In the fourth week of our series, Help I’m Hurting, we heard a powerful message from our oversight Pastor, Tim Ross. Check out this message and share it with someone in your life who needs to hear it!

what’s up transformation family

tc nation transformation church

i am so


that i get the opportunity to serve with

you all today i’m so grateful that i get

the opportunity to be a part of this

series pastor amberley did a great job

last week with help i am hoarding

and i have the distinct privilege

the distinct assignment

to kind of come after you today

and um my role in this series

uh is to teach on a subject called help

i’m horny

now i know you’ll probably be like what

what does he mean by that i’m i’m so

uncomfortable uh uh we’re gonna address

sex and sexuality

today okay

we are going to talk about sex and

sexuality today uh and uh i know that

word might seem a little bit uh out of

date for you for some of you all you’re

uncomfortable with it it might sound


uh but can we just be honest real quick


anybody in here ever been horny


if i don’t see 100 of hands

then i’m gonna just pray for the lion

spirit that might be on you

uh but but i wanna deal with

uh horniness i wanna deal with

sexuality i want to deal with uh the sex

drive that god gave us

and how it’s supposed to be

understood from a biblical perspective

so i have a lot of content to cover

today i have a lot to teach today uh and

so i just want to pray and get straight

into it is that all right

all right so uh bow your heads let’s

pray over the word before we get started

okay holy spirit help us with our




that’s as quick as i want to get it uh

uh but but i want to i want to start off

by saying that


i feel like god has given me a grace and

an anointing to teach on this

uh because i have experience with this

and so i want to start off with my

testimony according to the book of

revelations chapter number 12 scripture

says very very clearly that we overcome

by the blood of the lamb and the word of

our testimony and so uh i feel like you

need to know uh

my hot story

before i give you any points or any


uh addressing this particular subject

uh i

am 46 years old now i’ve been married

for 22 years to the finest woman

breathing on the planet juliet rocks

and uh

there’s been a lot of challenges in the

in the spiritual walk that i’ve had with

the lord for the last 25 years in this

area as it relates to uh sex and

sexuality and the reason why is because

when i was eight years old i was

sexually abused by a teenage boy that

lived across the street from me for over

a six month period of time

it was absolutely devastating to me and

it woke up sexual desires in me that

were not supposed to be awakened at

eight years old no eight-year-old should

ever have to go through anything like


but at eight years old sexual desire was

stirred up and awakened in me

and i had no contextualization for it

eight eight years old i wanted to play

with he-man okay i wanted to ride my big

wheel i wanted to play baseball outside

but i had been abused and now i had this

new experience that i should not have

had outside of the marriage bed

that was now in my head

at the age of 12 years old i was exposed

to pornography

uh and pornography and masturbation

became something that was an addiction

for me throughout my teenage years by

the time i was 19 i was a full-blown

porn addict

and i was highly promiscuous so by the

time i got into

sexual encounters i was just wild and i

was promiscuous and uh i was in

uh heterosexual sexual relationships

outside of marriage that i was never

supposed to be in but because i was

trying to medicate my own pain my way

i continued to give my body to people

that i was never going to give my vows



and so

i have the authority

to speak on this subject

because god’s given me victory in this


of my life

i needed to lay the groundwork for that

first because uh when when you have a

title like help i’m horny

and you want to talk to believers and

maybe some unbelievers about sexual

sexuality it can get really sensitive

very quickly and people start going hey

hey preacher you cool talk to me about

god but don’t talk to me about my sex or

my sexuality or what i’m doing in my bed

and who i’m doing it with

so i want to be very very clear

who i’m preaching to today

i want to be very very clear who i’m

teaching to today

if you not if you have not accepted

jesus christ as your lord and savior

