In this full sermon from Bethel Church, Pastor Bill Johnson exhorts believers to return to their roots in Christ as our only option. ln this season, Jesus is giving the church an opportunity to face the obstacles of opposition in the power of the Gospel. Every adversity is a tool used by God to make us a righteous influence on the earth.

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well hello hello

bethel family my goodness it has

just been so long so

long looking at empty chairs and empty

parking lot and all that we just we miss

miss you so much i got exposed to covet

a couple weeks ago so yesterday it was

my first day

to be off quarantine i i self


and it’s never punishment for me to have

to stay home with my wife

it was actually quite glorious but but

anyway i

i was free to leave my property

yesterday i have a confession to make

i went down to the grocery store and i


every carton of haagen-dazs pistachio

ice cream that they

had which happened to be six i bought

all six of them

and i brought them home because that is

the will of god for my life now don’t

send manny please

i i have i haven’t but i’m just


yesterday was a day of victory and

triumph as i drove from the grocery

store to my house

opened one i ate the entire they’re


very small i had the whole thing


and i’m feeling quite happy quite happy

um thanks for uh for joining us bethel

family and

and uh you know we are amazed constantly

as a team we

meet and review what’s happening and

we’re just trying our best you know to

be honest we’re just trying our best in

the most awkward time

to lead well and uh and watching how you

guys have uh

been so incredibly generous and faithful

and support and

just the stuff you do meeting in homes

so many of your meeting in homes even

right now and

we just want to bless you just thank you

your faithfulness has just been

outrageous our

worship team just did such a amazing job


i wish so much we could all crowd into

the room together

days coming soon but but not yet but it

is uh

such a joy to to stand here and just to

worship jesus

when in doubt worship it’s never a bad

idea i mean it’s just

always a good idea just to turn my

affection towards the lord and declare

his greatness his

sovereign rule overall the song i’ve

been singing probably the most

in the last eight months has been

he reigns above it all he reigns above

it all my goodness i just sing that over

and over and over again

and it’s not like it’s not like it’s a

premeditated thing it’s not like

let me find a good song for the season


volcanically erupts and then i recognize

god is on this song

and so i’ve been singing that thing over

and over again and

i encourage you to do the same grab your

moment where

in uh i mean you’d have to be i don’t


brain dead or spent the last eight

months on another planet to

not realize that we are we’re in the

most unique interesting times

of our lifetime for sure uh there have

been uh as we look at history

there have been crazy times throughout

history where the church

faced incredible difficulties challenges

where mankind faced

horrible horrible circumstances and so

we’re not the first generation i don’t

want to

throw a pity party we actually have it

quite good by comparison

to other times and seasons but we do

have our

our hands full so to speak as we

face the dilemmas that are before us and

here’s what i want to talk to you about


the lord allows a challenge to come our


the challenge is to reveal

need and invite us into breakthrough

whenever the lord brings a challenge

maybe it’s a financial thing could be a

health issue like this pandemic

it could be any number of things the

lord is exposing

a need in me if i if i turn to fear he’s

not shaming me

if i turn to insecurity or panic or

whatever my he’s not shaming him he’s

just bringing to the surface

where i have built wrong security

insecurity is wrong security exposed

and he brings it to the surface not to

shame me

but to bring it out in the open so i can

deal with it

and move into divine solution move into


answer so we have we have some

situations around us right now as a

nation really the nations of the world


uh been uh talking and texting and

and what all with people from all over

the world in just recent days and

and the challenges of our of our friends

all of the world is really high but i i

want to come to you

um encouraged today encouraged because

there’s not one problem

that exists on the planet that jesus

doesn’t have an answer for right now in

his mind

he’s already got it if thought through

well prepared the answers the solution

is available i remind you

that jesus said repent for the kingdom

of heaven is at hand

the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of god

is the

absolute fulfillment of every

single cry of the human heart every

longing that we would have in life is

fully satisfied

it’s temporarily satisfied by situations

in this life but is in complete


in this realm called the kingdom of god

so when jesus says repent for the

kingdom of heaven is at hand

he is announcing he is challenging a

generation of people

change your perspective on reality

otherwise you will always live

under the influence of the inferior i

have brought my

world with me the dominion of the

almighty god that brings things

into order that manifest the abundance


life the peace of god the the uh

salvation of the lord

spirit soul and body this that he brings

to us

is available as we turn from the


embrace this thing called the kingdom of


today i want to i’m kind of

i’m kind of here as a messenger to

remind i want to remind you

of things we’ve studied things we’ve

