Testimony reveals the nature of God.


so our inheritance is what it’s the full

record of God’s interventions God’s

activities among people that’s your

inheritance what is it good for it helps

to bring about victory why because it

engages me not only with God’s history

with men but it engages me with God’s

nature because the testimony reveals the

nature of God simply looking at the

activity of God well yet we talked we

talked earlier about Thanksgiving our

response to his works praise our

response to his nature so the activity

of God points to the character of God

and when we engage with the character of

God were actually ushered into

opportunity for a profound relationship

and that’s where great strength comes so

when he says keep the testimony of the

Lord to me it looks like this it’s all

the testimony so close that they become

the lenses through which you see your

present circumstance you look at your

present circumstance through the lens of

God’s activities among men