this message is not for you

i do have a message for you

jesus died for your sins

god loves you so much that he sent his

son to die on a cross for your sins and

he would love to have a relationship

with you

that’s my only message for you

i have the good news for you

jesus wants to have a relationship with


he wants you to accept him not only as

savior but his lord

so if you’re not a believer but you like

transformation nation and you like being

a part of this community and you love

mike todd and you’re just tolerating me

today what i want to let you know is

this message does not apply to you the

gospel does

yeah yeah but if you call yourself a

believer in jesus christ

and you’re saying that he is not only

your savior but he is also your lord

this message is most definitely

for you

and i am coming straight down

the passage of scripture in everything

that i talk about today so are y’all


no like for real are y’all ready

cause what i have to say is gonna be

some stuff that you gonna you’re gonna

be like oh my god i didn’t know you was

gonna go there i’m going there

and whether you like it or not

is something that we are going to

address today you all ready

all right i got four points to this

message all my nerds take notes because

nerds new rule the world i got four

points to this message and i want you to

have them straight from the top here’s

point number one god created our


god is the one

that created

our sexuality we didn’t create it

he created it

and i got bible to prove it

genesis chapter number 1 verses 27 and

28 so god created who created it

so god created man in his own image in

the image of god he created him male and

female he created them

then god blessed them and god said to

them be fruitful and multiply fill the

earth and ship do it have dominion over

the fish of the sea over the birds of

the air over the over every living thing

that moves on

the earth god is the one that created

our sexuality so here’s some things that

i want you to write down as it relates

to this human beings are sexual beings

you got your sex honest

you got your gender honest you got your

sexuality honest because god is the one

that created it so human beings are

sexual beings and through our sexuality

we were to fill the earth and govern it

we were to feel the world and of and and

govern it be fruitful and multiply and

and subdue everything on earth here’s

the last one i want you to write down

male and female sexuality is central to

what it means to be human

male and female sexuality is central

to what it means

to be

human this is why when we get ready to

talk about it with people people get so


because god gave it to us but he didn’t

give it to us for us to do what we

wanted to do with it the way we wanted

to do with it it has to line up with his

intentions anybody in here got a car

anybody beside me got a car okay if you

have a car your car came with the

owner’s manual

and in the owner’s manual versions were

instructions for how you are to use that


now if you wanted to you could take your

car and drive it into the lake

but if you drive your car into the lake

it won’t become a boat

because you feel like

your car

should be in the water

just because you feel like your car

should be in the water will not turn

your car into a boat

now if your car was to break down you

should consult the person who made the


as opposed to talking to your friends

that just work on cars


because just because they knew how to

fix their tire

they may not know how to fix your


so we refer to the owner’s manual when

it comes to lining up with what the

manufacturer recommends the way this car

should run

in the same way the bible for believers

is the owner’s manual and we look back

to it to find out what he wants us to do

with our lives

y’all with me

point number two please write this down

god directed our sexuality

god directed he not only created it but

he also

directed it here’s what it says in

genesis chapter number 2 verses 21 and

22 and the lord caused a deep sleep

to fall

so the lord god caused a deep sleep to

fall on adam and he slept and he took

one of his ribs and closed up the flesh

in his place then the rib which the lord

god had made

had taken from man he made into a woman

get this last line and he brought her

to the man

god directed

the sexuality

of adam and eve

eve was in adam come on

he puts

adam to sleep pulls eve out of adam


eve he made adam

