ago, when I ask the Lord,
Solomon just received wisdom.

He’s the wisest man right now
that ever was in that whole…in

the…on planet Earth at that
time. Of course Jesus is greater

than Solomon, right, but at that
time he’s the wisest man, right?

But the very next thing he did
was to surround himself with

wise men. Because the Bible
says, and he wrote this, in

Proverbs, “He that walketh with
wise men shall be wise.” And not

only that, he put himself in a
position where they remind him.

They…you see, the wiser you are,
you don’t take things for

granted. You surround yourself
with people who remind you,

people that can speak into your
life. So the first person is

actually the priest, he has a
pastor…the very first name that

leads the entire administration
is the pastor; he puts spiritual

things first, the priest. He has
the priest, he can consult; even

though you can call him like a
CEO. But this guy, he’s worth

trillions today, factoring
inflation and all that. He’s a

trillionaire, Amen. And yet he
runs a successful business by

having a pastor that he can
consult. Now, don’t ask me to

consult you; it’s not possible,
Amen. But, you know, my

leadership trickles down into
all my leaders, into all the

care-leaders, and never, never
make a major decision without

consulting them. “He that
walketh with wise men shall be

wise,” Amen? “Well, Pastor
Prince, I don’t believe in this

submission thing and all that;
and I believe that God spoke to

me…I’m going my way.” Well,
that’s what happened when you

don’t understand what Jesus did.
At 12 years old, the Bible says,

he was in the temple listening
to all the…you know, it’s

amazing, the Bible says, “See
the beauty of the Lord, the

moral glory of Jesus. See the
beauty of our Lord Jesus that

even at the age of 12; he wasn’t
preaching, like the Sermon on

the Mount. He was…He was asking
questions; hearing them and

asking questions, from all the
rabbis that were there. And look

at the response. The Bible says,
“And they, The Rabbis were

amazed at His ans, at His
answers. His understanding and

answers. Which means, He was
asking them questions, and then

they threw back the question at
Him, “What do you think?”. When

He answered, they were amazed at
His understanding and answers.

What an amazing spirit. At the
age of 12, it wasn’t proper for

Him to teach. It wasn’t in place
for Him to preach to the adults.

But what a beauty. In the right
season. His position was

enquiring, asking and only
answering when asked. And He was

the wisest man, wisest boy, you
would say at that time. Amen?

Come on. And the wisest one,
next, the very next verse, the

Bible says, the parents came and
say, “We are looking for you and

all that,” the mother says. And
the Bible says, “He went back

with them”. And He was, He did
say, “Did you, did you not know

I must be about My Father’s
business?” When actually they

looked for all over the place in
Jerusalem, didn’t they know?

They should have known He was in
the temple. Amen? So, His first

recorded word is “Did you not
know I must be about My Father’s

business?” in terms of ministry.
His last words, in term of

closing the ministry of, on
earth was “It is finished.

Father into Your Hands I commit
My spirit.” What was finished?

The Father’s business that He
came to do – to die for our sins

as a Redeemer. Amen? Isn’t it
beautiful? But the Bible says He

went back with them, He was
subject unto them. Say

“subject”. Now, the Bible says,
the very next verse, the very

next verse says “and Jesus
increased in wisdom and in

stature and in favour with God
and man.” Luke Chapter 2. I

think it’s 24. Alright, Jesus
increased in wisdom and stature

and in favour with God and with
man. He increased in wisdom. As

God in the flesh, He didn’t have
to increase in wisdom. But as

man, and He was fully man as
well, He had to increase in

wisdom. Because, you know, as a
child, He’s learning. But notice

He increased in wisdom? Not only
in wisdom and stature but in

favour with God and man. He
increased in favour. That tells

me that whenever you submit,
favour is released. Amen. So it

doesn’t mean that I only submit
to people who are smarter than

me, I submit to people, so the
Bible says like women, alright,

wives, sorry, not women, wives,
not all women have husbands. So,

wives, submit to your husband.
It’s not uh, today, wow! Man,

the world has become politically
correct, ok? But no one talk

about inequality. No one is
saying that women are inferior.

No, no way! In fact God, God,
God always address the woman

first in the Bible. Amen. In
Ephesians, in Colossians, God

talks to the women first. I
asked, I noticed that Christ,

man is the head, Christ is the
head of the man and man, man is

the head of the household, the
Bible says that, the

responsibility lies with him,
when Adam fell, all creation

fell. Are you listening, people?
And yet, when God address

marital relation, God addressed
the woman first. Whether it is

in Ephesians, whether it is in
Colossians, whether it’s Peter

writing in his 1st Peter, it’s
always addressing the women

first. Why? I asked God this
many years ago and God said to

me “because women are smart”.
And God says, “I can get, I can,

they can understand Me first.
They can understand Me first.”

Why do you think, even the devil
knew that and approached the

woman because A-dam was ah-dumb.
Alright, so, you know, it

doesn’t really matter,
sometimes, uh, uh, you know, who

is the CEO of the company.
There’s always an influencer

around him. Talk to the
influencer. Amen? Women, man is

the head but you are the neck.
You can turn him any way you

want. Amen. But don’t tell him.
Amen? Don’t tell him. So it’s

not a matter of inferiority but
we have different functions.

Amen. I said we have different
functions. Don’t try to make

your eye run, uh, or, or jog,
jog every day. That’s your foot.

Amen? Don’t try to smell with
your ear. Wah, this curry is,

sniff, wah, this chicken curry
is or this, you know, you don’t,

you gotta know your place and
your function. Can I have a good

“Amen”? Find your place.
Hallelujah. And all of us are

unique but we are all equal in
the eyes of God. We are all

righteous in the eyes of God.
Amen? Because we are the

righteousness of God in Christ.
So, there’s no inferiority but

there are difference in
functions. Amen. The President

of the United States has a
different function. But as a

person, he’s not more equal,
Amen? Hehe, so we’re all the

same but different functions. I
know it’s very popular, very,

very popular now to, to talk
about, you know, women can do

this, women can do that and all
that, only in the movies. We

still need to protect them.
There are a lot of physical

things that we, I know, I know,
I know, I, I know, I know, I

know there are some of you, you
work hard at gym. I know, I

know, I know. Don’t write to me,
but as a whole, God wants us to

protect you. God wants us to
open the door for you as if you

can’t open the door yourself.
God wants us to, to help you,

help you up the stairs and all
that, don’t lose that. Enjoy

that. Amen? God wants guys to
stand up and give the lady the

seat in the MRT, you know, or in
the bus, I mean, don’t lose

that. And, when you stand up,
the, the lady gonna, “Wah, you

think I cannot ah? I cannot
stand ah? You think what?” You

know, don’t do that. Enjoy it.

Amen? You know, there are, there

are things that you keep in, in,
in your special cabinet like

special porcelains, special uh,
dish, you know, that you don’t

uh, you don’t use every day.
Why? Because they are precious.

And when, women are supposed to
be treated as precious. Amen.

