Learn how Priscilla approaches studying the Bible using the 5 P’s. In your quiet time, consider using this to help you study the Bible.

so when you look into that passage there

are five things that I’m going to

encourage you to do now I call these the

five P’s of Bible study let me tell you

that these little P’s as I call them

have revolutionized the way I spend time

with the Lord when I incorporate these

five PS into my personal Bible study I

without fail hear God speaking to me

through the pages of Scripture no matter

what scripture I’m reading from the Old

Testament to the New Testament I begin

to have a dialogue with God and I know

God’s Spirit is personalizing his word

to me so I want to share these five P’s

with you because I think they’ll

encourage you the first thing you need

to do is position yourself to hear from

God when you position yourself to hear

from God all that means is that you kind

of pull away to a place where you won’t

be distracted our lives are so busy

everything is moving at so many miles

per hour that we can barely keep our

thoughts straight so if you can find a

place that is a place where you can just

be alone and find some quiet that’d be

very helpful in the book of Habakkuk the

Prophet says as I waited for God’s Word

this is in Habakkuk chapter two he said

I’ll position myself high on the

watchtower so on the watchtower it just

meant that he was alone and he was quiet

he could have his eyes peeled for the

Kings response to him find a place

that’s quiet listen it might even be

your car if you spend two hours a day in

traffic that’s a perfect sanctuary you

can position yourself to hear from God

in the car even the second thing you

want to do after you position yourself

to hear from God so you’ve got your

passage that you’re going to ponder and

you are somewhere where you can really

concentrate the second thing you’re

going to do in our five P’s is that

you’re going to pore over the passage

and then paraphrase the major points now

when you pour over the passage it means

that you don’t just scan it quickly

we’re not after quantity here we’re

after quality of time in God’s Word so

that means when you pour over it you

meditate on the scriptures if it’s a

story put yourself in the story how

would it feel to be that person I’m

consider if there is a command that God

is asking you to follow if there’s a

promise that he’s asking you to he’d

really pour over it and take time met

hating on it when you do we’ve given

your room in your workbook to then

paraphrase the major principles from

each of those verses that you’re reading

so if you’ve got three verses maybe for

that day or two or maybe five if you’ve

chosen a passage that has that many then

listen just just write numbers down

verse 1 2 3 4 and 5 and then write a

simple paraphrase for each verse you’re

not trying to be brilliant or come up

with anything new you’re just putting

down briefly what the verse says feel

free to even use verses that are right

there in the Bible itself just

paraphrase the major points of the verse

the third P in our piece of Bible study

is that after you paraphrase now you

want to pull out the spiritual

principles from those paraphrases so you

simply now want to spiritualize the the

points that you just wrote down on paper

what is it that you think God might be

trying to teach through those

paraphrases through those scriptures

again is there a command to follow is

there a promise to heed is there an

attribute or characteristic of God that

he’s trying to reveal to you about

himself is there something that is to be

learned from those those verses of

Scripture pull out the spiritual

principles after you pull out the

spiritual principles the fourth P of

Bible study is that you want to pose the

question this means that you just look

at your spiritual principles and turn

them into the form of a personally

directed question ask yourself am i

heeding that command am i following that

directive am i heating that promise do I

believe that God is who he says he is in

this portion of Scripture you’re just

going to ask yourself some questions and

for me this is where the rubber meets

the road when I start asking myself

these questions inevitably a divine

dialogue starts within me the Holy

Spirit of God begins to challenge me and

even bring up questions that I didn’t

even think to ask myself there are more

questions that come to me I write those

down and I begin to record the answers

you’ll be surprised how quickly and

easily you can begin to hear God’s

Spirit speaking to you through Scripture

and when he speaks you need to know that

he doesn’t just speak to be heard he

always speaks to be obeyed

and so the 50 of Bible study is that we

need to plan obedience and pin down a

date to obey if you’ve been challenged

or convicted or encouraged by God’s

Spirit through his word as you go

through this Bible study to do something

specific or to stop doing something or

to begin a process in something then

plan strategize how you can obey listen

we’re on a battlefield the enemy is out

to keep us from living in God’s will to

keep us from being obedient so you and I

have got to be equally strategic about

planning how it is that we’re going to

do what it is that God is calling us to
