Isaac Pitre has an urgent word for all believers. Listen up! ▶▶Take Back Your Authority by Isaac Pitre [Book & 3-CDs]:

▶▶Take Back Your Authority by Isaac Pitre [Digital Download]:

🛡 Take back your spiritual authority Satan has declared a total scorched earth war against you, your family, the church, and everything and everyone you love. Don’t wait another minute to take back your spiritual authority over the devil. With Isaac Pitre’s book and 3-part audio series, Take Back Your Authority, you will realize that the enemy no longer has authority over you. You have authority over the enemy to win every battle! Discover kingdom keys that ward off fears, anxieties, sorrows, liturgy, and any other symptoms of a demonic assault against you. Claim legislative power and authority to break evil bonds meant to destroy your identity and prevent your destiny from being fulfilled. Put on your mantle of authority and boldly speak with heaven’s power to dethrone Satan from your life and free others from the enemy’s influence. 🛡 Be in command of every situation When you apply the 10 spiritually-based declarations found in Isaac’s Take Your Authority Back decree card, you will take dominion in the natural and supernatural realms. You will inflict massive damage to the devil’s work, speak words of authority over yourself, and be in command of every situation with this anointed-for-battle declaration card. ▶▶Take Back Your Authority by Isaac Pitre [Book & 3-CDs]:

▶▶Take Back Your Authority by Isaac Pitre [Digital Download]:





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Copyright Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2024 #SidRoth #Jesus #HolySpirit

The devil has loosed weapons
of mass destruction on you,

your family and your world.
My guest has an urgent word

the devil does not
want you to know.

It’s the reason
you’ve been under attack.

Enough is enough.
This is a game changer, next.



SR: Welcome. Welcome.
Welcome, Holy Spirit! If

You weren’t here, I wouldn’t want
to even be doing this show.

For 30 years, when my guest,
Isaac Pitre,

teaches this revelation,
healings and miracles explode.

Isaac accepted
the Messiah at 18.

He heard the voice of God.
Tell me about it.

IP: Oh, at 18, I had
gotten into a situation early,

and a young lady
actually got pregnant,

decided to have an abortion,

and I was relieved
because at a young age,

what in the world
am I going to do,

and oh, my God.
So I was sitting on my couch –

SR: How
– Just, how did that happen,

because at 13,
you were called to preach?

IP: Well, but I didn’t start
preaching until I was 21, so –

SR: Oh, okay. All right.

IP: I ran from the call –

SR: Oh.
IP: – until I was 21.

I was sitting on the couch,
and I was just like,

“Whoa, I’m glad that’s over.”

And the first time in my life,
I heard the voice of the Lord,

and He said these words to me:
“Son, you’ve gone too far.”

He says, “Have you now moved
into the place

where you are satisfied
with murder?”

It was the first time
I’d ever thought that,

and it so reverberated
in my spirit,

it convicted me immediately.

I went from zero conviction
to the fear of Almighty God

just like that,
and at 18, I said,

“Lord, if You’re real,
change me.”

And at that moment,
something happened,

which I know now,
I was born again.

SR: Tell me about this very
strange vision you had of a book.

I was praying one night,

and we had one
of these big old Bibles

back in the day,
all in tatters.

Cover was off.
Pages were missing,

but it was still
at the bottom of the bookshelf.

And one night, I was praying,

and the Spirit of the Lord
spoke to me and said,

“Do you see that Bible?”
And I said, “Yes, Lord.”

He says, “You see
how pages are missing?

Chapters are missing.
The cover is off of it.”

He says,
“From this night forward,

I have called you
to the Word of God,

and you will bring back things
that have been left out,

that have been taken out and that
have no longer been preached.

There are certain things
I’m going to anoint you

to put back in
My word that has been taken out,”

and I received my call
to ministry off that vision.

SR: What is garden theology?

In the book,

I started the very first chapter
talking about a garden theology

because one of the things
that He revealed to me

is that if I didn’t
understand Eden,

I couldn’t understand Calvary

because everything that happened
in that garden

is what the Cross was about.
In Genesis chapter number one,

we see God rearranging the Earth
back into divine order.

He calls everything
out of the darkness,

out of the chaos and rearranges
it back in divine order,

and then He says,
“But I have a problem.

I’ve got this backslidden angel
in this realm,

and I need somebody
that I can put over this realm

to make sure
that the divine order

that I’ve just rearranged
the planet in,

it stays in this order,”

and the answer
that God came up with

for keeping divine order
in the Earth was,

“Let Us make man,”
which means man is about

to become the answer
for all disorder,

all demonic activity
and the horror

that the enemy had to experience
while he watched God

go to the dust of the ground,
formed man from the dust,

breathed into his nostrils
the breath of life,

and he become a living soul.

