The power of life and death are in the tongue. Bill Johnson encourages us to partner with God to build up those around us. When we discover the heart of God for people, nothing will keep us from encouraging them.

all right thank you

thank you hey go ahead and sit down

today we are all guests we are all

guests finally we get to have some

people in the room so good to see you


those of you that are are joining us

online we’re glad that you’re with us as


you know it’s been an unusual season as

uh the greatest understatement of

of our lifetime perhaps but um

it’s been pretty it’s been pretty

amazing too

and what we’ve there’s several things

that i feel like the lord has been

wanting to teach us

um i certainly don’t have a handle on it

all but there’s a couple things that

stand out to me strong number one the

government of god rests on the two or

three gathered in his name

and we’ve been forced to learn that at a

level that

that we’ve not seen before and

i pray that that truth expands

explodes in every person’s heart the

second thing

is out of the passage in psalms 107

verse 20 says and he sent his word and

healed him

and what we have been seeing uh so


so is the power of a declared word over

zoom over youtube

over bethel tv over facetime phone calls

etc i actually know of two resurrections

from the dead

that have taken place one

one took place i’m not going to give the


just because i need to protect that but

one actually was after a death

certificate was signed by a doctor in a


of a woman of an of another faith and

the nurse was so grieved

she just said god this one didn’t have a

chance to know you

and uh and prayed i think it was three

hours two to three hours

after uh pray for she raised from the

dead shared the gospel

of course she received christ so that’s

good but uh

my dear friends jean-luc in switzerland

has had that that one in fact two of

them another one was a suicide and the


in his mercy raised that one from the

dead so

uh we’ve also had our healing rooms have

been functioning uh online

but they’ve been functioning and have

been great numbers of people i mean some

out of comas

we’ve had of course the covid stuff


healed all the symptoms stuff just gone


jesus is still at work even though it’s

not been

uh here in person as much as

as any of us would like um i did feel uh

this morning especially

uh during the worship time and then kind

of the sealing touch was

uh about the the house of healing and i

i did want to make a a decree

i i sense that the lord is as healing

somebody who’s got

a muscle damage down the right leg

there’s some sort of an affliction or

something there on the right leg and

muscle damage that the lord

is healing and restoring there’s also

it’s probably more than one that’s why i

don’t have exact year but it’s between


and 15 years there was trauma an

accident of some sort

and migraines from the back of the head

that go forward debilitating

uh migraines that jesus is healing right


and the second thing of the third thing

is uh there’s a

a some sort of a deterioration or

something of the bones of the inner

ear and the lord is uh breaking that

cycle and restoring it’s a creative


and so if you’re online or in the room

uh and that belongs to you grab hold of


and uh because it’s a it’s a wonderful

wonderful work of grace

here’s the amazing thing he said he sent

his word and healed him he he

he told the centurion he said

your servant as well he just made the

announcement to him and when

he got home he was able to see exactly

what jesus said and it happened the hour

he spoke it

and i believe that this season as much

as i

don’t like it as much as uh i would so

much rather

all of us be together and get this place

packed out again with our family

many times a day

it’s a privilege to see how effective

and how powerful

a declared word is it’s not make-believe

it’s not a truth that belongs to one

stream in the body of christ

it is something that has been assigned

to each of us and the very fact that god

spoke the worlds into being

should bring conviction to our hearts

about our responsibility over our

speech and that we have

the opportunity to speak life and we

have the opportunity to speak death it

all comes from

our mouth and

i i know that people use the use the

tool for person to gain i get that but

it doesn’t negate the power of the tool

the tool is effective life and death is

in the power of time i’m actually going

to talk to you about it today so open

your bibles to isaiah 56

of isaiah 56

and what a joy to have charlotte in the

room today charlotte is

charlotte is the happy worshiper in the

back and uh we are so thrilled that she

finally gets to come back into the house

all right isaiah 56

it’s going to take me a little while to

kind of

build a case i guess but let’s let’s go