but he formed eve

he just picked up some dirt

and mate and just mash it up rolled it


blew into it the breath of life he made


but when he put adam to sleep

he tore adam in half

and formed

eve that’s why women just you know bow

now back

bam i mean it’s just

i look at juliette every time i look at

juliet i’m like you was not made girl

you was babel

juliet was formed okay


this male man wakes up

and when this male man wakes up

what he has been brought

is a female


there is a male man and there’s a female

man a man with a womb

he made

eve come out of adam and he directed her

sexuality to adams

he directed adam’s sexuality to eaves he

did not give them options


he did not put adam to sleep

and then make eve



and marcus

and present four or five different

options back to adam and say which one

do you like

he said what i put in you

is compatible with what i’ve put in her

and what i put in her is compatible with

what i’ve put in him well what if i

don’t like what you brought me god

if you don’t like what he brought you

you don’t have a problem with god’s


you got a problem with his command

i want something else god

you don’t get nothing else

from the beginning

he directed the sexuality of eve to adam

and adam

to eve

well tim you in the old testament i

don’t even like this sermon no more

because jesus wouldn’t say this to me

cool matthew chapter number 19 verses 4

through 6

and he answered and said to them have

you not read

that he who made them at the beginning

made them male

and female this isn’t red for anybody

that wants to know he made them male and

female and said for this reason a man

shall leave his father and mother and be

joined to his wife and the two shall

become one flesh

so then they are no longer two but one

flesh therefore what god has joined

together let no man separate

now i’m gonna give you one more verse

before i really just kind of rub this in

ephesians chapter number 5 verse 31 i

just want to take you straight out of

the gospels into more of the new

testament and here’s what paul has to

write for this reason same thing

for this reason a man shall leave his

father and mother and be joined to his

wife and the two shall become


flesh god directed the sexuality of adam

and eve of the male and female and he

brought them together and here’s what he

says i need you to know something

i brought this together let no man

rip up what i brought together

so let me ask this question what did he

bring together at the beginning

he brought together a male and a female

so for over four thousand years of human

history in scripture six thousand years

so far if you go back to the creation

creationist perspective of of when time


then what we see is that god had an

original intent and plan

for how he wanted us to express our

sexuality well tim i’m horny though

it’s 20 21

sex just feels good

and i don’t care who’s giving it to me

as long as i can just satisfy this

craving that i have

i don’t see what the big deal is

and i’m not out there walling out i just

got one person

oh my god so i don’t see what the lord i

don’t see why the lord would be mad at

my what i’m doing right now cause we gon

get married anyway


oh y’all gonna get married anyway

except in jewish culture

when you have sex you are married

so how many times have you been married

which brings me to point number three

and i think point number three is

something that we really need to dig

into here and i’m gonna take my time and

i’m gonna read some stuff that i know

some of y’all gonna be like why did he

even go to this book this book scares

the life out of me i don’t like this

book i avoid this book at all cost how

come he’s not in psalms how comes he’s

not in proverbs how come he’s not in

john 3 16 and giving me something happy

i’ma let y’all know something right now

i got something to read y’all

because i need you to understand that

not only did god create your


and not only did he direct

your sexuality

he also wants to protect your

sexuality see here’s the thing i need

you all to know god is not mad about you


horny it just means you work properly

if you see something on television and

you’re aroused by it that means your

sexual wiring works properly god does

not have a problem with you being horny

he has a problem with what you might do

with that horniness

so i got to read you something

so we have to go to the book of

leviticus for this

leviticus chapter number 18.