And then God say,
“Now, he’s in My image.

He is after My likeness,
and now he has My dominion,”

and those were the things
that were lost

when Adam ate of that tree.

But then on another tree,
we got back our image,

likeness and dominion.


IP: And so the work of the Cross

is to restore everything
that was lost in the garden,

which makes me know the reason
the enemy hates us.

It’s not because
of anything religious

or not because
of anything spiritual.

He hates us because we are
everything he ever wanted to be.


IP: We have everything he ever

He wanted to be like God.

SR: So he keeps us ignorant.

IP: Absolutely, and this is
why we’ve got to get the word

out that we were created
to be His master.

And when God created us,
He told the enemy,

“Just like you had to obey
Me in Heaven,

now you’ve got to obey
him in the Earth,”

and we are the masters
of the realm of the spirit.

Oh, my God.
I’m getting excited.


SR: You teach many things
in your book

on how to take back your
authority that’s been stolen.

Explain one or two highlights.

IP: Well, the Bible declares
how salvation is not complete

when I just change
my spiritual condition.

Salvation is not complete

also until I get back
my spiritual position.

So until my condition
and position are restored,

I’m not walking
into the fullness

of what Jesus died
for me to have,

and my position is the authority
that comes with us.

And so the Bible says
that we ought to get a revelation

of “What is the exceeding
greatness of His power,

which He worked in Christ
when He raised Him from the dead

and seated Him at the right hand
of the Father,

far above all principality,

power, might, dominion
and every name that is named.”

Now, that would be good enough
if He just did that to Jesus.

But then it says
in Ephesians 2:6,

“And He raised us up
together with Him

and seated us in
Heavenly places,”

and says the authority
that I possess,

I made you an heir
and a joint heir.

And so the last dimension that
we are moving into in the church

is not just death,

burial, resurrection
but ascension

because that’s when we take
our place and be seated in

Heavenly places and rule
in the realm of the Spirit

like we were created to do.

SR: What do you mean by patrol
and control Heavenly places?

IP: We carry
the same spiritual rank as Jesus.

This is what it means
when it says

He seated us in
Heavenly places.

It is your spirit that received
this rank of authority

over all principalities
and powers.

Now, the reason he did that is

because it takes spiritual beings
to deal with spiritual beings.

And so when we were born again,

and He gives us this authority,
in the realm of the spirit

is where this authority
is recognized to the degree

that in Acts 19, remember
Paul’s handkerchiefs and aprons.

He’s casting out devils
just by his –

the handkerchiefs
being laid on people.

SR: Right.

IP: But then Paul would speak
and say in the name of Jesus,

he would exorcise certain devils.

A certain Jewish priest
is watching all of this,

and they say,
“I believe we got the formula.

He’s saying, in the name
of Jesus, come out,”

so they thought
they could do it

because they thought
it was a formula.

And so they take it
upon themselves.

This talks about our – how much
authority we have in the heavens.

And the Bible declares –
They say, in the name of Jesus –

They come to
the demon-possessed man

and say, “Come out,”
and the demon-possessed man said,

“Jesus I know.
Paul I know, but who are you?”

In other words,
you are saying the name,

but you’re not in the name.


You’re not authorized to speak,

which means if they know Jesus
and they know Paul,

they know me, too.
And they know our authority,

which means when
we do spiritual warfare,

it is not like
physical combat.

Spiritual warfare is done
with authority, not with combat.

It is done with words.
Our words are our weapons.

SR: Tell me about the man
who was frozen.


Now, that was supernatural,
as you say,

“Naturally supernatural.”

I was preaching, and this man –
He had to have some type

of mental illness,
demonic possession.

And I’m up preaching,
and he just runs off the street,

and he just busts in the church
and starts screaming

and coming down the aisle.

Before I could even have
a thought in my mind,

I didn’t call for security
or ushers.

I was standing and preaching,

and I shouted
at the top of my voice,

“Stop right where you at,
and be still,”

and the man dropped right in the
middle of the aisle and froze.

SR: Froze?

IP: Froze. And at that moment,
I get cocky in the spirit.

I went right on back
to preaching

and left him right there
in the middle of the aisle froze.

And I finished my sermon,

and then he did not move
for the next 20 minutes.

Then, I called up the elders
to bring him forth,

and we ministered
deliverance to him.

And I saw the power of God
take a man

who was out of his mind
and put him in his right mind.


SR: Give me one more example
of a testimony.

IP: I could talk about
the demon-possessed girl,

but there was a blind lady who
came to a conference in Virginia.

And the Spirit of God
had been dealing with me

about this authority,
and He said something to me.

He said, “Tonight, whoever comes
to that altar,

I don’t want you to pray
for the sick.”