ahead and just start with the

verse 3 isaiah 56

3 do not let the son of the foreigner

who has joined himself to the lord speak


the lord has utterly separated me from

his people

nor let the eunuch say here i

am a dry tree for thus says the lord

to the eunuch who keeps my sabbaths

chooses what pleases me holds fast

my covenant even to them i will give

in my house and within my walls a place

and a name better than that of

sons and daughters and i will give them

an everlasting name that shall not be

cut off

also the sons of the foreigner who join

themselves to the lord to serve him

and who love the name of the lord to be

his servants

to everyone who keeps from defiling the

sabbath who holds fast my covenant

even them i will bring to my holy


and make them joyful in my house of


their burnt offering sacrifices will be

acceptable on my altar

for my house shall be called a house of


for all nations

verse 8 the lord god who gathers the

outcasts of israel

says yet i will gather to him others

besides who are not

gathered to him very fasting portion of

scripture to me

probably a month or two months some some

time recently

as i was going through isaiah in my in


daily reading these verses just really

leapt out

at me for several reasons one i want you

just to take note

then in verse 3 it says twice

don’t let somebody say this and then it

says and don’t let

don’t let the foreigner say i’m outside

of god’s plan

and don’t let the eunuch who cannot

reproduce don’t let him say

of himself i am fruitless i cannot bear


this is interesting that we actually

have been given a responsibility to

protect the speech of another person

it’s fascinating it all leads up to one

profound conclusion and that is

that the house of god is a house of


it’s a house on a mountain so we have

the picture in the old testament of

mount zion and david’s tabernacle it’s a

place of continuous worship

ihop mike bickel and his amazing

ministry has captured this theme

probably better than anyone the harp and

bowl the harp of ministry to god the


the overflow of intercession prayer for

the nations of the world

and that profound picture is the nature

of the house of god

but this passage here which says my


will be called a house of prayer for all


i think the only thing i ever heard this

described as

was it was a pray a place where we pray

for the nations and that’s not what’s

being said

that’s that’s not the decree at all i

mean we do that but that’s not the


the amazing revelation of this verse is

every nation has reserved seating in the

house of god

every nation has reserved seating every

nation has a place of priority seating

to be in this place

to make a difference and this word

prayer is fascinating because it’s not

just uh

what we normally think of as a

petitioning it’s a word that actually

means to intervene

to intervene you hear of an intervention

somebody’s doing an intervention

perhaps there’s somebody that you know

that uh is horribly addicted to drugs

and they just cannot break that cycle

maybe they’re in a marriage where

there’s horrible abuse whatever it might

be there’s an intervention

groups of people will get together and

they’ll stand right in the middle of the


and they will say we’re not going to let

you destroy your life with this drug any


we’re not going to let you abuse your

wife any longer we’re not going to let

and we step

in and actually intervene and this house

of prayer

that’s being described here that’s

actually known

in the previous statement as a house of


in prayer so benny you got it right

the joyful intercessor yes yes indeed

you got you nailed it you did good

this whole house of prayer is

people who care enough to intervene

to step right in the middle of where the

conflict is going

and in prayer take that posture that


not on my watch not on my watch there’s

an intervention going on

we’ll bring two or three in agreement

together once again the government of


rests and is displayed upon two or three

that are in agreement

the presence of god the government of

god is released with unity with the

heart of god

so we have this very fascinating portion

of scripture so i want to back up

to verse 3 and let’s just read through

it again do not let the son of the


who has joined himself to the lord

speaks saying

the lord has utterly separated me from

his people

stop right there under old testament law

the jews had access to god the gentiles

didn’t i mean there was a way they could

come in but the point was

is the the people of god was the

nation of israel and yet

the lord through the prophet isaiah is


there’s a season change coming

and with this season change don’t

speak the language of the old season

and i’ll tell you what probably most

every one of us in this room need to

change our language

about 2020.