and i got to read you some stuff

and i thought i would give you a visual

so that you can understand


what god may want to do as it relates to

your sex

drive your sexual orientation your

sexual attraction i believe that he

wants to address it which is why point

number three again is god


our sexuality he did it through


and here’s what i want you to see i want

to read something then i just want to

give you just uh uh i need to give you a

picture because you need to see

something so i’m gonna hold this in my

hand uh so i can set this up and then

we’re gonna go straight into this you

all ready for this

then the lord said to moses give the

following instructions to the people of

israel i am the lord your god so do not

act like the people in egypt can i just


can i bring this up to 2021 do not act

like the people in america


do not act like the people in the

hip-hop culture do not act like the

people in pop culture do not act like

the people in r b culture do not act

like people in in whatever culture does

not line up with kingdom culture

he says do not act like those people

where you used to live

or like the people of canaan where i’m

taking you let me pause right there and

say god is cold

god said i don’t want you to act like

the people from where i brought you from

and i don’t want you to act like the

people where i’m taking you

you need to be completely set apart for


he said so don’t act like the people in

egypt where i brought you from i like

the people in canaan where i’m bringing

you to you must not imitate their way of

life you must obey all my regulations

and be careful to obey my decrees for i

am the lord your god if you obey my

decrees and my regulations you will find

life through them i am the lord y’all

ready for this

starting from verse number six you must

never have sexual relations with the

close relative for i am the lord

don’t have relationships with a close

relative that’s what he said right

do not violate your father by having

sexual relations with your mother you

would think this would have to go

without saying

she is your mother

you must not have sexual relations with

her do not have sexual relations with

any of your father’s wives for this

would be for this would violate your

father so we’ve already got three blocks

gosh is coming out the gate hot

not have sexual relations with your

sister or half sister whether she is

your father’s daughter or your mother’s

daughter whether she was born into your

household or someone else’s i’m gonna

just pause and say this there is a there

is a very perverse spirit out right now

in the porn industry where all of the

porn actresses and actors are doing

incestual things

i have a hot step mama

i’m doing something with my brother i’m

doing something with my sister the bible

is addressing this right now because

that ain’t new

it’s been around for a long time

do not have sexual relations with your

granddaughter what do we even need to

say this lord

whether she is your son’s daughter or

your daughter’s daughter for this would

violate for this would violate yourself

do not have sexual relations with your


the daughter of any of your father’s

wives for she is your sister

do not have sexual relations with your

father’s sister he’s still going

for she is your father’s close relative

do not have sexual relations with your

mother’s sister for she is your mother’s

close relative do not violate your uncle

your father’s brother by having sexual

relations oh it’s already spilling out

that’s what’s happening to people’s

sexuality right now

they can’t even hold it in pandora’s box

is open and it’s all spilling out

i’m just trying to line it up and give

it some structure but it’s all out in

the open right now everybody going buck

wow and it ain’t just in the world it’s

in the church

do not violate your uncle your father’s

brother by having sexual relations with

his wife for she is your aunt

do not have sexual relations with your

daughter-in-law she is your son’s wife

so you must not have sexual relations

with her do not have sexual relations

with your brother’s wife

for this would violate your brother do

not have sexual relations

with a with both a woman and her

daughter this is just getting freaky

and do not take her granddaughter lord

have mercy what is y’all doing out here

in these streets

whether her son’s daughter or her

daughter’s daughter and have sexual

relations with her they are close

relatives and this would be a wicked act

while your wife is living y’all better

get this one do not marry her sister

and have sexual relations with her for

they would be


do not have sexual relations with a

woman during her

period of menstrual impurity

do not defile yourself by having sexual

intercourse with your neighbor’s wife

you would think

do not permit any of your children to be

offered up as a sacrifice to molech for

you must not bring shame on the name of

your lord i am the lord as some of y’all

are saying what does that even mean

that’s talking about abortion

do not practice homosexuality having sex

with another man as with a woman it is a


sin a man must not defile himself by

having sex with an animal and a woman

must not defile uh must not offer

herself to a male animal to have

intercourse with it this is a perverse


do not defile yourselves in any of these

ways for the people i am driving out

before you have defiled themselves in

all these


now let me tell you why some people have


addressed what is written in leviticus

chapter number 18.