He says, “I want you
to heal the sick.”

And I said,
“Wait a minute now, Lord.

How can I heal them?”
He said, “You can’t, but I can.”

He says, “I don’t want you
to pray about the situation.

Speak to it.”

And so I was getting ready
for the service,

and I was like,
“Okay, Lord.”

But then there was
this one lady who came up.

She was weeping because
she had her mother with her,

and I go down.

This is in front
of the whole congregation,

and I say,
“What’s the matter with you?”

She says,
“I brought my mom tonight.”

I said, “What’s the matter
with you, Mom?”

She said, “I’m blind.
I cannot see.”

And the Spirit of the Lord
spoke to me in my spirit and say,

“Do what I told you.
Don’t pray for her.

Speak to her,”
and He gave me this phrase.

If you will release
the authority,

I will release the ability.

But I need you to release
the authority

because I’ve given you
the authority.

And I stood there
in faith trembling

because I’m like, “Oh, my God,
this better work.”

And I’m standing there,
and I say,

“In the authority of Jesus,
I speak to your eyes,

and I command them to be open.”
And then I laid my hands on her,

and I said, “Spirit of God,
I spoke the authority.

You release the ability,”

and I lifted my hands
off of her eyes

in front of
the whole congregation,

and I said,
“Tell me what you see.”

She started weeping and said,
“I see you.”


And I brought her up onstage,

eyes instantly opened,
but authority did that.

See, a lot situations,
we’re asking God to help us in,

and He hears our cry.

But He says,
“I’ve given you authority,

so I need you to bind on Earth
what I’ve bound in Heaven.

And if you’ll release
the authority”

– This is a word for somebody
in a situation right now today.

If you will release the authority
in His name, in His authority,

He will release the ability,

and the Holy Spirit
is waiting on you

to make an authoritative decree
about your situation,

and you’re going to
see it change.

SR: Several times –
IP: Yes.

SR: God said,
“I need you to do your part.

I will do mine,
but I need you to do your part.”

IP: Yes.

Many are not doing their part.

They don’t realize it’s
a strategic partnership

between God and man.

If you think you’re losing
the demonic battle

with your spouse or children
or health

or income or ministry,
when we return,

Isaac will tell you about
the new prophetic season

and how to win every battle.



>> We will be right back
to “It’s Supernatural!”

>> Satan has declared a total
scorched-earth war against you,

your family, the church and
everything and everyone you love.

Don’t wait another minute to take
back your spiritual authority

over the Devil.
Call or go online at

to get Isaac Pitre’s
brand-new book

and companion three-CD audio

teaching series called
“Take Back Your Authority:

Kingdom Keys to Overthrowing
the Powers of Darkness.”

This CD series is also new
and exclusively made

for our viewers only.

You won’t find this
anywhere else.

Plus, you will also receive
his Power Decree card.

Take back your authority.

All this is yours
for a donation of only $35.

Shipping and handling
is included.

Ask for offer number 9924.

IP: I have an urgent message

concerning this prophetic season
that we are in.

The Devil does not want you
to have this inside information.

>> With Issac Pitre’s
foundational book

and his companion audio CDs
that go even deeper,

you will realize the enemy
no longer has authority over you,

but you have authority over
the enemy to win your battles.

Discover kingdom keys
that ward off fears,

anxieties, sorrows, lethargy
and any other symptoms

of a demonic assault
against you.

Claim legislative power
and authority to break evil plans

meant to destroy your identity

and prevent your destiny
from being fulfilled.

Put on your mantle of authority,

and boldly speak
with Heaven’s power

to dethrone Satan
from your life

and free others
from the Enemy’s influence.

And day by day, when you use
the 10 spiritually based

found on the convenient

Take Your Authority
Back Decree Card,

you will take dominion in the
natural and supernatural realms

and inflict massive damage
to the Devil’s work,

speak words of authority
over yourself

and be in command
of every situation

with this anointed-for-battle
decree card.

Call or go online at

to get Isaac Pitre’s
brand-new book

and companion three-CD audio
teaching series

“Take Back Your Authority:

Kingdom Keys to Overthrowing
the Powers of Darkness.”

This CD series is exclusively
made for our viewers.

You won’t find this
anywhere else.

Plus, you will receive
his Power Decree Card.

Take back your authority.

All this is yours
for a donation of only $35.

Shipping and handling
is included.

Ask for offer number 9924,
or send your check to Sid Roth,

“It’s Supernatural!”,

PO Box 3922, Charlotte,
North Carolina, 28278.

Please specify
offer number 9924.



>> We now return
to “It’s Supernatural!”


SR: Tell me about this new
prophetic season

and how we are going to
start winning every battle.

I like that.

IP: We have to
because Satan has declared

all-out war
on this generation.