don’t let the foreigner

who uses logic and reason

and even biblical principle

that was right for that season but not

right for this one

don’t let them say it

the foreigner is the one who just wasn’t

born in the right

family line some of you have no

christian history in at all in your

family line you’re the first fact how

many of you you’re first generation



the first generation believer does not

have the right anymore not in grace

to say i just don’t have the momentum

of believers in my history it’s illegal

it’s illegal why because you’re in a

season of inheritance

and in inheritance you actually obtain

by grace the momentum of prior


verse 3 nor let the eunuch say here i am

a dry tree for thus says the lord

to the eunuch who keeps my sabbaths etc

i will give them

a name a name in my house better than

the names of sons and daughters

what’s the point the eunuch

was either born that way

there was a physical problem in birth

or generally they were made that way by

the ruling king that wanted perhaps

eunuchs to guard their queen’s household

or something i mean

it was done that way so most of the time

almost always

it was either an unfortunate thing that

happened at birth

or something was done to them

and the one who feels disqualified

because of something done

to them don’t let them

say it don’t let them sit because

god is able to do something in this


that makes them more fruitful

than the sons and daughters who have


and correct inheritance of having


who have children who have children

it reminds me a lot of a passage just a

couple chapters earlier

where the prophet exhorts a woman really

israel but a woman shout for joy

barren one you who have borne no

child because the sons of the desolate


will become more numerous than the sons

of the married woman

shout for joy here’s a woman she cannot

have children

shout for joy why because you’re going

to you’re going to move from

a natural ability to reproduce into a

supernatural ability and in the

supernatural capacity

you will surpass those who had a head


you will surpass those who had

everything going for them

that you weren’t born with

don’t let them talk themselves

to where they’re locked into an old


verse 6 says the sons of the foreigner

who join themselves to the lord

to serve him to love his name to be his


everyone who keeps from defiling the

sabbath holds fast my covenant

even them i will bring to my holy


and make them joyful in my house of


make them joyful in my house of prayer

how about

we make it an ambition

to be known for joy

now it’s available so it’s not like we

have to fake it

it’s it’s a stream that’s flowing all

the time you just gotta have to step

into what’s already there

make them joyful in my house of


their burnt offerings their sacrifices

will be accepted on my altar from my

house shall be called

a house of prayer for all nations every

nation has reserved seating in this


now look at verse eight the lord god who

gathers the outcasts of israel says

yes i will gather to him others

besides those who are gathered to him

this word outcast means banished

a citizen of israel was banished

rejected from society because of sin

so we have the eunuch something was done

to him

but the banished ones they were punished

for what they did

it reminds me a lot of what the lord

said the spirit of the lord got us upon


when he talked about releasing prisoners

and releasing captives

prisoners are in prison because of what

they did captives are in prison because

of what others done

had done to them we have the same

concept here

in prayer so now the lord is announcing

i’m not only going to gather the

foreigner i’m not only going to gather

the uh the eunuchs i’m also going to


the banished ones the ones who have been

rejected have put outside the camp

because of their own

sins i’m going to restore them too

because everyone has reserved seating

in this house of prayer everybody has a


of favor to intervene

and to affect the course of world


now that’s a lofty statement that i say

a lot we say a lot

but it couldn’t be more true than it is

in this moment

where the people of god actually take a


in christ and pray and if you’re not

getting answers to prayer change your


find out what he’s find out what he’s

doing honestly

every believer deserves the momentum

created by answers to prayer and if

you’re not getting them

find out how to pray and pray

accordingly because there is such a

sense of identity

purpose and faith that grows in the

momentum of answers to prayer coming in

with no agenda coming in

you know we all have our lists and those

lists aren’t wrong at all

it’s just you’re supposed to seek first

the kingdom and these other things will

be added

sometimes i want what’s added first and

then i’ll seek the kingdom

and he’s saying seek first the kingdom

and then let’s talk about these things

there’s one more passage i want you to

look at and it’s out of isaiah 35.