because the only thing

people have done with leviticus 18

is reduce it down to one verse and

they’ve reduced it down to one verse

about homosexuality

let me address this right now

there are 19 sexual sins that i just

read you

why would you only point to one of them

as if this one is worse than all the

other sins that are listed

there’s 19 sexual sins

17 are heterosexual

one is homosexual and one is to not

sleep with animals

so it’s not that we’re coming against

one act it’s we’re coming against all

the acts

and we’re saying that god has prescribed

a way

to not prohibit us but protect us so

that we can enjoy what he gave us

and the way we’re supposed to express it

now here’s what i’ve heard so many

people say that verse don’t mean that

that’s not what the bible means and so

and so you need to take that verse out

because god’s not talking about that

so come get it out

if you think

your sin

is okay on this list

maybe you like your uncle

maybe you think your uncle’s hiding you

like i want you the big deal is

come get it out

but be careful

because if you can get yours out

i hope you can get yours out

without messing it up

because if you can get yours out

without oh that looks like it might

wobble maybe i can’t mess with my uncle

maybe my cousin

maybe i should



like third cousin it ain’t even that

serious we just messing around


well oh you got your you get if you get

to mess with your maybe i could then

maybe i should come for mine wow

and if i can come for mine

and this is what happens in culture

when everybody gets to choose

what is

and what is not

permissible according to what god has


laid out

in scripture

everyone gets to hold their peace

and say this is how i see it and i’m

gonna keep my relationship with jesus

i’m gonna hold on to my block

and i’m gonna keep my relationship with

jesus no you’re not

he’s coming for everything

that you’re holding on to

not because he’s trying to punish you

he’s trying to protect you

so let me

let me give you some nuggets that i need

you to have

in point three

i’m gonna say something right now and i

know there’s gonna be some old school

people in here that’s gonna be like your

butt cheeks gonna get tight i’m telling

you right now you’re gonna be like

what are you where are you going with

that brother

i was enjoying this but why did you say

something like that

because i can stand on the bible with it

y’all ready

attraction isn’t a sin

i need that to marinate


isn’t a sin say it with me attraction

isn’t a sin again attraction isn’t a sin

real loud attraction

you can go from genesis to revelation

you can’t find not one verse

where god is after somebody’s attraction

attraction is not a sin

our reactions to our attractions

can become a sin

your attraction is not the issue

and here’s the thing if you talk about

if you talk to god about what you’re

attracted to or who you’re attracted to

god would agree with you

god i’m attracted to them they’re

beautiful here’s what god would say i


i make beautiful things

what the problem is

god i just have man i just feel so

attracted to that person it’s okay i

make beautiful things so if you’re

attracted it’s not a big deal because i

make beautiful things say to get with me

again attraction

it’s not a sin

and if you ever hear somebody say that

attraction is a sin i just want you to


it’s not

lust is a sin

attraction isn’t so let me tell you let

me let me give you the next thing

attraction isn’t planned

anybody beside me

attraction isn’t planned i have been

i have been married for 22 years


as beautiful as juliette is i would be

lying if i said she’s the only beautiful

woman in the world

because she’s not she’s just a beautiful

woman i copped

that one belongs to me


so it’s not that i don’t see other

attractive people it’s just that those

attractive people do not have a

commitment and a vow with me

so i can acknowledge their beauty

without it turning into lust

because the attraction is not something

i actually planned

i plan what to do once i see what i’m

attracted to

so if i’m walking to the mall

you know i’m saying i’m walking through

the mall and i’m just chilling and i see

a fine girl go past me and it’s not


because why would julia be going past me

she’ll be going with me right

so if juliet goes past me

no not juliet if another girl goes past


and i and and while we’re walking i can

see oh

your parents did a great job with you

dave amen parents your parents amen

i didn’t plan the attraction i didn’t

get up in the morning and go let i can’t

wait to go to the mall hope i see

somebody as pretty as juliet today

no i just went to the mall

i saw an attractive woman if she passes


and i keep going

there’s no issue with my attraction

that’s right

if i do this

if i’m now walking through the mall

seeing where she going

seeing where she eating

seeing if i if i can catch her eye if i

start doing this with my ring


and i’m just

hey what’s hey what’s up you you good

you live around here no no no no

the attraction’s not the issue what are

you going to do with the attraction

that’s the issue

and so here’s what god is saying

why would god list all these things


if they weren’t going to be attracted to

any of these things he goes hey you just

came from egypt you saw a whole bunch of

freaky stuff over there

and you go into canaan you’re about to

see a whole bunch of freaky stuff over

here here’s what i want you to know

don’t do none of that

so i’ma go down the whole list

so none of y’all get it twisted

well what if my uncle’s cute nope

what if my auntie’s cute nope what if my

grandma’s hot nope

what if my dad’s hot no fool