Now, in fact, if anything, those
are more uheh, they are more,

more to be treated with respect
and uh, uh, they are more, if I

can say it in the words of
someone, they are more equal.

Animals’ Farm, ok? Heh. They are
more equal than, than, than the

plates we use every day, right?
They are better off, right? And

that’s what women is like. But
there’s no inequality.

Difference in function. The CEO
of a company is the CEO of a

company. He’s not a better
person. Amen? He has talents and

gifts that’s better for the role
that he’s in. Are you all

learning so far? So what makes
it the law, Pastor, if I do this

and it becomes a law. I’m scared
to be under the law. Rightly so

because we are not under the law
but we are under grace. And

Romans 6:14 says, “For sins
shall not have dominion over you

because you are not under law
but you are under grace.” And we

have defined grace as God
giving. Law is man working.

Right? Another way of saying
this, grace supplies. Supply.

Grace and supply is synonymous.
Amen. Grace is God supplying.

Law is God demanding. Ok? Got
it? Does that help? So whenever

I am functioning, I’m still
working but if I am functioning

and I think that God is
demanding it of me and I am

doing it by my own effort, that
is someone under law. But if I

am doing the same thing, you
see, I am still doing. Hello, I

am still doing. But when I am
doing it, knowing that God is

supplying me the wisdom, God is
supplying me the charisma, God

is supplying me the illustration
whatever, in my, in my case is

preaching, Amen? God is
supplying me, then it becomes a

rest. But many a times I am
sweating outwardly, you know, I,

I, I’m perspiring, I’m, you
know, uh, uh, I, I’m really, you

all know right, guys perspire,
horses sweat, women sparkle. Ok.

Sparkle like diamonds. Ok. we
all sweat. Receive it brother.

And, and, when, whenever you do
anything, you feel like, you

know, I, I gotta, I got so many
things to do, today, I got so

many things to do, I got so many
things, effectively you are

under law. But if you say, wow,
I got so many needs. Today I’m

going to get extra supply.
Greater supply from God. I’m,

I’m gonna see how He supplies.
I’m gonna be expecting it. That

is under grace. Can I have a
good “Amen” people? So, there is

a place for rewards in the, in
the kingdom of God. Amen. Uh,

before I, I, I come to the
rewards part again, I just want

to share this, that in the
church of Jesus Christ, we all

have different giftings. Can I
have a good “Amen”? But God has

put leaders there because they
are called to be leaders. It’s a

gift. Leadership is a gift. It
doesn’t mean he’s superior, like

I said, he’s on the same
foundation, but there’s

something about, sometimes a
leader is there but someone more

intelligent is actually
underneath, under him. Like I’ve

said, women and men, God said to
me, He spoke to the women first,

He wrote to the women first
because women are intelligent.

They’ll get it first. Amen. So,
Jesus at the age of twelve

submitted to his parents and
increased in wisdom. Esther was

at a beauty contest to find the
next queen for the king of

Persia. There were many women, I
mean, they, Persia was a, the,

the largest kingdom at that
time. So, so the, the beauty

contest is not like our Miss
Universe and, you know, the

typical kind of, it’s a huge
contest. Probably go on for days

and yet, the Bible says, Esther
got it. Esther won it. The Bible

used those, these words “Esther
found favour in the sight of all

the people”. But read carefully
the preceding verses. It says

there was a man in charge of all
the women. The king put him in

charge. He’s probably a eunuch
and, the Bible says, his name

was Hegai and actually in Hebrew
it means “meditation”. Isn’t it

interesting? And Esther didn’t
want anything, all the women,

the Bible says, they can, they
can uh, bathe for, for six

months in myrrh if they want. In
fact, they were required to.

They can do, they can ask for
any clothes they want. Any kind

of makeup. They can, they can
ask for anything for the

contest. But Esther asked for
nothing but what Hegai, the

king’s keeper, the women’s, uh,
the, in charge of the women, he,

she only wanted what he
recommended. And most likely

than not, he knows exactly what
the king wants, right? Wisdom,

you know, she said that “I’ll
submit to you.” And you guess

what? She found favour.
Nonetheless, this uh, wisdom,

but God still give her favour
and she became the next queen.

You know, we, we think we know
it and then we are left high and

dry. Humility. Before humility,
sorry, before honour, the Bible

says, before honour, there’s
humility. Whenever you see

someone honoured, somewhere
along the way there’s humility.

He was willing to learn. He was
willing to be corrected. People

tell me things sometimes, so,
sometime I ask them, you want,

you want me to help you, guide
you, uh, uh, uh, uh, counsel you

or you’re just telling me? Uh,
there’s a difference, you know.

There are people who just tell

Are you with me so far? But

Pastor Prince, I scared to do
anything because law mah, I, I,

I scared I come under law. “What
do you mean?” “I, I’m afraid

that I’ll be doing out of my
effort.” Look, it is you doing

it, doing it, not a zombie.
Alright? All of you are doing

it. When God tells you to do
something, you are doing it.

Listen, God doesn’t move by
himself. He has ordained it that

way. Listen, God, without us,
God can do anything, right? We

all know that. But His way is
that He will not want to do

anything without us. There’s a
verse that says uh, in 1st

Corinthians 2, we are
co-labourers with God.

Co-labourers with God. But what
can we do, what can we supply?

Now, we can’t supply the power,
we can’t supply the, the gifts,

we can’t supply the, the
anointing, we can’t supply the

success, we can’t supply the
circumstance to be created in

such a way that, that is
conducive for us but God can do

it. So what is our part? Our
part is to obey. Our part is to

co-labour with him. God moves
here, I move here. In fact,

Jesus used the analogy uh, “Come
take My yoke on y-, upon you.”

He was speaking to people who
are, who are farmers and people

working the, the lands, uh,
agricultural system and uh, uh,

people involved in husbandry.
And, he, he, he told them, “Take

My yoke on you. My yoke is easy,
my burden is light.” So they

understood, they understood
that. For them to train a, a

younger ox, they’ll hook the
yoke to the next older ox. Amen.

And the older ox is more
experienced but the younger ox

is not. But whenever the older
ox wants to move right and the

younger one wants to move left,
he better turn right because the

older ox is stronger or else
he’ll have a stiff neck. And

that’s why they use the word
“stiff neck” for people that are

rebellious. You know, it’s a
matter of flowing with God. When

God tells you to do something,
you do it. You flow with Him.

Can I have a good “Amen”. Amen?
When God moves right, you move

right. God moves left, you move
left. There are times God

doesn’t move. And you stop. When
God stop, you stop. But when God

moves, you move. Amen? When,
when, when the older ox wants to

drink from the, the, the, the
pool of water there, alright, he

wants to drink, “Well,” the
other one says, “Well, I, I just

drank just now, I don’t want to
drink too much.” Well, he better

drink. He’s leading you to
drink. There are times, you all

know this and, and you are
watching TV and there’s nothing

on TV, you just want to watch
and inside your heart there’s

something saying “Read Pastor
Prince’s devotional”.