isaiah 56 talks about what you don’t

want to let others say

but isaiah 35 has a very interesting


on this i love prophetic language i

don’t know

you know when it talks anytime it talks

about water

in the bible like springs rain rivers

you know pools all that language almost

always i

i did a study once i looked up every

single reference in the old testament to


and just about every time i could find

was a reference to the holy spirit in

some way

so whether it’s rain or it’s a river

it’s a spring you know something’s going


god is at work and i love that little


uh the cure of all ills basically says

listen the outpouring of the holy spirit

is really the answer for everything

and i’m kind of in that school right now

just more of him

is really all we need i don’t understand

what’s going on but i know i need more

of him and i know we need more of him

and so that’s been the cry

so here we have this kind of a prophetic

language in verse one it says in the

wilderness and a wasteland shall be glad

for them the desert shall rejoice and

blossom as the rose

it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice

even with joy and singing

the glory of lebanon shall be given to

her the excellence of carmel and sharon

they shall see the glory of the lord the

excellency of our god my goodness what

an incredible phrase

they shall see the glory of god mark my


this next season is about the glory

it is about the glory it is about the

manifested presence of

jesus being discovered and realized

we will behold and experience things we

have no language for and it’s about time

we become speechless

it’s about time the all we lose our

sense of

knowing what’s going on and i i really

have that sense that

that um that that is is brewing right

now as i speak

they shall see the glory of the lord the

excellency of our god i don’t know what

your translation says but my favorite is

this one right now

the glory the excellency of our god but

here’s the verse i wanted

strengthen the weak hands make firm the

feeble knees

say to those who are fearful hearted

be strong do not fear behold your god

will come with vengeance

with the recompense of god he will come

and save you verse 4

say to those isaiah 56

is about what you don’t want to let

others say around you

but isaiah 35 is about what we’re

supposed to speak

to those who are in crisis or need

notice it’s not rebuke it’s not

scolding it’s not shame

it is these are words

that mark an individual for an


excuse me for an invasion of god you’re

marking you say to a person

what god is saying and you’ve marked

them with a bull’s-eye that attracts the

hand of god into that situation

yes amen bill that was very powerful

from verse three strengthen the weak

hands make firm the feeble knees

say to those who are fearful hearted be


do not fear behold your god will come

with vengeance

with the recompense of god he will come

and save you verse 5.