prayed things we’ve done

in years past and so i’m going to ask

you to open your bibles to the book of


the book of book of acts and we’re going

to go to chapter

four and i’m going to read to you

uh today portions of a story

that has um dramatically affected my

life through the years i’ll

i’ll never forget the first time i saw

and recognized

this particular passage and and realized

what the lord was calling us to

so in chapter 3

we have peter and john come up to a gate

there’s a lame man there

peter makes this statement he says

silver and gold have i known the lame

man was

begging for alms he says i don’t have

any money but i’m going to give you what

i have

and then he said in the name of jesus

christ of nazareth

rise up and walk man i love that story

so much i love it because peter says

i don’t have this but i do have this

i’ve got a name i’ve got a name to which

every power must bow

i’ve got a name it’s been entrusted to


every power must bend its knee

in the confession that jesus is lord

i’ve got this name and so he declares it

over this guy

many of you familiar with the story read

it on your own acts chapter 3 he’s


leaping praising god he just received an

absolute transformation in his own

personal life

when we come to chapter 4

we have in verse 13

we have peter and john are now brought


the religious leaders and

they are um they are chastised they are

rebuked they are punished they are

imprisoned because of this name

jesus that they preach it actually says

in verse 12 there’s no other name under

heaven by which

someone must be saved we must be saved

and there is no other way

it’s critical that we hold that

intention because we’re not working with


options we’re working with one king

one lord the eternal son of god jesus

the christ

but in verse 13 i just love the verse it

says when they saw the boldness

of peter and john and perceived they

were uneducated

in untrained men they marveled

and they realized they had been with


spending time with jesus

more than compensates for any weakness

or deficiency you have

having been with jesus

you know there’s got to be stuff going

on in our life

where people can look at what you’re


and look at your response and say

they don’t have the training for that

they must have been with jesus there’s

something about walking

with the person that more than

compensates for

every deficiency and weakness

and we’re invited into that right now

we’re invited

into that because jesus

in this season is giving the church an


to face the obstacle of opposition

face the obstacles of pandemics of

issues health issues etc face them

in the power of the gospel i’m gonna i’m


exhort you today that we must return

to our roots in any way we have

uh abandoned or laid aside

as not being a priority so just follow

with me here

says they recognized that they had been

with jesus all right

so in verse 18 it says they called them

these the leaders they called them and

they commanded them

not to speak at all nor teach in the

name of jesus yeah that’s hilarious

they commanded they didn’t suggest they

commanded these people of authority


you are to no longer speak in this name

now this is interesting

because jesus the food multiplier

didn’t defend anybody but when you start


power and you start making the

pronouncement that

you must forsake all to follow me then

suddenly that name

is offensive especially to people who

think there’s multiple ways

to god and they rebuke and they tell

them to

not preach in the name verse 19 peter

and john

answered and said to them whether is it

it is right in the sight of god to

listen to you

more than to god you judge oh goodness i

just think that’s funny i want to see

the video clip of their faces

whether it is right in the sight of god

to listen to you

more than to god you judge and then

here’s this verse

we cannot but speak the things we have

seen as


look at this verse again uh some

translation i forget one says we cannot

help but speak

that which we have seen

and heard

can you help it

if you can you don’t see it

is it an option can you turn it on

can you turn it off then maybe

we need another glimpse something’s

got to happen the greatest reality in

the universe

is the presence of the resurrected


that reality and to fill my heart and


with all the inferior things and not


the power of his resurrection gives me

an option

i can turn the message on and i can turn

the message off

it becomes optional if it’s optional

maybe i don’t see it it’s not a shame


it’s an imitation he says we cannot help

but speak what we’ve seen and heard we

are living

without options

my invitation to you today is it’s time

to sign up again for the lifestyle

that has no options no options

we were designed by the lord for this


we’re designed for this we’ve been

prepared throughout our entire

lifetime i don’t care if you have a

lifetime of shipwrecks

of failing god doesn’t matter what it is


up to this point is a tool used by god

to make

you and me a righteous influence

in the earth it must be said

by the people of god we cannot help but


we cannot help it we cannot help but

speak of the things we’ve seen

and heard it is no longer an option

we are so immersed in what god has said

and what he has done that is no longer

an option i pray that god removes the

options for us

in this word today all right we’re just

warming up

getting ready for the part that i love

so much that i want to read

so they were released and verse 23

they were let go they went to to their

friends they reported all that the chief

priests the elders had said to them

and when they heard that verse 24 they