You are

hungry for the Word, you know,
aaahh, then you see a devotional

down there, you know, uh, uh,
the one that you put down there

in your house in case people
come and see, Orh, ya, he’s

spiritual, you know, Pastor
Prince uh, devotionals are

there. You know, the one, and
you feel like opening up. Ahhh,

you know, it’s good to put all
these things near your

television because every time
there’s a, there’s a

advertisement and all that,
just, just read. Amen? Amen. Put

around your toilet also, your
toilet bowl, near that, near

that area, you know what I’m
saying? Amen? You receive a lot

when you’re relaxed. What little
you read sometimes is amazing

how God can speak to you. So
there are times God says “Open

it. Open it” and you don’t want
to read. “I’ll, I’ll do it

later.” But later when you open
it, the flow is no more there.

There is such a thing because
why? When He’s drinking, you

better drink. You’ll receive
such feeding. Amen. When He’s

not and you are trying to, it’s
such, there’s such a tediousness

to it. How many has experienced
this in your life? Now, you know

what is effectively not being
under law? The apostle Paul

wrote this, to Galatians, uh,
row, uh, Galatians 5 verse 18, I

think it is. If you are led by
the Spirit, you are not under

the law. So, don’t be afraid,
orh, this is law, that is law.

No. Are you led by the Spirit?
If you are doing something and

you are led by the Spirit, you
are not under the law. Hello? If

you are led by the Spirit, you
are not under the law. You see,

if I just teach you “been led by
the Spirit”, then you can forget

about accountability, you know,
uh, talking to people or uh, uh,

uh, listening to the counsel of
the wise and all that, I just

follow the Spirit. That’s why I
had to create all that

foundation first. It’s important
you understand that. But then,

at the end of the day, let me
just tell you this, God wants

every believer to be led by the
Spirit. Can I have a good

“Amen”? And even counsel, you
need to hear whether the counsel

confirm what you have in your
spirit. By the way, the counsel

will never tell you to go
against your God-appointed

leadership. It will never tell
you to go against your marriage

vows. It will never tell you to
go against your, what you know

in the Word of God is moral and,
and what is immoral. Amen? You

can go against what is immoral
but what is proper and what is

right, it’ll never tell you to
“Ya, it’s ok to commit adultery

in your case because your wife
is not responding as she

should”. Never! Don’t ever hear
that and think it’s the Holy

Spirit. Be a, be a man. You be a
man. You be a man. Amen? Man up

and say “I did it. I chose my
course”. Alright? Don’t, don’t

try to blame God. And don’t try
to get her to do Bible study

with you. That’s, that’s so
nauseating to me; to hear

people, you know, in adultery
doing Bible study. You are

deceived. Come near, come here,
come here. Pia! You know what

I’m saying or not? Sorry, sorry,
wow, brother. You want to do

that right, Lawrence? Amen. They
need the five-fold ministry, you

know what I’m saying? Man up!

And if that lady had, you know,

I mean, ok , I don’t want to go
in there. Ok, I don’t want to

mess with, not everyone is
smiling, so, how do you know you

are under law, you are not led
by the Spirit? But if you are

led by the Spirit, you are not
under law, which means you are

under grace. It’s not a matter
that we are dead to the law, now

we are free to do whatever we
want. No! We are dead to the law

to be married to Jesus Christ
and He’s going to lead us by His

spirit. Amen. How does the Lord
lead us? Well, on the, on the

Passover night, in the upper
room Jesus told his disciples,

“While I am present with you, I
am telling you these things.

When the Holy Spirit, the
Comforter, the Paraclet, the one

that come along side you to
help, now, He’s going to come

and He will to teach you all
things.” Show them that verse

uh, uh, drop down. Ok. He’s
gonna come, alright, and He will

teach you all things,” Verse
26“and bring to your remembrance

all things.” Say “all things”.
So whatever it is, I know some

people confine this to just the
Bible. No. “All things” means

“all things”. He will teach you
all things means all things.

Parenting, Amen, your, your,
your, your work, your, your

career, your social life, uh,
whatever it is, He’s gonna teach

you all things and then bring
all things to your remembrance

whatever Jesus has spoken to
you. You have heard what the

Lord said and then He’ll remind
you. See, the Holy Spirit is

also a reminder. A remembrancer.
Amen. And, it’s not here but it

says, in the upper room, Jesus
says, “He will glorify me.” The

Holy Spirit never glorifies man.
He always comes and glorify

Jesus. God teaches you to profit
so that you will glorify Jesus.

Amen. He wants your life, your
marriage, your children, your,

your, your entire person to be
one that radiates with the glory

of God. When God had His way,
nobody was sick. Only when man

sinned, sickness came in. When
God had His way in the garden,

nobody was poor. Poverty came
when man sinned. When God had

His way, there was no stress, no
need for psychiatrist. When God

had His way, everything is
perfect. Guess what? When you

follow God’s way, He will teach
you to profit. So I don’t care

whether people, prosperity
gospel and all that, just bring

them before, before Adam fell
and ask, ask the question “When

God had His way, when the world
was under God, what was it like?

Was there poverty? Was there,
was there hospitals, were there

hospitals?” No. Abundance.
Peace. And when Jesus says, “Thy

will be done on earth as it is
in heaven”. How is heaven like?

Are there any hospitals in
heaven? Are there any supreme

court in heaven? Is there, is
there any uh, by the way, the

court that’s in heaven is the
throne of grace for us. There is

a court in heaven, alright? But
I’m talking about, about places

to judge you. To send you to
hell. No. Only one. God’s

throne. And for that, all
believers are not, are not going

to be sent to the lake of fire.
Amen. All believers will never

stand before the Great White
Throne judgment. They will stand

before the Bema Seat of Christ
which is another message

altogether, which I have shared
another time. Now, so, listen,

listen. Everything is perfect.
We walk on streets of gold in

heaven. The music is harmonious.
Nobody is out of tune. Even you.

You have a new body. You’ll be
in tune. Smile at your neighbour

and say, “There’s hope for you,
brother. Because just now during

the worship, I’m telling you, I
was praying, I was praying, I

was praying. You, you noticed I
was singing louder? Alright. Uh,

you, now you know why. I’m
trying to drown your voice.” Heh

so, so, everyone we, we,
perfect. Even the mosquitoes

will start glorifying Jesus.
*sound of mosquitoes

singing*…nyamuk. You know
what’s “nyamuk” or not? That’s

Malay for “mosquito”. Alright,
it’ll all be like *mosquitoes

singing to the tune of Joyful,
Joyful, we adore Thee.* Broak.

Even the frog “broak” (croak).
The timing is perfect. Everyone

will be in harmony. The whole
creation fell because Adam fell.