then the eyes of the blind shall be


the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped

the lame shall leap like a deer the tom

the tongue of the dumb will sing for


will burst forth in the wilderness

streams in the desert

this the last 11 months have probably


the greatest longest season

of speech with very little


that i have ever heard in my life and

i’m not talking about

cbs and nbc i’m talking about


uncontrolled decrees it’s

wrong to say uncontrolled

we’re at the end of a very interesting


and the lord is giving us an invitation

and opportunity

grab hold of your speech

and whatever has happened get over it

and look for those who are discounting

and discrediting

who they are in god don’t let the eunuch

say i can’t be fruitful don’t let the


who has had everything work against them

throughout their life don’t allow them

to say that

it’s not a rebuke it’s not a correction

you’re pulling them up to let them

see their life the way you see their

life nothing is impossible with god

don’t allow them to speak that way

in fact go beyond that and say to those

who are fearful hearted

say to those who are weak in the knees

say to those god is about to

take vengeance for you he’s about to do

something on your behalf

that is absolutely extraordinary why say

that if god’s just going to do it anyway

because i’m not sure he’s just going to

do it anyway

some things have to be spoken for them

to take place

if if our obedience isn’t involved in

the unfolding of god’s plan and equation

then what’s the purpose of obedience

people say well he’s just going to do

what he’s going to do

i’m not sure if that’s true the will of

god in the new testament is represented

by two different greek words one is it’s

absolute god’s going to do it you can

vote yes or no it doesn’t matter

your opinion is not taken into

consideration in the outcome of this

situation but there’s another word that

talks about the desire the dream of god

god is not willing that any should


there’s that concept involved in that

word that’s not the word there but

there’s that concept involved in that

word that god has certain desires that

actually require participation

from his people sometimes it’s radical

obedience sometimes it’s

giving sometimes it’s preaching you know

sometimes it’s praying for the sick

in this case it’s declaring a right word

say to the fearful hearted

be strong be strong why should i say be

strong because

in your words is strength if your words

originate in the heart of god the same

creative force that created the world

is now imparting something through your

words to any person

who is halfway open to receiving

something from god

it must be spoken for it to happen

i don’t want to put us in charge i’m not

saying we’re in charge of stuff i’m just


when you discover the heart of god you

cannot keep quiet

when you discover the heart of god for

another person you’re not going to allow

their self-image

to control how you see them

faith sees it’s the nature of faith

faith sees

and they need somebody to believe in

them at their worst hour at their worst

moment they need someone

that will just stand up and say you know

what god’s about to vindicate you

yeah well it doesn’t look that way to me

you need to stand where i’m standing

because if you can see what i see you

would be the most encouraged person on

the planet because god is about to

vindicate you and the scripture says

then the eyes of the blind will be open

you say what you’re supposed to say and

then god says and i’ll do what i’m

supposed to do

amen i’m pretty much done

that’s all i wanted to say

let me talk into the tv for a moment i

know there are people watching

we’ve had so many people come to christ

on youtube and on bethel tv it’s is to

me it’s just one of the most

extraordinary things that

we’ve had people just literally stumble


a youtube video not looking for

a bethel service not knowing anything


bethel just stumble into

and they hear the gospel and they

surrender their lives to jesus

what we’re noticing is the same presence

the power of the spirit of god that

falls on people in this kind of an


we have time and time and time again

where the power of god falls on an

individual comes

rests if you will upon an individual as

they sit in their home

or their office watching on their phone

the same heavenly atmosphere that brings

healing and deliverance

in this room is not confined

to this room it actually touches people


where they are there are some of you

that are watching online

and you just don’t know what it is to be

born again you don’t know what it is

to be adopted into the family of god to

turn literally from

a life of pleasing yourself all of our

heartaches happen because we tried to

fulfill our lives without god at the

center and turning from that

to becoming a true disciple of jesus

christ that is the invitation for

anybody watching and i would just i

would encourage you just

the bible says whoever calls upon the

name of the lord

his name is not any number of a

thousand false gods his name is jesus

his name is jesus i heard this week some

famous person saying there are many ways

to god

if there are many ways to god then the

crucifixion of jesus was a worthless

foolish act

worthless and foolish but it wasn’t he


for you and he died for me now i want to

encourage you turn your heart towards

him even right now and just pray

and ask him to forgive you of saying get

in the chat room there because we’ve got

a lot of people that serve in that

capacity to pray with you and to talk

with you and i want to encourage you

in your coming to faith today this

changes the rest of your life

and you can say over your own over your

own life

i am no longer the foreigner outside of

god’s plan i’m at the center of what god

is saying what god is doing i’m no

longer the one who has

had things happened to i am now the

person that god has

poured out his grace and his favor upon

i encourage you to do that right now the

rest of why don’t you stand in this

room here let me pray over you and then

uh chris you’re you’re coming up

okay come on come on up and i’ll uh

we’ll just make a very smooth seamless

transition here it’s going to be a


man it’s good to see you guys and all of

you that uh are are watching online i

uh your your turn is soon we are we are

at work we can’t get more details right

now but look on your uh

your your emails and all that all right


i’m asking that this season

it would just be hard to miss we’d be it

would be hard for us to miss what you’re

saying in a given moment

that it would be like remedial reading

you just make it easy for us to hear

what you’re saying

in a moment so that we can speak with

courage that which changes

the direction the way people do life i

pray that for our own city that we’d


life into this city into this nation

for the nations represented we pray for

that let the grace

for prophetic decrees be upon us now in

jesus name

amen amen