what about my sister-in-law i mean i

mean it’s a blended family no

stop it

why is god he’s not prohibiting he’s


and i’m tired of the church

dropping threats and bombs

on homosexual behavior

and not dealing with all this

heterosexual sex

going on in the church

it’s as if

you don’t have a problem preaching

against it as long as it’s not two of

the same sex in the bed

but you let all these heterosexuals

shacking up living together on the

worship team together having sex

preaching together having sex and then

you like you know what they just


we praying for them

but you ready to send all the

homosexuals to hell the devil is alive

that whole list was 17 heterosexual sins

one homosexual sin

one bestiality sin and it’s time that

the church if you’re gonna talk about it

talk about it all

and while i’m addressing pastors

preaching to their congregation some of

the congregation need to be preaching

today pastor because the pastors is

having sex with the boys and the girls

in the church too


so before we have another generation of

church people turned out by their



let’s make sure everybody’s protected

even from the pastors that don’t know

when to put it away

felt that

yeah i felt that

i just felt like that


so let’s recap real quick before we go

to uh point number four right

god is the one that created our

sexuality yes

god is the one that directs our


god actually protects

our sexuality he protects it in marriage

let me tell you something sex is so bomb

this is why the enemy comes against it

so hard sex is oh lord have mercy

sex is so dope

sex is amazing


one of the issues uh that’s happened is

that we’ve told uh uh church people

let me be more specific we’ve told young

people and young adults

that sex is bad in church

to the point that on their wedding day

they are paranoid to go have the sex

that you told them was so bad that

instantaneously turned good

because they said i do

no sex has always been good

but there’s only one type of sex that

brings glory to god

the only sex that brings glory to god

is when a man and a woman have


it brings glory to god

why does it bring glory to god

let me take you back to genesis chapter

number one

male and female he created he them

in his image

he created male and female in his image

so let me tell you when

we are

more in his image than we are at any

other time

is when a man

is having intercourse with his wife in

holy matrimony


because when that man’s penis is in that

woman’s vagina

they are literally back to being one

like when eve was inside adam


adam got put to sleep

eve came out of adam

through the sexual union adam gets back

into eve

and that’s when the image of god shows

up like it shows up nowhere else

now let me tell you something that’s

glorious sex glorious sex is when a man

and a woman in the holiest of matrimony

bound by wedlock are having sex that’s

glorious sex let me tell you what

inglorious sex is

inglorious sex is any sex

outside of the marital bed between a man

and a woman

that a man and a woman is having

so if a man and a woman are not married

and they’re having sex god calls it


if a man and a man are having sex god

calls it inglorious if a woman and a

woman are having sex god calls it


well i’m horny though

this is the way that i’m i’m attracted

well attraction doesn’t necessarily have

to turn into orientation

and orientation doesn’t necessarily have

to turn into identity you don’t get

there without a choice

let me slow down no now you’re coming

against my sexuality no no hear what i’m

saying remember attraction is not a sin

what you do with that attraction is a


when you are attracted to somebody you

have a choice what to do next

if you do it over and over it becomes an

orientation this is the way you turn

this is the way you are bent this is the

way you michael jackson smooth criminal



but if you lean there so long

it ceases to be an orientation and it

turns into your identity

and we have a whole culture that has

turned their sexuality into their


and by turning it into their identity

they have literally created an idol

out of their own sexuality

because anything you put in front of

jesus christ is your idol

so there’s no such thing as a gay


because a gay christian would be

somebody who has put their sexuality

above their identity in christ

you can be a person that has a same-sex

attraction but that does not mean

that you turn it into your identity

your identity is founded in christ and

you submit your sexuality to what

scripture says

and that’s how you live a godly fruitful


now i’ve got to give you some bible

as i get to my fourth point god owns

our sexuality

god didn’t only create it he didn’t only

direct it he didn’t only uh uh protect

it he owns it

we are not the owners of our sexuality

god is

and uh

i gotta show you something


here’s what i know

about the church of jesus christ

everybody up in here

all kind of people

are following jesus

as a part of the body

of jesus christ

and i’m telling you that there are

homosexuals there are fornicators there

are cheaters and liars there are uh uh

people that have cheated on their taxes

there are people that have cheated on

their spouses there are people that have

smuggled money

everybody’s in the church

they came out of something into a

relationship with jesus christ

as i was studying for this message the

holy spirit said hey you know you were

just talking about

uh uh the way that uh everybody’s been

coming against uh uh this certain group

of people

uh but i wanna show you

that there were homosexuals in the

church of jesus christ

in the bible

i said what

he said now i can point you to where

they are