raised their voice to god with one


that phrase is repeated often in

the book of acts especially their voices

raised up in one accord in other words

they were in absolute unity saying the

same things

praying the same things declaring

confessing the same things

it’s vital not that we say the same


it’s vital that we hear what he’s saying

and by hearing that

we all say the same things in other

words it’s not a humanistic

unity we’re looking for it is the mind

of christ

declared on the lips of the people of

god they came

into that place of unity they raised

their voice with

one accord and they said lord you are

god who made heaven and the earth

and the sea all that is in it and then

he goes on to

to quote this scripture about the

nations being enraged sounds very


now i want you to come down to peter’s


peter prays this prayer now this has

been this is where i’ve been aiming

for this morning peter prays this prayer

that is uh one of the most courageous

prayers prayed in the bible

and i’m going to repeat a story that

i’ve told you

many times through the years but let me

read these verses first

verse 29 now lord

look on their threats and grant to your

bond servant your servants

that with all boldness they may speak

your word

by stretching out your hand to heal

and signs and wonders be done through

the name of your holy servant jesus

look at it again lord take note of the


new american standard says and grant

that your bond servants could speak your

word with all boldness

while you extend your hand to heal

signs and wonders be done through the

name of your holy servant jesus

i love this story a lot why

earlier in verse 13

they recognized the incredible boldness

that was on peter and john and yet

when they were opposed and they were

threatened and they were told

to shut down what they were doing they

prayed for

greater boldness they didn’t pray for

fancier words they didn’t pray for any

of the stuff that

we might have done sometimes we become


of certain movements or groups of people

and we compromise our testimony

to become more appealing and what is

actually needed

is a greater boldness that the breath of

god would breathe on

and release his hand to do the

impossible because he’s responding

to a courageous people if ever we’ve

needed to be courageous as a people

not offensive not obnoxious none of that

junk that’s all counterfeits though

absolute boldness for who jesus is and

for who

he what he has said what he has taught

what he has promised us

so here’s this story at a time where

they could have prayed

god give us favor and the political

world give us favor with religious

leaders instead they said god

turn up the heat our boldness got us

into trouble

we were imprisoned we were threatened

because of our boldness

because of the miracle so give us more

of what caused us that problem

it’s a very rare way to pray

we generally try to appease

those who um i believe we’re supposed to

be wise

i believe we’re supposed to speak the

mind of the lord i believe we’re

supposed to love and to serve

no brainer that’s who we are but there

are times where we compromise

our own faith in order to take a

safe route that does not cause conflict

here it is god give us all boldness

you gave us some we’ve seen your name

glorified as a result of the boldness

but we’re asking right now

that boldness that caused us such

conflict increase it

increase it years ago i was told a story

about a test pilot in the uk

has taken a new plane up i don’t

remember all the details the

circumstances but

he was taking a new plane up to uh to

see how it handled and all that and

it didn’t have a lot of the the

shrouding and stuff inside the

cockpit and uh when he got up to a

certain elevation as he’s flying he

happened to notice

that there was actually a rat on the


chewing on a fuel line

and as the story goes this pilot

feared he did not have time to land the


and so he took it higher

he took it higher because he had oxygen

the rat did not

he took it up to an elevation where the

rat could not


often oftentimes the church notices a

rat on board

and in panic tries to land the plane

sparing the rat when in reality

we need this prayer

god we got in trouble because of


this time give us all boldness

increase increase

that which we need so desperately right


we don’t need a compromised version of

the gospel of power

we don’t need one that fits well into

everybody’s opinions

what we need is the gospel of jesus


to be on full display that’s what we

need right now

so do what you need to do in us

so that we take the moment that you’ve

given us we embrace it fully

and realize this problem is an

invitation from god

it’s an invitation by god to become

who we’re supposed to be declaring what

we’re supposed to declare

practicing what we’re supposed to


here it is

they prayed that prayer verse 31

the place where they were assembled

together was shaken

and they were all filled with the holy

spirit and they spoke the word of god

with boldness

now the multitude verse 32

of those who believed were of one heart

and one soul neither did anyone say that

any of the things he possessed was his


they had all things in common and with


power the apostles gave witness

to the resurrection of the lord jesus

and great grace

was upon them all here’s the deal

acts chapter 1 says you will receive

power that you may be witnesses

let’s clarify something here you don’t


power to tell somebody

you’re born again it helps but you don’t

need it

you don’t need power to

give a sandwich to a hungry person

all those things are expected those are

things we must do

but power isn’t needed for those