So when Bible says “I teach you
to profit”, what do you think it

is? Teach you to s, to, to be
poor so that you learn to be

holy? Some people have this
religious concept, that’s not

the Bible. Look at when God has
His way. The mess in our life

is, is self-manufactured. We
didn’t listen to the prompting

and now we are suffering for it.
Even the food we eat, whatever

it is, you know, or the medicine
we take, we gotta make sure we

listen to the Lord. Amen. When
it come to medicine I told you

just now, the disclaimer. The
doctors tell you be, you have to

be on it, alright, you make sure
you’re on it. In fact, when you

listen to the Spirit, it’ll
always tell you you’re on this

level, work with that level and
trust that God will give you,

God, trust God to, to give the
doctor wisdom. Before you go to

a doctor, ask God to give him
wisdom. But he’s not a believer.

Never mind. There’s a, there’s
a, a, a natural wisdom that God

gives also to unbelievers. It’s
in the Bible. Amen. Are you with

me so far? That brings us to the
next thing. Whatever crisis you

are in, whatever trial you are
going through, whatever need

that is, that is pressing
against you right now and is

staring you in the face, what do
you do? Number 1: Ask God for

wisdom. James 1,“If any of you
lacks wisdom.” This is James 5,

verse 5 here, it’s actually
after verse, the passage before

this, and the passage before
this opens up, talking about

greetings and all that but then
it says about trials. So it’s in

context of trials. Don’t go to
the trial, don’t go through a

trial not asking God for wisdom.
Some people, you ask them, “Have

you asked God for wisdom?” “O
yah ah. Hmm… O yah, haven’t.”

You know why? Because you think
you can handle it. You think

that somebody will help, come
and help you or whatever, you,

you, you, you expect in the
natural things will turn around

that’s why you didn’t ask God
for wisdom. So in any trial you

are in, the first thing you do,
ask God for wisdom. If any of

you lack wisdom, let him ask of
God who gives to all liberally.

Look at the nature of your
Father. Your Heavenly Father. He

gives liberally. Say
“liberally”. Aiya, no power. Say

it loud. Liberally. Amen.
Liberally. Liberally and

upbraideth not; Or without
reproach, without reproach.

Upbraideth is Old King James.
…without reproach He doesn’t

scold you for asking wisdom. In
fact, He delights in you asking

for wisdom. When Solomon asked
for wisdom, the Bible says the

speech pleased the Lord and the
Lord is the same yesterday,

today and forever. So He will
not scold you. He will give to

you liberally. In fact, not many
people are asking for wisdom.

So, you know what? Take theirs
as well. The Throne of Grace is

not crowded so come and receive.
Let him ask in faith, When you

ask God, …ask in faith, with
no doubting, for he who doubts

is like a wave of the sea driven
with the wind and tossed. For

let not that man think that he
shall receive any thing of the

Lord. The only thing the Lord
wants, wants you to know,

alright, about Him is that He
will give to you liberally when

you ask for wisdom and He will
not scold you. So, please,

honour Him by asking in faith.
So after you asked God for

wisdom, say, “Father, give me
wisdom concerning this in Jesus

Name”, and then, only then, you
can rise up, Amen, you don’t

have the answers in your head,
but you have received wisdom.

Maybe it’s not imparted to your
understanding yet and then start

doing the next thing. This is
where the Holy Spirit starts

leading you. Alright? But after
you asked for wisdom, then you

can expect the Holy Spirit to
lead you and guide you. And

that’s why, go back to John
again and uh, John, John. John

14 says, “Peace I leave with
you.” Immediately right after

the Holy Spirit is mentioned,
Jesus mentioned the Holy Spirit

teaching you all things, He
mentioned “Peace I leave with

you”. There was a boy up here,
right, few Sundays ago, that,

that quoted this? John 14:27.
Yup. He memorised this verse, or

not in, not in your service, 2nd
service. My son came up and gave

his memory verse from “Peace I
leave with you. My Peace I give

unto you”. Now, why did Jesus
mention “Peace” immediately

right after He talked about the
Holy Spirit teaching you all

things? Because the Holy Spirit
teaches on the wavelength of

peace. So, when you do something
and you don’t have peace, don’t

do it. You’re about to embark on
a career change and the more you

talk to your wife, the more you
all discuss, of course, weigh

the pros and cons, you know,
consult your leaders, consult

uh, uh, your, your, your pastors
if you want, alright, just, just

talk about the, the pros and
cons and all that, don’t just

depend on yourself. Remember,
following the Spirit doesn’t

bypass all these things. He that
walketh with wise men shall be

wise. And then you sit down
there and then, who knows,

someone will tell you “hey,
that, that, ya, you know, it

looks very uh, uh, glorious and
nice, but don’t. Don’t. You

know, I, I, I know a close
friend who has been there, they

got burn and all that”. Haaah,
thank God. At least you, you

know, you consult people and you
find out from people that are

counselors. The Bible says “In
the multitude of counselors

there is safety”. Didn’t say “in
the multitude of friends”. They

must be counselors, people with
God’s counsel and wisdom and

there are many in this church.
Aiyoh, I got to say “Amen” to

all this. Amen, Pastor Prince!
Hallelujah! Hahaha. You all

don’t think that we’ve got
counselors here and wise people?

Many of them are sitting in
front. Amen. I know they are

wise. You know why? They look
like they are listening. So I

know they are wise. Yah, even
when they yawn, even when they

yawn, alright, you know how they
yawn or not? I know how he

yawns. He will yawn with his
mouth closed. Have you seen him

yawn with his mouth closed? It
goes like this. Alright, he will

look at me than …(deep breathe),
mouth closed. The nostrils

flare, the eyes water. There and
there I felt compassion for him.

You know, that, is a wise man,
alright. Amen. So anyway, there

are many in this church ok? But
many of them are your leaders.

We have spotted them, we have
tested them down through time

and before you sign a contract,
you know, if you sense there’s

no peace, then stop for a while,
discuss with your wife. If your

wife say “I don’t know why”.
“Don’t say don’t know why, don’t

know why. Give me a logical
reason.” “I don’t know why.”

Women are more intuitive that’s
why the woman was hanging around

the middle of the garden. Amen.
The man wasn’t. She was more

intuitive to the things of the
spirit that’s why she was the

first to hear the voice of the
evil spirit. Amen. The devil’s

voice. But women are more
inclined. But women can sense

things about people long before,
you know, uh, the man can find

out in, with their head. They
can say, “I don’t know about

this guy, I really do not know.”
The guy says,” “What kind is

this? Don’t judge people ok?”
But they can, “I don’t know why.

Don’t. There’s something about,
something scratchy.” Amen?

Consult your wife. You know,
I’ll, I’ll tell you this.

There’s a teaching out there
that says “when God gives you

peace, you know it’s God”. Now,
the thing is this; you should

always be at peace. I will teach
it this way. Whenever there’s no

peace, your peace is affected,
then listen. That’s the Lord

leading you, telling you.
Because many a times, you know,

you, you, you should be at
peace. Peace is your default

mode as a believer. “Peace I
leave with you”. You have peace.

Amen. So, how do you know when
you are out of it? The peace is

affected. In fact, there’s a
verse that says let that peace

act as umpire in the Amplified
Bible in Colossians, “Let the

peace of Christ act as umpire
continually.” In a tennis game,

the umpire says, “Out”, it’s
out. No point breaking racket,

scolding the umpire and all
that, it’s out. Nowadays they

have all the, you know, play
back video and all that to show

whether the ball is in or out.
But that’s what the umpire does.