in the bible y’all this y’all can get

blown away by this y’all about to you’re

not ready for this first corinthians

chapter number six verse number nine

here’s what it says up top do you not


that the unrighteous will not inherit

the kingdom of god

do not be deceived

neither fornicators nor adult or

idolatrous or nor adulterous nor

homosexuals nor sodomites nor thieves

nor covetous nor drunkers no revilers

nor extortioners will inherit the

kingdom of god

then it says this the next line and such

were some of you


i’m gonna let it let it rest for a


nlt says some of y’all were like that

you you want to know what kind of people

jesus accepted

he accepted cheaters and homosexuals and

male prostitutes and those that were

coveting and drunkards and liars and

here’s what paul said some of y’all was

like that

some of y’all deacons used to be like


tell me our praise and worship leaders

used to be like that some of your

musicians used to be like that

some of y’all that was singing in the

choir used to be like that some of y’all

on the tech team used to be like that

let’s not make it a big old shock

here’s what he says next

but you were washed

you were sanctified

but you were justified in the name of

the lord jesus and by the spirit of our


this is what i’m saying

god is the one that owns our sexuality

he goes on to say this all things are

lawful for me but all things are not

helpful all things are lawful for me but

i will not be brought under the power of

any food’s for the stomach and the

stomach for food

but god will destroy both it and them

now the body

is not for sexual immorality

but for the lord

and the lord for the body

and god raised up the lord and will also

raise us up by his power do you not know

that your bodies are members of christ

shall i then take the members of christ

and make them members of a harlot

certainly not

or do you not know that he who is joined

to a harlot

there’s one with her one body with her

for the two

he says shall become one flesh paul’s

right there once again here’s what paul

is saying whoever you have sex with

you’re married with

how many times have you been married

real talk

now now

remember i told you i up front i told

you i was highly promiscuous i was

married a lot of times before i got

married to

juliet shamefully


i was married way too many times i

should have been married one time

but because of the abuse i suffered as a


it led to me acting out in all these

other ways now listen there’s some

people that share my testimony where you

got abused and because of that you

started wilding out others of you all as

long as you can remember you’ve had an

orientation one way

either a sexual orientation towards uh

the opposite sexual the same the sexual

orientations toward the same sex and now

it’s in 2021 so you can be pan you can


tran you can be

other than you can be all kind of stuff

but if you really want to be a follower

and a disciple of jesus christ

you have to take

your desire

and line it up with his

he’s never coming out there to meet you

you have to come in

to meet him

here’s what it goes on to say


sexual temptation



flee everybody say the word flee

here’s the only thing you can do with

your horniness run

you can’t debate with it you can’t

negotiate with it you can’t have no kind

of conversation well you know we

probably shouldn’t you shouldn’t

probably spend the night okay if you

sleep on the couch i’ll sleep in my room

and no no no no let me tell you

something all of that gonna come back


all you’re doing is desensitizing your

bodies to how sinful the situation is

that you’ve just put yourself in

i’ve heard so many people say i don’t

know uh living together is not a sin

cohabitation’s out of sin only sex

before marriage is a sin and so you

telling me you strong enough

day in and day out

to be eating together showering together

netflix and chilling together

erections popping off vagina’s getting

moist and y’all not gonna do nothing

come on

help us i’m gonna i’m just gonna talk to

you as plain as i can

i’m gonna talk to you as plain as i can

because you’re talking about it out


so i’m asking you a question straight up

you you about that life like that you

such a strong believer that somebody you

attracted to and you saying that god is

setting your love for marriage y’all

going to practice for 18 months

you’ve already slipped up four times but

you covered it under the blood

you didn’t bring it to nobody’s

accountability but you covered it under

the blood no that’s not covering it

under the blood boo you hid that



that’s the only thing you can do against

sexual immorality is get on the good

foot and dip

so all you’re gonna be able to do

i have a friend

uh the homie todd so the homie todd uh

uh lived uh in mississippi he was dating

a girl this is some 20 years ago we was

holding each other accountable before we

got married

we’re trying to we’re trying to hold

down our flesh until we get married and

so he went over his girlfriend’s house

to um

uh to pick her up to go to a movie and

the door was open so he came in he sat

on the couch and his girlfriend came out


the shower with a towel on

and walked up to him and turned around

and said take off the towel todd

and todd knowing that we were supposed

to be holding each other accountable

had about a 1.5 second

decision to make

because if not

it was about to go down

let me tell you what todd did

todd looked at her

body glistening

with that water still beading off of her


tau catching most of it

pushed old girl off of her

out of his way

ran out the house

passed his car

up the street

to a pay phone

because this is 1997.