actions but power is needed

if you’re called upon to demonstrate the

reality of the resurrection of jesus


power the lame man walks he leaps

he praise god what happened the

resurrection of jesus

was just put on display

through our own cowardice at times

through our own weakness of faith

through all kinds of things

we allow a world to live around us

that is grasping at straws looking for


looking for solutions when the entire


they’ve never seen the blatant evidence

that jesus is raised from the dead

we have nothing without the resurrection

nothing so this story that begins in

acts chapter 1

power is needed to be witnesses

by the time you get to verse 22 they are

looking for a replacement for judas who

betrayed the lord

and it says beginning from the baptism

of john to the day when he was taken up

from us

one must become a witness of his


this whole thing of being a witness of

the lord jesus christ

certainly includes sharing our story we

see paul doing that he would

return to his own story on the damascus

road and

his conversion experience it’s a

beautiful thing for us to share

but we must understand we have been

called upon

to illustrate prove demonstrate jesus

is raised from the dead

when the lord i had a situation a number

of years ago i was in

dallas texas i was doing a conference

there with a dear friend

and um i i just remember two

nights i don’t remember how long i was

there but i remember two nights

i was speaking at this particular

conference and

after the time in the word we’d have

time where we’re praying for the sick


ministering to people and oftentimes

we’ll get down front and we have a line

of people and we just

work and pray with people somehow i got


off to the side and in two nights i

spent hours hours

praying over five people hours

they all had ms

and every one of them left in the same


that they came in with

oh man that’s painful because you feel

these people are coming to you in this

case to me for prayer

wanting to meet jesus because see

this resurrected one never turned anyone


this resurrected one accomplished

everything necessary

for a person to be healed and those

people came whatever distance they came

they heard i was going to be there one

of those speakers

they lined up and i spent hours praying

in two nights for five not one was


that’s the reality and

when i pray i come to the lord i say god

they came to me wanting to meet you and

all they met was me

and neither of us are impressed you’ve

got to do

whatever you need to do

in me

so that the person that exhibits

any measure of faith

could come and could see the miracle

touch of jesus

i people will often

make comments about somebody not being


often people will say

you believe that if they’re not healed

it’s because of their faith

their weakness of faith and actually i

don’t i don’t believe that at all

the bible says it’s the prayer of faith

he heals the sick and if i’m the one

doing the prayer

the praying that i’m supposed to be the

one with the faith

it’s not a time for shame it’s not a

time for introspection

it’s a time to seek god it’s time for

someone to be able to look at me

and realize he’s deficient in every area

but i can tell he’s been with jesus

because he doesn’t lack where he needs

to have presence where he needs to have


where there needs to be the

demonstration of the resurrection of


he does not lack i’ll bet he has spent

time with jesus

see jesus would address weakness of

faith we know that he did that

he would to a man with a tormented son


he told him if you can believe all

things are possible for those who


and the dad is just desperate he says i

believe but

i also unbelieve too i’m kind of

believed to help me in my unbelief and

it’s a it’s a verse that many of us have

quoted in our moments of despair because


can identify with it so so incredibly


i believe but help me in my unbelief

every time jesus addressed small faith

no faith weak faith every time

he still provided the miracle every time


one time did he point to weakness of

faith and withhold the miracle never

instead what he did is he exposed the


of their confidence in god and he gave

them a miracle

to give them access to the greater faith

he was talking to them about

at one point jesus said you won’t

believe unless you see many people have

read that

and have thought in fact i i grew up

years reading that thinking

he was criticizing them he was exposing

that they had to see to believe

what did he do in that moment he

provided a miracle

why because he knew if they could see it

they could believe

not displaying the resurrection of jesus

through miracles through signs through


is to withhold from people the


to believe the opportunity

i remember one sunday morning

quite a few years ago i was walking

through this before quite a bit before

the service was to start

and i remember right back over here

close to the

back row there was three or four rows in

the back there was a

a family was there and there was a man


who um you could tell he was

homeless by his clothing his smell

everything about him just let you know

and this family had

found him and brought him to church and

so people were starting to come in and i

went back just to

just to introduce myself to him and

after i got there i was talking with him

and uh just you know just welcoming him

and just telling him how happy we were

that he was there

i noticed he had a cast a brace on his


and i said i said hey what happened

and he said i fell off a bridge he says


shattered my my arm and it was in a lot

of pain it had been done i didn’t ask

him when but

you could tell that it had been very