The peace of Christ says, “Umm”,
out. “Mmm”, yeap. Amen? Are you

listening, people? You meet
someone, they offer you

something and something is
scratchy and sounds too good to

be true, alright, usually it’s
too good to be true. The only

thing that’s too good to be
true, sounds like too good to be

true but it’s really true,
because it’s really good, it’s

the gospel. So if you have this
scratchy feeling, listen to it

because those people don’t have
the Holy Spirit in them, you do

and He’s in you, and He will
lead you, Amen? Yes, with peace

but you’re in peace all the
time. Listen when your peace is

affected. When you do something
and your peace is affected,

don’t do it. There are times I
don’t even, I bought something

already right? I tasted it and I
feel a peace at the same time,

of course I go by my taste, God
gives me taste. So I taste and

then, taste is a 50-50, I don’t
know it’s an overnight food or

whatever but something inside me
says, “Don’t touch it.” I say,

“Wah, it’s five dollars you
know?” My Singaporean mentality

took over. “Wah, five dollars
you know?” The Lord says, “No,

don’t touch it.” There’re other
times I must tell you, alright,

I disobeyed that. Hungry, and
it’s five dollars and it’s the

only stall there, so I ate it. I
ate it but it never stayed in my

body. That whole day it was
trying to find its way out. You

all have been with me. Don’t
laugh, don’t eh eh eh. You all

have been doing the same thing
also. And something inside you,

ah never mind, never mind,
just… Another time I remember

I was in a hurry, Justin was
just born at that time and I

told Wendy I’ll take care of
Justin. Then after that we took

turns, we were outside. And then
I rushed to eat my food at a

hawker centre, I still remember.
And man, I choked on something.

That’s the only time I spent
time in hospital overnight

because I can’t remove it. They
had to put me on, you know,

anesthesia and remove the thing
from my throat. I remember

something inside me, “Don’t,
don’t rush. Don’t rush. Don’t

rush. It’s better not to eat
than to rush.” But I said, “No,

I’m hungry.” Hungry means must
eat. Toop. Try to remove it,

didn’t come out. So, God leads
us with the? Peace. Or the way

it’s done, practically it’s when
your peace is affected. Amen?

Romans 8, “The Spirit Himself
bears witness with our spirit

that we are the sons.” Drop down
to verse, yeap, verse 16, “The

Spirit Himself bears witness
with our spirit that we are

children of God.” This is how
verse 14 happens, “For as many

as are led by the Spirit of God,
these are sons of God.” Huios.

These are mature sons of God.
Huios. When you’re led by the

Spirit, you’re the kind of son
that really pleases Him. You are

led by the Spirit. And then it
says, “You did not receive the

spirit of bondage again to
fear”, the context here is very

important. In the Old Testament,
they had a spirit of fearing God

in the wrong way. That’s the
context here, the spirit of

bondage again to fear. That’s
why “again” is there, because

the Old Testament saints had
this fear of God. But this

spirit that we receive is the
spirit of sonship. Forget the

word ‘adoption’ ok, it’s
actually the word ‘huiothesia’

which is sonship from huios. We
have received the spirit of

sonship by which we cry ‘Abba,
Father’. You know, our Father is

with us. Amen? Our heavenly
Father is here now, Amen. He

gave us some gifts just now,
Amen? He’s speaking to us now,

He loves us. So we have a spirit
that respond, when we say,

“Father”, it’s not like God is
so far away in the universe

somewhere, in the north side of
Zion, I mean somewhere faraway.

No, when you say ‘Father’, it’s
family. That’s why ‘Father’ is

higher than the names that we
learn in the Old Testament.

Wonderful as they are, glorious
as they are, Amen, reverential

as they are, ‘Father’ is higher
than any other name in the Old

Testament. Say ‘Father’. And
feel loved. Feel the love of

God. You’re a son. That’s how
you’re led. You must have the

spirit of sonship because if
not, you are thinking that

you’re led by the Spirit but
it’s not the Spirit. That’s why,

you know, I remember last time,
you know, in care groups or cell

group and all that, there was a
lady, I remember being in a

Christian bookstore, and I
wasn’t known yet, I wasn’t a

pastor then, I remember they had
a lot of cell groups and all

that in churches and all that.
So I remember someone saying,

“You know, this lady in my cell
group, I’m telling you, you

know, so terrible. Her hair is
like so long, and her makeup

blah, blah, blah, blah.” And I
was sitting down there reading a

book and I’m thinking to myself,
and all that came up in my

spirit is this: jealous,
jealous, jealous, jealous, you

know. It’s so obvious. I was a
young Christian, a young man as

well at that time. Still, I was
picking up that spirit of

jealousy. She said, “I don’t
know why, when she come in, the

Spirit tell me er that no, she’s
doing something wrong. The

Spirit tell me.” Wah, very
spiritual. Those who are the

least spiritual use God’s name
the most. Just remember that.

Even when God speaks to me, many
a times I don’t even tell my

pastors what God said to me
because it doesn’t open up for

discussion. I wanna hear their
views. At the end, when it all

comes to the same conclusion, I
know, yes, confirmed, it’s God.

But they need to follow that
journey. If I come and say, “Hey

guys, God told me that.” “Wah,
God already tell you what. What

is there to say?” So I don’t do
that. I know what God said. And

many a time, I know what God has
said to me, but I need them to

follow me in this journey, I
need them to bear witness. Ok,

talking about bear witness, now
here it says, “The Spirit

Himself bears witness with our
spirit that we’re children of

God.” Now what’s bearing
witness? If someone is in a

court situation, right, you are
summoned as a witness, what does

that mean? That means you are
there to witness to an action

already taken. Usually it’s
criminal action. You’re a

witness of a person’s character
or you’re a witness of

something. So in other words,
something has happened already.

The character is there already.
The criminal act has been done,

has been executed. You are there
as a witness. What does that

mean? Means you just tell what
you see. You just witness to

what you see, right? The thing
about ‘the Spirit Himself bears

witness with our spirit that
we’re children of God’, the most

important area is to know you’re
a child of God. I remember years

ago in my previous church when I
started speaking in tongues, I

was baptised in the Holy Spirit
speaking in tongues and all

that, my deacon brought me to be
prayed for by a well known

minister and he specialised in
deliverance. He command my

tongue to stop in Jesus’ name.
He command the demon inside me

to name itself, it didn’t name.
I just know my name is Joe, you

know. And the demon cannot be
called Joe. Anyway, then he

summoned all kinds, then he
says, “Pray in tongues, pray in

tongues.” I pray in tongues. And
then he summoned Michael to come

down and asked Michael to bind
this. He did all kinds of

things. Finally, he was tired, I
was tired, everyone was tired.