ain’t no cell phones

he coached with painful painful he

called me


i said todd what’s the problem he was

like oh man i ain’t doing nothing man he

ain’t doing that to me i said ty i don’t

even know what you’re talking about

what’s up he said man

i don’t know my girlfriend’s house bro i

swear to god i didn’t know nothing was

about to go down bro and i came in there

and she said we she said she’s getting

dressed but she came out with a towel on

and she told me to take off the towel

todd and so i put out i said what’d you

do he said i pushed her off me man and i

ran up the street

he took the scripture literally

cause that’s the only thing you can do

against something you like

i don’t know who i’m coming from


i’m not talking about something you

don’t like

you don’t need to run from something you

don’t like

i don’t like calamari

you can put it on the plate and put as

much sauce next to it as you want i

ain’t gonna touch it cause i don’t like

it come on

but you put some dutch apple pie a la

mode in front of me

and you let that hot pie get that cold

ice cream on top of it and you let that

cold ice cream start melting and

submitting to the heat of that hot pie

because i had it before

i’m gonna be tempted yeah so i have to

push it back i gotta run i gotta i gotta

change my scenery around todd ran all

the way half mile up the street i said

ty where is your car

he said it’s still in front of her house

i said man how how long will it take you

to get home he said from here about 15

minutes i said get in the car call me 15

minutes he caught me 13 minutes later

that means that boy ran back down his

car master gas probably ran through two

or three lights

but he got out of the situation

and he preserved his purity and his

witness because he didn’t allow that



to turn him

away from god

flee sexual


every sin that a man does

is outside the body

but he who commits sexual immorality

sins against his own body

or do you not know that your body is the

temple of the holy spirit who is in you

whom you have from god

and you are not your own

for you were bought at a price therefore

glorify god in your body and in your


which are gods

let me say this as i close

if you are a believer in jesus christ

and you are having premarital sex of any


don’t you know that your body belongs to

the holy spirit

which means don’t you know he’s there

with you

while you’re doing it


would you have sex in the same room as

your parents

you try to get away

try to get to a place that you can feel

like you can control the environment

here’s what i want you to understand the

holy spirit is in you

and if you’re involved in that behavior

he’s with you while you’re doing that



the holy spirit has come on the inside

of every single one of us

so that he can be our sex guide

against our sex



i know you’re horny


i know you’ve been exposed to some

things that you probably thought to


i should have been over this by now

tim you don’t understand i have

these thoughts going through my head and

i’ve exposed myself to a lot of


i’m married now but the sexual uh

experience i’m having with my spouse is

not like it was before we got married no



because now the lights are on

in a way they’ve never been before

i know so many couples that have lived

together for years and then they get

married and they start facing these

challenges that they never face even

though they were living together before

that’s because you were living together

in darkness

and the light of god it didn’t shine on

your union

until you said i do

so now you see them in a different light

in a different lens

because god’s light is on the

relationship now

whereas before it was only darkness


listen i know this message was strong

i know i covered a lot of scripture and

i know there’s probably some people

thinking i don’t agree with one word you


my hope and my prayer

is that you would hear

the words

of the holy spirit

more than you heard

any way

that i presented it

there is hope

for the horny

there is literal hope

for every single person

that says jesus

i give

my sex

and my sexuality


to you

no matter what i’ve experienced before

i am ready for you

to come into my life

and not just be savior

but lord

in this area

of my

life would you bow your heads and close

your eyes

i hope that this message is a message

that has literally transformed you today

you might be watching and you’ve never

given your life to jesus

you might be watching and

you’re surprised that this message


has given you a revelation of how much

you need jesus

in your life

if you want to give your life to christ

i just want you to take saved

to 82 82 82.

and if you would do that

i promise you

you would see your life transformed from

the inside out

your entire life

turned upside down

i believe god’s gonna help us in every

area of our life

even the horny areas

that we’ve not brought into the light

i pray that this is the day

that everything changes

about the way you see

your sex

and your sexuality

i love you guys so much

now go out

and live a transformed life

god bless you