very recent

and he was in just tremendous plane he

pain he just

kind of babied that thing as he as he

held that there and

so i just began to ask him questions he

said yeah i felt

fell 18 feet off a bridge i shattered my

my arm my wrist

and i said um would you mind if i prayed

for that

and he looked at me like you know that’s

a novel thing he didn’t come

thinking expecting that and he looked

down at the family that brought him and

they gave him kind of a thumbs up you

know so we just prayed a very very

simple prayer

when i was through when i was through

he begins to move his arm and i wish i

had a video of his

countenance because everything

that was wrong was now right all the

pain that was there

is now gone all the movement that he

could not have without excruciating pain

really compromising this injury he could


everything he was so astonished he

looked at the people

that brought him they are so thrilled

i’m besides myself in joy

it’s you know it’s one of the great

stories where where god

showed up and did something when that

happens he gets all the glory

when it doesn’t happen he doesn’t get

the blame

he doesn’t get the blame and neither

does the person that i pray for

but in this case they were healed i went

on and celebrated with him and went on

met other people and finally the service

started at the end of the message

i wanted people to surrender to jesus

and so as we do we like to always give


for people to commit their lives to


who do you think was the first person

that day

to surrender their life to jesus of


it was course the scripture says it’s

his kindness

that leads to repentance to not be

filled with the spirit of god

to not be able to display the

resurrection power of jesus

and confront those things that are

impossible is to withhold from people

a taste of the kindness of god

a taste a taste of the goodness a taste

that actually gives them the courage

to forsake this inferior life and to

follow after this one

the only one who is worthy to direct

and to lead my life the resurrected


here it is here it is

it’s the witness he’s alive it’s done

in many ways but never

is it to be without the miracle

we live with a attention attention

of we’ve had so many uh

cases of of covet 19

in our city in our own church we’ve been

cr praying like crazy

we’re just really looking for

greater and greater breakthrough we have

many many stories and testimonies

gobs and gobs of wonderful stories of

great miracles

but but what people seem to remember in

this season right now

is oftentimes what didn’t happen and i

want to

look to your bethel family all of our

guests that are watching we’re just

we’re thrilled you’d take the time just

to just to watch this

message with us but bethel family i want

to talk to you face to face for a moment

this is a moment where we do not become

cowardly we do not become apologetic

we do not create biblical excuses

for the absence of what jesus


this is where it’s time to spend time

with jesus

it’s time to do something in some way in

seeking his face

crying out to him with his own word this

is what he declared

he declared that these signs would

follow those who believe

he declared greater works than these

would he do

he declared by his stripes he made a


in full for the miracle that we need why

does it happen

by the grace of god why doesn’t it

happen i’m clueless

and that’s when i get back before the

lord i don’t create a religious excuse

i don’t create a religious excuse i

don’t deflect

the blame the accusation the pointing of

the finger

exactly they say you believe in miracles

why do you wear glasses

i said because i can see better with


i better not go there because there’s

more but we’ll just leave that

leave that where it is we

are a people that have the privileged


to come before the lord and to say


touch me again this time let me see

so clearly that i can say i can’t help

but talk about what i’ve seen and what

i’ve heard

it’s not just the message i have seen

the message in action and i can’t be


i cannot be silent this is not the time

for silence it’s not the time for


it’s not the time for self-promotion all

the other junk that is the

counterfeit of real boldness but it is

the time

for bethel this is your call this is my


this is who we are i’m not saying no one

else is i’m just saying

listen this is it we all signed up for

this this is the moment

we get before the lord i i the other day

i took five different prayer walks you

know on

or we have a little piece of land and

just walking and praying

constantly walking praying getting up in

the morning getting my communion

supplies going outside and standing

before the lord

father you said by

the stripes of jesus we were healed and

here is this

bread this broken body that testifies of


absolute surrender of jesus for our


i hold this before you jesus became

broken that we could be whole he became


that we could be full he was rejected

so we could be accepted he was despised

so we could be celebrated

he bore afflictions so that we could be

healed father i hold

this testimony this witness of the

resurrected christ before you and i say

father god

heal our city heal our city

do what is impossible for mankind

impossible for any movement

only you father can display your

your heart in this way we pray bring


bring it economically bring it

bring it relationally in families that

have had

such conflict come to the surface

through the season marriages that are


really shattered because of this season

the fear the anxiety the businesses that

have been wiped out and destroyed god we

look to you you are the one that

suffered in our

