In this video, Pastor Bill Johnson discusses building a culture of honor and revival amongst opposition. Developing culture within a community requires participation and a willingness to change for those who are in it. Watch this video to hear some examples of what it looks like to shape culture in your community.

what is your advice

in trying to build a culture of honor

and revival among


well you can you can always be honorable

towards anyone so you can be opposed and

still be honorable

did it say culture of honor yeah build a

culture of honor and revival

among opposition yeah to

in a relationship between two people

let’s say

i’m dishonorable towards you you’re

honorable towards me unless i change

we won’t develop a culture of honor

a culture takes participation it’s the


and it’s an environment that people have

chosen to live in

it’s standards for life that that that

people have

chosen to live under yeah and so as far

as a culture of honor

you at some point there’s going to have

to be a change

in the will in the heart of the people

involved but you can always live

honorably you can live honorably i can

live honorably towards my neighbors


acquaintances that maybe dishonor me

maybe speak evil of me i can still

treat them honorably respectfully that’s

my responsibility

in in a church setting they also mention

revival right

cult of honor and revival culture of

honor and revival

i don’t know if this is what they’re

looking for but i can tell you how

how i do it when i’m ministering in a

church or when i came here

to running what i do is i i present what

i believe god is saying

i present what i believe god is doing i


whatever i’m capable of demonstrating in

that setting

let’s say for illustration say let’s say

there’s a hundred people in the room

and i can tell there’s a number of

people that don’t like what i’m doing

i can also tell there are some that are

being changed tremendously

i don’t while i’m going to if i’m

bringing a public message i’m going to

always try to speak to everybody in the


i don’t monitor the success by the 50


that are wanting to walk out of the room

if i did that i’d be depressed all the

time because there’s always opposition

instead what i’m going to do as a pastor

is i’m going to pour my time

into five the five people whose

eyes are on fire when i talk yeah though

i’m looking around the room and i can

see five that are being dramatically

changed 20 that are asking questions 50

that want to leave the room

i’m not going to pour my time to chasing

the 50. yep

that’s for me that’s a lost cause it

doesn’t mean i’m going to give up give

up on them

doesn’t mean i’m not going to love them

doesn’t mean i’m not going to speak and

to serve them

it just means they don’t get the

priority of my time i’m not going to

chase somebody who doesn’t want what

god’s called me to do and to be

yeah i’m not going to chase them what i

will do is i’ll pour my time

into the people that are being impacted

about what i have to offer

what i have to give the word whatever

the holy spirit is doing

those are the people that get my time

and i’ll tell you why

their breakthrough becomes

there’s a certain wall of separation

between the pastor and the congregation

especially when you first arrive on the


you can do whatever you want to try to

get rid of it you have a position

a title they don’t it just is there you

can try to be as

as friendly as open as transparent as

you want but there’s still

that’s demarcation so what i do

is i’m going to pour myself into the

into the five

so to speak because their breakthrough

will spread through the group

yeah more than my breakthrough will

because my breakthrough in their mind is

well he’s the pastor

yeah and so i’ve that’s why when

we came here that one of the first

sunday nights we had

hundreds of people around the front of

the room and the holy spirit came i

invited him to come with power he came

and he came powerful on one person and

the whole

front of the auditorium was filled with

people and the spirit of god fell on one


and mom and i looked at each other and

we went we got it

yeah it’s unstoppable now yeah because

it’s the cloud the size of a man’s hand

you can’t measure

the breakthrough by numbers

you have to you have to measure by

authenticity is it him

that’s breakthrough now if you if you


give attention to what he’s doing

without stumbling over what he’s not


the appearance of the however many

people are in the room that aren’t being


you know i can stumble all day long over

that or

as a as one who is wanting to fuel the

work of god in the earth i’m going to

pour my time into that one

yeah i’m going to give honor to what

he’s doing in that so this is a big deal

especially for

um for pastors not positional but the

people that really have a heart of the


because they’re so torn between um the

ones that

you know are not embracing it or

whatever they’re torn but

so so your advice really um applies to


yeah um how on how to ask this maybe

maybe you’ve already answered if you

have then we can move on when you’re

when you’re

we were to address a group of pastors

not just people who have a position but

they have the heart of a pastor

and they still how do they um

balance that tension i guess between the

ones over here

you know you got the ones that are ready

to run they got the fire on their eyes

and then you have the ones over here

that they’re not they’re ready to leave

the room

you just you just kind of not ignore


you didn’t put on them yeah i mean i

didn’t ignore

any of those i i would love them

i would serve them if you know just

practically before church service starts

i’m out with the people i’m shaking

hands i’m talking to people i’m talking

i’m treating everyone as though they

love the move of god

yeah i talked to everyone in the center

and it’s amazing what happened

even though i know this person’s

struggling that person’s struggling i’m

not going to come to them defensive i’m

not going to come to them trying to

convince them of something i’m just

going to i’m just going to try to be as

normal as i know it’ll be and that’s to

celebrate what god’s doing

so that’s what i do and i spend time

with the folks

before the service after the service

interact serve pray together

you know somebody comes up says i’ve

really been struggling with what’s

happening helps

i understand i’ve had my struggles too

and i try to serve them

as best i can it’s never pointing the

fingers saying you don’t love god or you

don’t love the move of god

that doesn’t accomplish anything you

know i do have a responsibility

to monitor and to be involved in what

he’s doing

and it’s it’s a personal i don’t know

that everyone has the same

responsibility but i know that i do i

know that i have a responsibility

to to link myself to a movement

that god is doing in the earth and and

and to and to make sure

you know that i do the best i can to

communicate with the people what i sense

god is saying and do it

so that’s where i give my life that’s

where i give my time

um but i it’ll never be at the expense


of loving a person i had people come in

my office

you know they say we just we can’t be

here we can’t be a part of this

so i would hug them and love them and

bless them and encourage them

if i see them downtown i don’t you know

don’t tell them you should be back here

i i don’t that’s not necessary i bless

them where they are

i’ve had we’ve had people say we know

this is a move of god we just can’t be

involved in it

you know people that were friends that

prayed us here

here for years it’s crazy we know this

is god we just can’t do it

and uh so you just you love people

you know you just love people they don’t

have to they don’t have to attend bethel

for me to celebrate who they are

and quite frankly a number of the folks

that left since we’re talking about that

they went to churches in town i know the

pastors and the pastors are equally

hungry for a great move of god

and they’ll go at a different pace and


that’s probably what’s good for them for

the people

and that’s that’s only right i celebrate

that yeah

you know i know these guys i spend time

with them and they’re hungry for god

and um you know when we are together we

just celebrate the goodness of the lord

what he’s doing

yeah and uh and some of the people that

were here are now there

that’s not our loss that’s uh when the

lord’s about to do something new he

usually rearranges his army

so you just get used to it’s good good