So he said, “Let’s take a
break.” He told me it’s a

stubborn demon. All because I
spoke in tongues. So he went one

corner, I remember as a young
boy, you know, boy of 14 or 13

at that time, just ‘blur’ you
know, don’t know what happen. I

want to do what’s right, but I
got baptised in the Holy Spirit.

And then one of his leaders came
beside me, look around, make

sure his pastor not around, he
say, “Hey, just now during your,

what you pray in tongues is it?
Did you hear the word you say?

‘Shekinah, shekinah, shekinah’.
‘Shekinah’ means ‘glory’ you

know?” I didn’t know that. He’s
the first person that ever told

me that ‘shekinah’ is ‘glory’.
Then he ran off. He was one of

the pastor’s assistants, one of
the pastors, associate pastors.

Maybe a secret tongue-talker.
Hallelujah. No, the witness is

always to tell you you’re a
child of God. But all the while

when he told me, at the end
what’s the conclusion? “You’re

not,” he says, “you’re not even
saved.” He told me I’m not even

saved. Then I, I don’t know but
that’s one part where even

ignorant as I was at that time
something inside me rose and

say, “No, I’m saved.” The next
day I told my deacon in my

church. “There’s one thing I
don’t agree with, you know,” I

said, “I know I’m saved.” He
told me, “Don’t worry about

that, you are. Ignore that.” He
said. There’s a witness in all

of us. Even though our minds
struggle with some passages in

Scripture or you know that kind
of thing, we hear preaching that

says you can lose your
salvation, something inside you

says, “No.” If you listen to
that, you’ll say, “No.” So in

the first area, it tells you,
bears witness with you you’re a

child of God. What about other
things in life? Yes, He’ll bear

witness with you. But bearing
witness is this, a lot of people

don’t understand. Bearing
witness means you take the

action, you study. Students,
means you study, as you’re

studying then He can lead you.
Nah, He doesn’t bear witness

with this passage, alright, this
is not the topic that He wants

you to focus on. Then He can
tell you, “Study this topic, you

don’t have much time, alright,
these are the…” He can lead you

then. But you don’t open the
book, “Lord, speak to me, Lord.

Speak to me, Lord. Speak to me,
Lord, Lord, speak to me. Which

book, which topic Lord, what are
the questions that will come

out?” Or you sit down and say,
“Lord, Lord, I’m not going to

date, go, you know, to church,
I’m not going to… Lord, you

just bring the man to me. I just
think that if Michael is the

one, You’ll bring Michael in
front of me.” It’s not God’s

way. God’s way is that you go to
church, if you’re single, you go

to that, you know, join care
group, mix around, get involved

in the church, Amen? Of course,
church is not the only place you

can find your life partner, but
very safe. A lot of the heroines

of the Bible, they all found
their mate at the water, at the

well. Lesson. Anyway, safe. But
it’s possible you can find

somewhere, of course, God is
sovereign. Amen? But you cannot

sit at home and do nothing,
expect doomp!, “Yo, my name is

Albert.” Well. It doesn’t work
that way, doesn’t work that way,

ok? Are you listening? Amen? You
don’t just sit down there and

say, “What job you want me to
do, Lord, what job, what job,

what job?” You know? Or, “Give
me a job, Lord, give me a job,

give me a job.” Amen? You go
through, and then you bear

witness with a few, then go for
the interview. You gotta be

there, you gotta feel the
interviewer, you gotta feel the

environment, you gotta sense it.
And then you find something

shrink, something is not there,
then go for another one. You

know? And the first place I
work, look horrible, the place

look horrible, Amen. And there
was a smell from the restaurant

coming upstairs you know? They
were frying salted fish or

something like that. And
that’s…but that place, man, I

flourish in that place, my boss
become a believer, we brought

him to Christ. It was a place
that prospered me. God is the

One that prospered, but God used
that place. So you don’t go by

what you see, you sense the
environment, you sense it, you

sense even the interview with
the person, the words that are

spoken, you sense it. But you
sit down and do nothing, how can

He guide you? That’s why God
cannot guide a parked car. You

cannot tell a car that’s parked,
“Turn right. Turn left. Maintain

ah, steady ah.” It is there all
the time. And some Christians

think, “Ah this is the, this is
grace, this is rest.” No it’s

not. Rest is not inactivity. It
is Spirit-directed activity.

Amen? It’s not inactivity.
Sometimes when you’re inactive,

you feel blah, you feel
frustrated because Spirit of God

wants you to do something, “Get
up.” Amen? Another thing is

this, just because something is
hard doesn’t make it a law. “I

don’t want to go to the gym.”
Why? “Law. Legalistic.” Do you

brush your teeth every day? Do
you feel like brushing your

teeth every day? Do you bathe
every day? Sometimes, right,

it’s late, do you feel like
bathing every day? A lot of

people don’t say ‘Amen’. They
look at me like they don’t

bathe. Do you all bathe at all,
hey? In a week, ok, in a week,

ok? So there are times you’re
tired, you don’t, “Oh man, must

get up, you know, I just came
back.” I don’t feel like

bathing, right? Ok, I speak for
myself. I cannot go to bed

dirty. Have I been there before
where I slept before I know it?

Yes, but I still get up and
bathe. It’s just me. It’s just

me. And that’s why sometimes
Pastor Lawrence and I have


Unless you do
something, how can He bear

witness? Unless you’re moving,
you’re doing something, unless

you’re executing, how can He
bear witness? Only when you

execute, He says, “Yes.” He
bears witness with it. If

there’s no action, there’s
nothing to bear witness. God

told, you see how God does
things. I’m bringing this to a

close. How does God operate? God
uses people, I said. God says,

“I have provided Me a king among
his sons.” I love this. In 1

Samuel 16, the very first verse.
The thing about the environment

and the world that we’re living
in today, being a Christian

means persecution, you’re being
made fun of, being mocked. That

was how Israel was at that time,
they were mocked by the

Philistines. They were the
oppressors. There was no

champion. Their king was a
coward, he was under an evil

spirit of depression.

And then
God says to Samuel, “I have

provided Me a king among Jesse’s
sons.” I’m telling you,

regardless of what you see in
the world today, regardless of

how you see the churches,
sometimes not exactly united,

that’s how Israel was. Yet God
said, “I have provided Me.” God

has His people. God has every
need, alright, provided for long

before it was a need. So God has
provided a king among his sons

and this is the one that will
put an end to the Philistine’s

rule. Amen? I’ve provided Me a
king among whose sons? Jesse’s

sons. Now God didn’t even
mention his name. So prophet

Samuel had to go to Bethlehem,
the town of David where David

was, and he had to go to the
house of Jesse. All he knows is

Jesse’s name, doesn’t know which
son. He has seven sons. They’re

all men of war and David was in
the field as a shepherd boy, the

youngest. So the father says,
“Er, you want to see my boy?” He

says, “Yes.” So one by one they
pass by. The first one was tall,

dark and handsome. And God says
this is not the one. He never

told the father. Then the
prophet says, “Next.” The next

one came. Not the one. Not the
one. Note the one. Not the one.