place so that we could stand in your

place of triumph and victory

god i’m asking that you do that and day

after day that’s what i do and i

encourage you

come before the lord and pray pray for

our church family

those who can’t we can’t get together

yet soon i pray

soon i pray but we just stand before the

lord god bring

healing all throughout this church body

all throughout this church body and it’s

not just about bethel it’s not bethel

reputation it’s not

it’s not a bethel doctrine it’s the


it’s the bible the bible says by his

stripes we’re healed

the bible says go into all the world

preach the gospel teach them what i

taught you

which in part was the demonstration of

miracles this is the mandate on our life

there are no excuses and there are no


art alternatives this is who we are


stand up and take hold of this thing

even if you have to do so with fear and


just be honest be like the guy in in

mark 9 that just says

i believe but help me in my own belief

i’m struggling

that’s fine it’s just come to him that’s

all you’re gonna do

i love the fact no matter what shape i’m

in i could be a mess i can be angry i

can be bitter i can be

distant aloof doesn’t matter as long as

i come to him

i have the opportunity to not leave the

same not leave the same

to lay it all down before him and have

him make that great exchange

and i want to encourage you bethel

family we need to pray

father god heal our city heal our city i

know you’ve prayed it i know you have

but i’m going to ask you today

to do it with boldness


proclaim declare

this that has been set up to bring

destruction of families in our city

we say no to you know to you

in the name of the lord jesus

we pray right now the resurrected

presence and power of jesus

would be seen realized discovered

by every single family in our region

every household my goodness it says of


every person in all of asia every


had heard the gospel in the book of acts

after this great revival

in acts 19 every single household had

heard the gospel

i want that right now in my in my part

of the world

where i live where you live we want

every single person

to taste of the kindness the goodness

the wonder

the beauty of king jesus

he said taste and see

that the lord is good taste

is experience see is perception

i want people to experience this


so that they have a new way to see what

our father is

it may be that you’ve watched this


talk time and you don’t have a personal

relationship with jesus

you you would be one to say i’m i’m one

of those that

i don’t have i don’t know what it is to

be forgiven of sin i don’t know what it

is to have

a new nature i don’t know what it is to

be a part of the family of god

i’m not talking about church membership

any of that stuff i’m talking about a

personal relationship with jesus christ


is what’s at stake and you were born for

such a time as this

but there’s no amount of human strength

or talent that can get done

what needs to be done today it’s the

yielded surrendered life it’s the person

like you watching right now that just

says jesus i give you my entire life

every mess i’ve ever created

everything i’ve ever been successful in

i give it all to you

and i ask you please forgive me forgive

me of

all my sin fill me with your holy spirit

help me to be able to illustrate and

demonstrate your kindness to the world

around me

i pray this in jesus name if you’ve done


i would encourage you uh you’re watching

on youtube or bethel tv just let these

pastors online let them know

and they’ll talk with you personally and

pray with you there are some of you that


watching that just need a miracle in

your body we just declared that healing


this pandemic is inferior to the name


it is inferior to the name jesus

i declare the name jesus through your

household where there’s been

a horrible infection or somebody that

has i don’t know if it’s a

growth or an abnormality in this part

of the abdominal area uh the lord is

healing you

is somebody who have you have great pain

in your hands and the verse that comes

to mind

uh today is uh is to bring before the

lord clean hands and a pure heart

and when i was thinking about that clean

hands i felt like he spoke to me on

isaiah 58 and he says stop pointing the


your hands will be clean when you no

longer accuse

when you no longer point at this person

criticize that one

i declared that healing word for you

today in the name of the lord jesus

the god is restoring households there

are marriages there’s somebody who has

a 14 year old daughter who has you’ve

been estranged with her there’s been

some major conflict she’s a

a blonde haired little girl that just a

beautiful young lady but there’s been

great great conflict it’s like it’s like

the spirit of deception has got

into that relationship and there’s been

a torment involved and we just break

that assignment today

in the name of the lord jesus i want you

to know something

we could i could stand here announcing

things that god is doing for hours

and never touch everything i want you to


that we serve a wonderful wonderful


who has you in mind he loves you beyond


and he cares you come to him with your

condition your need

and say i give it to you please heal my


restore my finances in fact i pray for

resurrection power

in businesses in the next six months

that we would see

in our region of the world and all those


a resurrection power of businesses

in jesus name i bless you i wish i could

see you and hug you but

at least i get a chance to talk to you i

just want you to know i love you so much


i’m so thankful so thankful that we get

to be

carriers of this gospel of the kingdom

bless you