And Matthew chapter number 12
talks about

Jesus teaching about
when an unclean spirit

has gone out of a man.

It walketh through dry places,
seeking rest.

After finding no rest,
it goes back, says,

“I will go back to the house
from which I came,”

and he goes,
and he finds it empty,

swept and put in order
but unoccupied.

And he comes back
with seven other spirits

more wicked than him,
and they enter in.

And then Jesus says
something specific.

He says, “And so shall it be
to this wicked generation.”

And it dawned on me that
he wasn’t just talking about

what happens to a person.

He was talking about
what happens to generations,

that spirits come back
in different generations

where they find what I call
a host generation,

which means there are
no strong men

in that generation
to push back against the Enemy.

And so he waits for
a weakened generation

in order to come back in.

And when you look
at this generation,

we are dealing not
with anything new.

We think a lot of these things

that we’re seeing
in the perversion

and the deception
and the wickedness –

This is nothing new.

These spirits are as old
as the Book of Genesis.

They’re just new to this
generation because somewhere,

and we have to get honest,

somewhere the Enemy has found
an opportune time

to come back into this nation

because of
the spiritual weakness.

But the reason I wrote this book

is because if the generation
cast it out the first time

and it waited to come back
for a generation to re-enter,

there’s got to be
another generation raised up

to kick it right back out,

and I believe we are going
to be that generation.


Never before am I seeing people

that know their identity,

their authority and know
what God has called them to do,

and we are about to tell
the enemy not in our generation.

We’re not going to have it,

and the Bible declares
if we will do this,

the gates of hell shall
not prevail against the church.

We are not going to play
defense any longer.

We are the people
who are on the offensive.

We’re not sitting by,
waiting to see what the enemy

is doing to us
to respond and attack.

We’re going on the offensive,
and we’re taking our families,

our cities, our states
and nations back.


SR: Now, we are in a generation
that is going to turn around.

IP: Yes.

SR: This is the
turnaround generation.

IP: Yes, it is.

SR: Let’s start with you,
with you watching right now.

Repeat this prayer after me,
out loud.

Mean it to the best
of your ability. Dear God –

>> Dear God –

SR: Please forgive me
for all of my sins.

>> Please forgive me
for all of my sins.

SR: I’m so sorry.
>> I’m so sorry.

SR: I believe Your blood –

>> I believe Your blood –

SR: – has washed them all away –
>> – has washed them all away –

SR: – and I’m clean before You –

>> – and I’m clean before You –

– because of the blood of Jesus.

– because of the blood of Jesus.

SR: And now that I’m clean –
>> And now that I’m clean –

SR: Jesus, come and live
inside of me.

>> Jesus, come and live
inside of me.

SR: I make You my savior –
>> I make You my savior –

SR: – and I make You my Lord.
>> – and I make You my Lord.

SR: Amen.
>> Amen.

IP: Glory.

SR: There are people
watching right now,

and they’ll read your book,

and they’ll learn how to operate
in their authority.

IP: Yes.

Use your authority right now

over all sickness
on these people.

IP: Yes. Yes, and
while I am praying for you,

I need you to speak
this over yourself

because you are in authority
over your own life,

and when we come
into agreement,

we’re going to believe
the power of God

to do what only the miraculous
power of God can do.

Father, in Your name,
we came as Peter when he said,

“Silver and gold have I none,
but such as I have, I give to

You in the name.”
In the authority of Jesus,

Yeshuah, I command you
to be healed.

I curse sickness and disease
from the top of your head

to the soles of your feet,
your blood, your organs.

I command bones and joints.

I command the very healing virtue
of God to flow in your body,

and I declare you will live
and not die.

There is a woman watching me.
You’re in the East.

You’re up in
the East Coast area.

I’m not getting
the specific state.

I want to say
you’re in Virginia, though.

I’m sensing, and you’re
watching me right now,

and you’ve been given
a death sentence.

You’re sitting on the side
of the bed right now in a gown.

I see you. You’re literally going
to be watching this program.

I see you in the spirit.

I want you to know
the word of the Lord to you

is you will live and not die.

Declare that right now
out of your mouth,

and expect to see
the salvation of the Lord

concerning your health.

I also see a young boy that is
tormented with demonic spirits.

In the authority of Jesus’ name,

I declare you’ve actually
just come back from the doctor

of being diagnosed
with a psychological disorder.

You are set free right now
in the authority of Jesus’ name,

wouldn’t have showed it to me

if He didn’t want us
to take authority over it.

Release your faith,
and receive it right now.

Your childhood will not
be stolen from you.

I command the soundness
of your mind right now.

Many people are being
delivered from torment,

for God has not given you
the spirit of fear

but of power, love
and a sound mind.

Receive it in the name of Jesus.