Until the last one. Not the one.
Says that, “Are these all your

sons?” Then the father says,
“Ha, yeah, yeah, I remember, I

got one more son.” Imagine if
you are his son. Imagine. Have

you been there before where
you’re the last to be

remembered, last to be called on
in a, you know, in a football

game or whatever, you’re the
last to be chosen? David was the

last one. But when he came in,
ruddy, the Bible says, Amen?

Sweat pouring down, Amen,
probably smelled like sheep, God

says, “This is the one.” And he
anointed him. Now my question is

this. Have you noticed? Even a
prophet does not know who is it

until one by one they must pass
by. One by one. God doesn’t

bypass the process of going for
a job interview, getting to know

people, and then when they’re in
front of you then you can bear

witness. Amen? If you’re led of
the Spirit, you’re not under the

law. You know that there were
times that God says, “Don’t

preach.” But God says, “Go into
all the world and preach the

gospel”, right? But there were a
time, Paul wanted to go to Mysia

and Spirit of God ‘allowed him
not’, the Bible says. And the

next verse says ‘a vision came
to him at night. A Man in

Macedonia.’ So God didn’t allow
him to preach in Asia Minor, it

wasn’t time yet. By the way,
that’s present day Turkey. And

it wasn’t time yet. So God
wanted the gospel to go west to

the Grecians. And then a vision
happened. But, you know, some

people have this attitude: as
long the gospel is preached, I

don’t care. But maybe God
doesn’t want you to preach the

gospel at this time in that
place. He has another place for

you. So you, not just open door.
Open door may not just be a sign

but open door is one of it. But
when you look at the open door

and the counsel of wise men and
then the witness of the Spirit,

you know you’re on the right
track. I shared with you all

before, remember the story of
Paul? He was a prisoner on board

a ship, Roman ship, bound for
Rome? And then he told the

centurion, “I perceive that this
voyage will be with much

damage.” But the Bible says, he
told the centurion, the Roman

centurion, “Don’t leave yet. I
perceive.” How does he perceive?

In his spirit. That this voyage
will be with much damage. But

the guy rather listen to his
helmsman. The helmsman, the

Bible says, noticed the wind was
blowing just right and he’s an

experienced helmsman. So he told
the centurion, “Time to go.” You

all know what happened right?
There was a storm. Unexpected

storm called Euroclydon and
smashed against the ship and

they were all depressed. And for
days and days, they never saw

the sun. It was blocked. And
then the Bible tells us that

Paul stood up and says, “Guys,
you all should have listened to

me.” I love it. “Guys, you all
should have listened to me.

Nonetheless, take courage, God
has shown me that we’ll not be

killed. We’ll be marooned on an
island which is called Malta.”

Which means ‘honey’. A picture
of land of milk and honey. When

you follow the Lord, you can
either reach there peacefully or

you can go there by planks.
Finally, you know, they went

there, the storm broke against
the ship that was stuck between

a rock and then smashed the back
and they all went on planks and

all that. But all the while Paul
says, “I perceive that this

voyage will be with much
damage.” Years ago, how many of

you like to have a vision from
the Lord? Or a vision coming up

and you see things, right? You
all like that, right? But don’t

look for it, Amen? If you look
for a vision, the devil can

deceive you. But ask God for,
number one, ask God for wisdom,

always ask God for wisdom. Then
consult your leaders around you,

and how they feel. They also
have the Holy Spirit in them,

not just you. Consult them, make
sure they are counsellors, these

are counsellors, not just
friends, Amen? Because there’s a

good thing and there’s a
God-thing. Don’t just do a good

thing. The good is the enemy of
the God-thing. Many a time, you

settle for less. So after that,
ask God for wisdom, seek counsel

and then listen to the Spirit.
Take an action. You feel like

this is the right action, you’ll
never be really sure. I’m not

too sure, take the action, Amen?
As you take the action, you’ll

sense in your spirit that the
peace is affected or not. And if

you’ve done that, then God may
give you a vision. But again,

you don’t look for it. God may
give you a vision. Like what

Paul did. Paul went out to
preach the gospel. He asked God

for wisdom, he went out to
preach the gospel, he has his

friends around him, Amen? He
always went with someone. And

then not only that, he listened
to the Spirit. The Spirit says,

“Don’t preach to Asia Minor at
this time.” Then a vision

happened to Macedonia. Pastor
shared how he flowed in the

Spirit to help an old man have
his meal. Years ago, and I’ll

close with this. Years ago, as I
was learning these things, I was

already a pastor then but God
was bringing me deeper in some

of these things. And I was
asking God to teach me to move

more in the Spirit. And to, you
know, more for ministry. But the

Lord taught me how to flow with
Him. I remember one night, and

the World Cup was on, I still
remember. And this was years ago

and the World Cup was on and I
had a meeting, I think a

leaders’ meeting in the office
and it went quite some time,

past midnight and the World Cup
was in place where you can watch

it at midnight, just like the
recent one. So I was kind of

like going a bit fast. If there
are ‘TP’ here, right, I was

going fast but I think I was
still in the speed limit. Ok. I

was like, you know, it was my
favourite team playing, I was

rushing back on the expressway.
And all of a sudden, when I

zoomed past, I saw someone
climbing over the central

divider, alright, and it was an
older man. So I just went

straight, nobody was there, so
it was late at night, about one

o’clock, one plus, zoom and you
know, I saw the old man climbing

over the central divider,
alright and I just went

straight. As I went straight,
the peace was affected. The

Bible says follow after love and
desire spiritual gifts. It could

have said, “Be loving.” Doesn’t
say that. It says follow after

love, as if love is a person.
Follow after love. The Holy

Spirit will lead you with the
peace and also with His love.

When you have compassion for
someone, text them, Amen? You

have compassion for somebody, or
even at the workplace, cleaners

in the food court, they’re
cleaning. One person just like

sort of, like you feel
compassion for the person, give

her some money, you know? I
mean, and tell her, “Yah-sor ai

ni.” That’s all you need to do.
I guarantee you, next time you

go back there, your table is the
first one they’ll clean. But we

are not looking for that, we’re
not looking for that, we’re

looking to be a blessing. A
little kindness goes a long way.

Follow after love. When there’s
love for someone, stop and say,

I gotta talk to this child, I
gotta bless this person, I gotta

text this person, I gotta say
something that God’s favour is

shining on you today, or
something like that. Follow the

love. So anyway, I was driving
and it was quite some distance

away. I was arguing with that
peace. And I felt so much love

for that old man, I don’t know
why, ok and I just stopped at

the side of the road. Now I
don’t recommend this, ok, but

it’s just a unique situation,
there was not many cars on the

road, one plus. I had to stop at
the shoulder because he was

crossing, right, way back there.
So I was sort of like look

behind and just reverse near the
shoulder all the way until I saw

him. So I stopped, and I went to
him. And later on I found out

he’s a Javanese, alright, based
here in Singapore. An elderly

guy, probably in his early 80s.
And I said, “Can I help you?”

