In this Q&A video, Pastor Bill shares some of the ways that he was able to help his children foster their own relationship with God and intimacy with the Holy Spirit. It’s important to teach your children early on that they can hear the voice of the Lord and make it a normal practice to engage with the Holy Spirit.

what was one of the main ways that you

were able to help your children

foster their own relationships with god

and their own intimacy with holy spirit

how did you lead them in that

oh well we expected it you know we

expected them to hear we expected them

you know i

i remember uh several times through

their growing up years where

uh maybe i became upset at something and


i was disrespectful to someone maybe one

of the kids or maybe

you know the guy in the car next to me

that just cut me off or whatever

and i and i would i would confess to the

whole family

and then i’d have my kids pray for me

they laid hands on me and pray for me

i would expect them to hear from the

lord and and uh

and so we just we taught them early on

that they can so it was never an issue

um we would take uh we’d be in a small

group we’d have children there adults

and i would uh let’s say we’ve got a you

know 15 of us in a room and it’s all


i want all of you uh tell me what you

think god is doing in lauren’s life

and my kids would be the first one to

pipe in and they’d say well what i see

and they didn’t know they were

prophesying but they were you know so we

just trained them in that environment

just to

just to speak what they had a conviction

for and uh

and and so it was very natural it was


you know you were now hearing from god

or that was you know dumb idea or


you know it was just it was just a

natural way to experience life together

sure so that’s amazing yeah it’s fun

well raising families is

a lot of work and it’s it’s for a


and family and life is so busy how did

you and benny find time

to rest well in the midst of family and


yeah you just have to pick you have to

some things you have to schedule

you know so there’s some lifestyles a

certain kinds of occupations you know a


uh pastors because they’re on call all

the time there’s some things that

you your life is so flexible uh

unexpected elastic would be maybe a

better term

that you actually have to schedule what

you say is important

and if you don’t schedule it it won’t

get done because there’s too much

other spontaneous stuff that will take

your time so for us we would just

you know we’d schedule it we i i didn’t

i’m not a workaholic i never

was tempted to work on a day off i had a

day off which i would take mondays off

i was never tempted to go into the

office and

just finish up something i just didn’t

do it i didn’t bring it home

and not only did i not bring the work


i didn’t bring the burden home you know

i wouldn’t

i would leave it at the at the office so

you know if you don’t bring the work

home but you come home and you’re bummed

out because of what happened during the


then that affects everyone and i would

remind myself actually

for a while we i worked right in front

of where our house was

at the church and i would walk from the

back door to my house

and i’d talk to myself and i’d say

you’re not off work yet bill

you’ve got four more hours dinner time


i got yeah my wife has been with the

kids all day she needs an adult to talk


my kids need their dad to wrestle with

them on the floor to build something out


whatever you know and and so i would

just remind myself if you’re not off

work yet

and go home and just serve them and

after everyone’s in bed and

then then i could relax