You know? By the way, he was
still at the central divider, I

had to bring him across to the
other side. I said, “Can I help

you?” He says, he was speaking
to me in Malay. And I didn’t

understand, he was saying that,
“I just look, I want to eat,” he

says, “I’m looking for a place
to eat.” I said, “Very hard to

find a place to eat here, this
kind of place.” I said that,

“Where is your house?” “Oh, it’s
down there, but nobody at home.”

You know? I said, “Oh man, what
do I do now?” Just bring him to

eat lah. “Why not I just bring
you to eat?” “No, no, I’m

looking for that place.” He
mentioned a place that I don’t

understand, you know? And he
says, “I eat there. Sometimes I

eat there. I’m looking for that
place.” I said, “What place? You

tell me. I bring you somewhere,
ok, uncle? I bring you somewhere

to eat.” “No, no, I want to go
to that place. I don’t want to

go anywhere. I just want to go
to that place.” You know? So I

said, “Never mind, you come to
my car first.” So he went to my

car and I said, “Lord, what do I
do?” So I obeyed, I followed

after love, I obeyed the peace
or at that point the lack of it,

Amen? And then, now what’s left?
What do I do Lord? I’m telling,

just like that, just like that,
don’t look for it, I didn’t look

for it, I didn’t expect it, but
the vision came up. And the

vision was a food court, a
hawker centre in Singapore. And

later on I found out it’s called
ABC Centre, where you lived, you

know, down there. And I saw the
ABC Centre, and I saw it, I saw

it. I’ve been there before. I
said, “Hey, is it the ABC

Centre?” “No.” (Pastor speaks in
Malay “Bukan, itu ada..”). Then

he described to me. I said, “Oh
boy, I thought it was God.” I

was excited, you know? “So never
mind, I bring you to eat, ok? I

bring you to eat.” Then I drove
all the way, found a U-turn

somewhere and went all the way
to the ABC Centre in Alexandra

Road, you know? I went all the
way there, then when I came down

there, he said, “Ini, ini, ini,
ini.” “This place? This place?”

He says, “Yah, yah.” You know?
So I brought him, then

straightaway there’s a Malay
shop with a teh tarik guy down

there. The guy says, “Eh!”
Called his name. And I brought

him down there, sat down there,
then he was greeting like an old

friend. And they said that,
“Wah, this guy very pitiful, you

know.” That guy told me that,
the hawker told me this. He said

that, “Poor guy.” He said that,
“Many a times er, his son just

abandon him at home. He doesn’t
eat, you know. Only come here at

weekends.” And that wasn’t a
weekend by the way. Said that,

“Terrible uh.” For me, I was
like in a daze. I was like, you

see I was asking the Lord to
teach me more about obeying His

voice. Actually all these things
is obeying the voice of God. And

this is what He led me to. He
led me to, first of all, ask Him

for wisdom. So I asked God for
wisdom to know how to be led by

His Spirit, for Him to teach me,
to profit. Ask for wisdom to

profit in every area of my life.
Ask God for wisdom, Amen, to

know His voice. Ask God for
wisdom. Actually to know His

voice is a redundant statement,
you know? A baby knows the

mother’s voice even though
there’s a group of ladies down

there. A baby can even tell. “My
sheep hear My voice.” He didn’t

say, “My sheep learn to hear My
voice.” So take it for granted,

you’re a child of God, you know
His voice. Your confession of

faith should be, “I know Jesus’
voice, I hear His voice.” Amen?

But being led, I ask God to
teach me more, to be more

sensitive. Nothing wrong with
God’s part, it’s my part. So I

said, “Teach me.” So ask God for
wisdom. Number two, get

counsellors around you, Amen?
Discuss with them, people you

trust. And number three, even
while they are discussing you

can sense your spirit. And take
the first action. Don’t just

say, “I’ll sit down there, I’ve
been sitting for six months,

still I do not know is it ‘A’
job or ‘B’ job. Which job to go

for?” You know? ‘A’ university
or this university? Of course,

university has a time limit but
you know? No, no. Just go on

this step: ok, I’m going for
‘A’. Lord, I’ve asked you for

wisdom, everything seems to
point to this direction. If I’m

wrong, tell me, Lord. And as you
plan and you go on, if there’s a

lack of peace or there’s an
increase of peace, you know

you’re on the right track. And
if need be, after all those

things are done, then if God
needs to give you a vision He

will give you a vision. But
don’t look for a vision first.

Never. When I said vision, I
don’t mean like vision outside,

you know, alright? But I’m
talking about vision on the

inside. Many a time, God gives a
vision that seems to float from

the inside, alright, to your
mind’s eye, you can see it. Many

a time, the gifts of the Spirit
the same thing as well for me,

ok? Have you all learned
something? There’s so many areas

to cover but I pray that I’ve
said what the Lord wants me to

say, Amen. Give Jesus the
praise, the glory and the

honour, hallelujah. Amen, Amen.
Stand to your feet. Real quick,

I just wanna pray for those of
you, you said that I want Jesus

to be my Saviour and Lord, I
believe Christ is the only one

that can bring full salvation
into my life. I’m lost and I

need Jesus. And I want to be
filled with the Holy Spirit and

I want the Spirit of God to lead
me and guide me. Well, the only

way that Jesus can fill us with
the Holy Spirit is for us to be

born again. We need to be saved.
You need to be born again. Those

who are born once only, die
twice. There is a death to come

in the lake of fire, the Bible
tells us. But those who are born

twice, born into this world
naturally and born spiritually

may only die once. Amen? The
wages of sin is death but the

gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

If that is you, pray this prayer
with me right now. Say,

“Heavenly Father, I believe
Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

And I believe He died on the
Cross for my sins, was judged in

my place so that I’ll never be
condemned for all my sins. The

blood He shed, through that
blood, all my sins, past,

present and future are forgiven,
remitted. Thank you, Father,

that You raised Jesus from the
dead when all my sins were all

put away. Thank you, Father.
Jesus Christ is my Lord and

Saviour. In Jesus’ name.” And
all the people said? Amen, Amen,

Amen. Praise the Lord. Lift your
hands all across this place.

This coming week, Father in
heaven, I ask that You’ll teach

Your people. I ask Father, in
Jesus’ name, that You will hone,

Lord, their skills and make them
more sensitive, Lord, to the

wonderful Holy Spirit on the
inside of them. Father, even in

their marriage, in their
parenting, in their social

relationships, in their work, in
every area, lead them to profit.

Cause them, Lord, to prosper.
Grant them good success. And

Father, I thank you, Lord, I
pray that everyone here under

the sound of my voice will be a
trophy of Your grace. That

people will look at them and
say, “I want what they have.

They live naturally but such a
supernatural touch on their

lives.” Let this be the
testimony, Father, of everyone

under the sound of my voice. And
Father in heaven, protect every

single one and their families
from harm, danger and from all

evil throughout this week. In
Jesus’ name. And all the people

said? Amen. God bless you. We’ll
see you again. Thank you. I

hope you enjoy today’s episode,
but don’t go just yet. If you’d

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I’ll see you in the next